If one could roll back the hands of time... They would be waiting for the next train into the future. A. H. Francey 1921-2007
Keep it between the Rails
Alabama Central Homepage
Nara member #128
NMRA &SER Life member
Ray Breyer
Modeling the NKP's Peoria Division, circa 1943
QUOTE: Originally posted by Fergmiester Most Railroads in North America built some of their Rosters of Steam Engines along the USRA designs. Each RR put on there own flare and add ons. My question is wouldn't it be nice if more Manufacturers made detail kits so you could detail your Loco with extras, such as Elesco Feed Water Heaters and such? I realize some manufacturers do detail their engines to meet certain RR's specs and I realize detail parts are available but can be hard to track or locate at times. But to me it would be nice if more manufacturers like Bowser would make up Super detail kits so we can build better Locos and Locos that were more prototypical of the lesser known roads. Fergie
QUOTE: Originally posted by CNJ831 While a nice concept, such super-detailing kits are really out of the question. As already indicated upstream in this thread, even locomotives within a given class on a given railroad often varied in their fittings one from another and were divided into multiple distinct subclasses. Even rather generalized parts kits, undoubtedly priced at $50-$100 (!), would not be economical for manufacturers as sales would surely be dwindlingly small. I'm afraid the day when large numbers of modelers superdetailed their locomotives is long past and such kits would not be in great demand. Probably a better choice would be for manufacturers to offer detailed boiler w/cabs over a wider range of variations over a time span of some years, working over a given wheel arrangement. This would more likely serve both the best interests of modelers and the manufacturers. CNJ831