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First Airbrush - Any Suggestions

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First Airbrush - Any Suggestions
Posted by JoeBlow on Sunday, January 24, 2016 10:21 AM

I am looking to buy my first airbrush for modeling. 

I have litte experience using an airbrush and need a set up (airbrush, compressor, etc.) at a reasonable price.


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Posted by gmpullman on Sunday, January 24, 2016 11:29 AM

Hi, Joe

There are many variables to consider and there have been many threads here discussing the pros and cons of the multitude of choices.

Twenty years ago I bought a Paasche Model H and have never regretted it. Just recently I bought a replacement "color adjusting part" (needle and cone) only because I thought it was a good idea to renew it after so many years.

I have several other airbrushes in both single and dual action but for 95% of my work I reach for the model H.

Compressors were recently discussed here, also. The machine I use is no longer offered as a Porter-Cable brand but is available under the Dewalt name:

I can't guarantee it is the same compressor but it looks identical to the Porter Cable. It is quiet enough that I can use it in my basement at all hours of the day and night and no one else in the house can hear it. It will also power smaller air tools or do tire inflating.

I use this Senco and recommend it as well, and a little less costly:


Just my 2¢

Regards, Ed

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Posted by HObbyguy on Sunday, January 24, 2016 2:55 PM

I am also using a Paasche H brush and found that the simple single-action brush works great.  I would not buy one of the small compressors made for airbrushing.  They don't put out enough CFM for the sort of painting that we do.  Read through the two compressor threads that were recently posted in the layout section.  The compressors that Ed referenced did not come up in those discussions but look like they would work quite well.

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Posted by fourt on Monday, January 25, 2016 1:46 AM

I have had a badger model 150 air brush for years. I also have a paasche model d compessor which is only .5 cfm i have used them to to solid coats, weathering coats, feathering coats on airplane models or train models have not had any probelms, so not sure why everone says get one with more cfm.

Modeling on the cheap

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