Welcome to Weekend Photo Fun
December20 - 22, 2019
All Are Welcome!
Here is an opportunity to showcase any recent project or layout progress.
Please feel free to post any model railroad related photos here — past or present. This is a place to share photos of your layout, equipment or current project.
This week I have another new addition to my "Fleet of Nonsense" I am building for the new layout.
This freight car was built from a Red Caboose kit and features Kadee wheels and couplers. It was painted with Scalecoat paint and lettered with custom decals by Donald Manlick. A-Line stirrup steps replaced the plastic pieces from the original kit.
I did not like these PANTHER CREEK VALLEY RAILWAY decals when I inspected the decal sheet, but I love them on the finished car.
The "AY" in railway looks like it is off by a little bit. I did not notice this when I lettered and finished the car.
Please share your pictures of projects old and new, or just a great photo of your layout. In complete projects are welcome as well.
Weekend Photo Fun is usually one of the best threads on this site.
Living the dream.
No worries about the "AY". Just assume the paint job was being finished at 4p on Friday and the shop crew was thinking too much about happy hour. Or maybe they started an hour early on their own when the foreman wasn't looking.
- Douglas
DoughlessOr maybe they started an hour early on their own when the foreman wasn't looking.
That sounds like what happened!
It stands out in the portrait photograph, but in a train while under normal operation it probably will never be noticed.
I am trying hard to become half as good at this as Rick is.
It looks like I accidently posted a second thread for Weekend Photo Fun, but it was deleted without being added to this one, so here goes with another one.
Good morning from mostly sunny and cold Northeast Ohio!
Managed to get a couple of projects done this week!
Tangent G43 Gondola Kit, that was built with the addition of a coil trough for hauling steel coils. Kit was built then painted with Scalecoat II PRR Freight Car Red, then lettered with Dan Kohlbergs IC decals for this car. I am showing both sides of the car as the sublettering is different on each side. Coils were supplied by Tangent for filling the car.
Branchline 1944 AAR 40' Boxcar Kit, using the 4/4 Dreadnaught Ends and Diagonal Panel Roof. Car was painted with Scalecoat II Boxcar Red and lettered with Mask Island Decals. Original car built in 1948 and this is a 1962 repaint in the then current ATSF Paint Scheme, car was in general service.
A pair of Atlas Alco RS-32 Diesels that were detailed with lift rings, blat horns and grabs as the NYC did these units, hauling a mixed freight on the Strongsville Model Railroad Club layout.
Thanks for looking!
Rick Jesionowski
Rule 1: This is my railroad.
Rule 2: I make the rules.
Rule 3: Illuminating discussion of prototype history, equipment and operating practices is always welcome, but in the event of visitor-perceived anacronisms, detail descrepancies or operating errors, consult RULE 1!
Kevin .... Your boxcar looks great. AY? ... What AY? ... LOL
Rick ... The PRR coil gon and the Santa Fe boxcar are outstanding. I like the NYC RS-32's.
Union Station is very busy during the Christmas holidays. Lots of mail and express. Many passengers. Long trains.
DoughlessNo worries about the "AY". Just assume the paint job was being finished at 4p on Friday and the shop crew was thinking too much about happy hour.
These things have been known to happen
PC-220125_X61E 1970 by Edmund, on Flickr
The paint crew didn't take the time to lay the car on its side in a foam cradle — AND they used too much Solvaset!
Great Stuff everybody, thanks for the WPF startup Kevin (and Rick)
Cheers, Ed
There is a prototype for everything they say.
My fall has been mostly devoted to work, family stuff and hockey (the boy's). In the train room, I managed to put some time on a bridge for the HOn3 track, and a sawmill operation that is fed by HOn30 equipment. As you can see, my pike includes a few "what if" items...
DSC_0135 by on Flickr" alt="" />
DSC_0141 on Flickr" alt="" />
Well I have something new this week.
Please enjoy the layout tour.
(My Model Railroad, My Rules)
These are the opinions of an under 35 , from the east end of, and modeling, the same section of the Wheeling and Lake Erie railway. As well as a freelanced road (Austinville and Dynamite City railroad).
Lehigh Valley T-1 4-8-4 passes an idle R-1 2-10-2.
Both engine built on Spectrum bases.
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/60361449@N02/
Anthracite Modeler - YouTube
'My photo was downloaded to the desktop with care
in hopes that WPF soon would be there
while images of scale train cars rolled by in my head
I knew that model railroading would never be dead'
Thanks Kevin for getting the WPF started at this special and often hectic time of year. Bet your fun boxcar will tickle the fancy of many a Carolina football fan.
Thanks to all the contributors and viewers, have a good weekend and Merry Christmas, regards, Peter