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Layout Wiring Question...

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 18, 2002 12:09 PM
Kevin, do you plan on only having one engine on your layout at a time in the yard area? If that is all you will have then you can power your yard all at the same time, but what is planned for the future?? Also that is a lot of track to run off of one feeder wire, you may loose a little power at the far end on an outside track, especially if a switch partway through your ladder is not making a very good contact. My sugesstion would be to isolate the other tracks, in the event you have one train sitting in the yard, or a yard engine, and you want to run another through it or into the yard. This can be done in two ways, one way is to block wire each of the four tracks with on off switches, the other way is is to use a rotary switch- you rotate the switch to whichever track you require powered. With either of the above ways it is also much easier to locate a short or power loss if one develops. I do not have DCC as yet but in speaking with others who have it there is one track that is required for a "program track" and one of your yard tracks could be used for this. Just a something to ponder. Ron..
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Posted by MAbruce on Saturday, May 18, 2002 9:09 AM

Good luck with your construction! Feel free to post here if you have any questions. I may not be able to answer them, but there sure are a lot of other sharp and experinced people here.
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Posted by Anonymous on Friday, May 17, 2002 11:45 PM
Hi Bruce!

Thank you very much for your input. That answers my last question. Now on to the next step: Layout Construction! :-)

Happy Railroading!
Kevin Huyck
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Posted by MAbruce on Friday, May 17, 2002 11:44 AM
Hi Kevin,

I just completed wiring my N-scale layout, and I have a 6 track yard with only one feeder wire near the yard ladder. It works fine.

Someday I hope to convert to DCC operation, which will allow me to run multiple units in the same yard. I have noticed that having the yard on one block is limiting, but the wiring scenerio to add multiple blocks was just too much for what I would have gained.

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Layout Wiring Question...
Posted by Anonymous on Friday, May 17, 2002 12:24 AM

I'm almost ready to begin construction of my first layout. I've been reading MR and gathering information since the early '90s, and it seems that I only have one question left. Here is my situation, I'm planning a 9'x5' N-scale layout and have decided to attach feeder wires after every switch point that I have on the layout. I have included a small yard on my plans. The yard has only four tracks and is probably five feet long. Should I run feeders to each of the four yard tracks, or would I probably get by with a feeder near the ladder track? The plans only allow for running one train at a time, so I don't need to worry about multiple cabs in the yard at once.

Thanks for all the advice and happy railroading!
Kevin Huyck

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