Not to get way off topic about loads, I've bought a few things from here:
Not bad prices.
My You Tube
PRR8259 If only someone would just bid on my gorgeous brass steamer that is at a very reputable dealer, on Ebay right now, at $300 below what another Ebay dealer has just recently sold 3 or 4 of the exact same item at. Can't even get anyone to watch it...If it doesn't sell in this listing it's coming home...I can't give them away. John
If only someone would just bid on my gorgeous brass steamer that is at a very reputable dealer, on Ebay right now, at $300 below what another Ebay dealer has just recently sold 3 or 4 of the exact same item at. Can't even get anyone to watch it...If it doesn't sell in this listing it's coming home...I can't give them away.
Maybe PM Howard Zane. He seems to know his brass really well and my have some tips or suggestions.
Rio Grande. The Action Road - Focus 1977-1983
sebamat IMHO several of this seller's offering are very nice, I can understand if someone with money and no time/capacity to make it himself finds them worth 50 or even 100 $. But I agree that the bulkheads are not the best .
IMHO several of this seller's offering are very nice, I can understand if someone with money and no time/capacity to make it himself finds them worth 50 or even 100 $. But I agree that the bulkheads are not the best .
I know good RTR loads are hard to find. Thats why the Athearn lumber cars with the lumber load are marked at rediculous prices on Ebay. I'm kind of picky so most of those home-made loads weren't impressive to me unless I step back 5 feet away, but up close were pretty wonky or other issues. For me, cars and loads need to pass the, up-close, test too. Maybe the buyers are a bit near sighted.
I once bid as high as $40 on a particular RTR Athearn bulkhead with lumber load to win it because the MILW versions were fairly popular but it fit my time period and MILW were common on the D&RGW in the 70's and early 80's. Most Athearn RTR bulkheads with lumber load I've paid in the $22-30 range for in the past 3 years; in the past year it's hard to find them at decent prices but occasionally you can find one at a decent price.
The last time I won a decent price on the Athearn bulkhead flat + lumber load was earlier this year a pair of ATSF bulkhead flat cars and the seller was in England. Total with shipping was 42 British Pounds, which at the time was 58 USD (car plus load); thats abuot $29 each and shipped from over seas too. Not bad. One came with a plain load and the other was marked with the H's.
I'm really hoping Wheels of time offers an HO version of their nice N-scale lumber load; it's very similar to the Athearn load - a once piece RTR stacked/strapped lumber load - main difference is the ends are even rather than staggered. I found that the Athearn loads will fit the new WOT bulkheads with a little room to spare - I'm glad I've hunted down a bunch of them since the Athearn loads will never be made again according to Athearn - they lost the molds in the 2009 Chinese factory closing.
The dream of every seller: a captive customer basis!! And if for some reason two bidders fix themself on the same car prices explode... sebastian
And if for some reason two bidders fix themself on the same car prices explode...
The sellar is a common Ebay vendor, Dans, who sells items they acquire. They are certainly cleaning up on that Walthers with lumber load - although it ain't my cup of tea.
Thats the funny thing about Ebay, occasionally you see things that makes you think - go figure! It's just a modern form of what PT Barnum said many years back.
IMHO several of this seller's offering are very nice, I can understand if someone with money and no time/capacity to make it himself finds them worth 50 or even 100 $. But I agree that the bulkheads are not the best done from this shop.
And with the time it probably becomes like a collection, (or an addition): difficult to add 'non weathered' cars to a such weathered train... already mixing up different 'artists' could be tricky (different styles of weathering).
The dream of every seller: a captive customer basis!!
Out of my price range too. I'm not impressed with the way the kit was built and the lumber load well, while it has the strapping seems wonky. Whats the old saying, ones man's ...
They are all way out of my price range....
Ricky W.
HO scale Proto-freelancer.
My Railroad rules:
1: It's my railroad, my rules.
2: It's for having fun and enjoyment.
3: Any objections, consult above rules.
Just plain absurd! And there is two days left?
The seller of these bulkhead flats can get some insane prices for his listings. There may be an occasional "bargain" but those are few and far between. I watch quite a few of his offerings, but the 2 listings linked may be the highest I've vere seen.
I'm with you Brakie. Home made loads can be quick and easy. With black pin striping tape to represent steel bands, I can knock out loads for my gons and flat cars at an amazing rate.
Jim,Pipe loads,lumber loads,plate steel loads and I beam loads is easy to make and a easy "One Evening Project" away from the reruns and "reality" shows that floods today's TV.
I use Plastruct shapes for I Beams and flat sheet steel loads and black drinking straws for sewer pipe loads and black round coffee stirrers for smaller pipes. I make lumber loads by wraping a piece of balsa wood cut to fit and then wrap in either a white or black color plastic cut from a trash bag. I also use the Walthers centerbeam lumber load for my Walthers centerbeams.
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
Someone did a rather nice job on the loads and load bracing for both cars. Since the cars themselves are easy to assemble (although the Walthers bulkheads do tend to look a bit ragged as in the photo and the fit is not precise without a great deal of fiddling around) and in kit form are still pretty common swap meet fodder at reasonable prices, I guess we have to assume the price has been bid upwards by those who do not want to bother with making the loads and creating the load bracing.
They're paying a premium price but as they say in Economics 101, a fair price is what is set by a willing buyer and a willing seller. Then again they said a lot of stuff in Econ 101 ...
Dave Nelson
Some folks figure it is more valuable just because they owned it. On HO Yard Sale there are used Walthers 53' containers going for $11 each(new ones are $11.98 MSRP) - Go figure...
Modeling BNSF and Milwaukee Road in SW Wisconsin
The "sometimes" crazyness of Ebay. The cars do look a little ragged. Sometimes you can get great deals froms Dans that nobody else seems to be paying attention to.
I watched an Athearn truck, trailer and pup, lettered for UPS go into the $190's. I never did see what it ended at.
I was just looking through some HO bulkhead flat cars and noticed some "custom" MDC and Walthers bulkheads with loads getting lots of bids, one in particular bid up pretty high. I looked at the enlarged pictures and had to scratch my head. The Walthers bulkhead lumber load looks decent from a distance the bulkhead ends are kinda ragged looking. It will be interesting to see where this one end up at the closing bell.
Get the popcorn out see where this one ends.
The pipel load on this MDC bulkhead looks pretty good although the pipe ends look a crooked and ragged and the yellowish paint on the end of the bulkhead ...