When I try to access Train Control Systems, only the United KIngdom site seems to be accessible.
When I click on the US flag in the upper right corner, only the UK site keeps coming up.
Has anyone else had any problems?
I'm getting the same results. UK only. Edit: I'm wrong. See Ed's post below.
I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!
TheK4KidHas anyone else had any problems?
Seems to work OK for me. One of their graphics that scrolls by does have a promo for the UK site but my URL shows tcsdcc.com
TCS_DCC by Edmund, on Flickr
Good Luck, Ed
gmpullmanSeems to work OK for me. One of their graphics that scrolls by does have a promo for the UK site but my URL shows tcsdcc.com
Ed is right. The website is working fine. What I think is confusing is that the website opens with an ad for their UK site. If you don't realize that you are looking at an advertisment it is easy to conclude that you are looking at the actual British website. They need to reword the ad.
Works OK for me.
Alton Junction
At 7:14 this morning, I got a page of text, with "The website encountered an unexpected error"
I guess I shoulda' got up earlier.
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