Remember its your railroad
Track to the BRVRR Website:
Tom View my layout photos! One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
ChuckAllen, TX
QUOTE: Originally posted by Jetrock All I know is that it's certainly not going to fit very well on an 1880's Northern California layout...
QUOTE: Originally posted by Railroading_Brit I think Bachmann have offered a Santa Fe 4-8-4 - I suspect they offer the same chassis under the Niagara, the SP GS4 Daylight and GS4 "War Baby", so this may explain why your instructions are for a Niagara. It could also be that a previous owner got some instruction sheets muddled - I have a Bachmann F7 bought used that came with the instructions for a GP40...