Oh, c'mon, Dave, there's been some funny cartoons in MR:1). The one where the guy has about $20,000 worth of computer stuff (engineer vid camera, CTC board, multiple monitors, etc.) hooked up to his 4' x 4' loop of track on a flat table with one loco and no scenery, and the says to a guest, "Well, I'm more into the electronics part of the hobby." I know people like this.2). One visitor is looking at a layout, smiles and says, "Wow! How'd you make a scale forest fire?" The layout owner is running up behind him with a full water bucket and a terrified look on his face.3). The cartoon that has the new super duper DCC controller that's about 5 feet tall and about 200 buttons on it.
It took me a second look to get it as well. The red, white, and blue cars are laid out in the pattern of the American flag. the colors are pretty pale, so it doesn't jump right out at you. I wondered if colorblind people would have trouble seeing that at all.
One of my favorite cartoons of late (no idea which issue) has two guys talking to a forklift operator at a lumber store. The forklift operator says something like, "A model train layout? So you're going to need a 4x8 sheet of plywood, right?", then one of the guys says "More like thirty." I liked it so much I cut it out and hung it on the wall next to my layout!
Dan Stokes
My other car is a tunnel motor
I thought the "red, white and blue" was pretty obvious. But, I have been told that I have a strange perception of the world around me. Is that a good thing?
Hello All,
oldline1...and continued with the April Fools joke. I think everyone really looks forward to searching for that one judging from the feedback this year.
Yeah, I wore out the April 2020 issue from cover to cover looking for the April Fools "joke".
I hope they bring it back.
Hope this helps.
"Uhh...I didn’t know it was 'impossible' I just made it work...sorry"
maxmanBut I could be wrong.
OK.....now I get it....DUH! I'd rather they skipped the monthly jokes and continued with the April Fools joke. I think everyone really looks forward to searching for that one judging from the feedback this year.
This month's cartoon is more of a tribute than "humor".
It took me a while to realize that the cars are arranged like the stars and stripes in honor of the 4th of July.
1) It is the July issue
2) the guy is wearing a "USA" hat
3) all the cars in the yard are red, or white, or blue.
Dave Nelson
PS it is a long time since I have actually laughed, or chuckled, or even grinned at an MR cartoon. One of my favorites from years ago, maybe 30 or more years ago.
A guy is with his friend and on the wall is flex track nailed to say "I'm going home to Mother"
The guy says to his friend "She never told me she could lay track!"
My guess would be that the guy has so many cars in his yard that he can't move a train. Or alternately that he is looking for a particular car number in a yard with so many cars that he won't be able to find it.
But I could be wrong.
OK, I'm often pretty dense but someone will have to explain the cartoon in this issue to me. I just don't see the joke!