I have a rather large warehouse (28 X 14) with a low pitch peaked roof made from styrene. I'm going to be installing some pre-fab corrugated aluminum roofing to it and can't decide what to use for an adhesive.
What's your go-to adhesive for installing these to styrene ?
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I just recently experimented with corrugated aluminum over styrene. I used Elmer's spray adhesive in a metal can, like spray paint. I coated a section of styrene with the spray, and also the aluminum. While it offers an extended working time, I find getting the 2 materials together rather quickly, but not instantly, creates the better bond.
As I write, I experimented with Krylon Spray Adhesive. it works well too. I found you want to give it a little time to tack up, don't adhere both materials instantly.
Expiriment a little, you'll get it.
Messy stuff! Mask areas where you don't want it, and work where overspray won't be a problem. Dan. ( yeah, the Corrigator guy)
The mess of spray adhesive (and its unpredictable tendency to splatter, which can create lumps in the finished result, as the spray can gets older) is why I now prefer double sided "transfer tape" from 3M - no thicker than regular Scotch tape, maybe thinner, and very sticky. So it isn't the thick foam double sided tape that some guys use to attach weights inside boxcars
It is what the laser cut kit folks use to make peal and stick parts. I have it in 1" and 3/4" widths.
For very large surfaces perhaps the transfer tape on BOTH surfaces would be even better but be aware - like laying a formica surface on wood you have one chance to lay it down right.
Dave Nelson
I use 3M 77. Yes, a little care is needed and maybe some foresight about the best assembley process, but it generally holds well and lasts.
Mike Lehman
Urbana, IL
I use the corrugated sheets from Campbell, and used gelled contact cement to affix it to styrene. The roof on this stock pen is .060" sheet styrene....
I used a 1" brush to first apply lacquer thinner to the styrene,as it prevents too much of the solvent from being drawn out of the contact cement and helps to make it easier to spread the contact cement. After allowing the contact cement to dry for the suggested time, I simply placed the sheets onto the styrene roof, carefully pressing down only at the upper edge of each sheet, so as to not flatten the corrugations. It leaves the sheets looking a little dishevelled, but they're affixed quite solidly, although not at all to the sheets which they overlap...
The visible sides and the roof of Creechan's Fine Fuels also got covered with the Campbell sheets, using gelled contact cement...
...but much of the supporting structure is simply framework, with no underlying sheet material...
...here's the underside of the roof...
Thanks for the comments guys. I'm a bit apprehensive with the spray as the walls are now finished and I wouldn't want to damage them. I like the double sided tape idea, but, like the contact cement, it's a one-shot / hope it's in the right place the first time approach.
There is also a few roof cupolas and peaked loading dock over-hangs I need to work with / around as well, which makes me want something that can be nudged a bit if necessary.
Another thing you might try is an clear adhesive chaulk. It comes in small squeeze tubes that can easily be resealed and used again. Using a toothpick or something small like that to apply it, that should give you the fudge factor that you are looking for.