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How Much stuff In Different Scales Do You Have At Your Home.

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Posted by wjstix on Monday, November 16, 2015 10:01 AM

My layouts have all been HO since the late eighties, before that I was a hi-railer (1:48 scale models using 3-rail track) for about 15 years, so I still have a fair number of boxed up cars, autos, buildings etc. I have a lot of the 'old' Atlas O from the 70's. Then for Xmas I have my old c.1962 American Flyer train that we put around the tree; although this year I'm looking at getting better track.

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Posted by dale8chevyss on Sunday, November 15, 2015 7:37 PM

I model HO.  If it's not HO I don't own it.  (will give it away or sell it) Not enough  $$ for other scales. 

Modeling the N&W freelanced at the height of their steam era in HO.

 Daniel G.

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Posted by vsmith on Friday, November 13, 2015 11:21 PM
I have microlayouts in N HO O and G, I suppose if I did one each also in Z and S, but if I did that I should also do one in T and TT just to cover every base.;-)

   Have fun with your trains

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Posted by cowman on Friday, November 13, 2015 6:19 PM

Many, many moons ago my folks started me in O, with a used pre-war Lionel.  Added a little to it over the years, but cost was definitely a slowing factor.

Got some HO for the kids, but they had little interest and I was too busy to do much with it.

A house fire put a big dent in the Lionel collection, though the pre-war and several other very sentimental pieces survived. 

Started buying HO to fill the 13'x22' space designated by my SO as the "trainroom" while we were rebuilding.  I was too busy to do much building and before I could retire and get to it, son returned, took up the space and I got religated to a 7'x14' space.  I think I have enouth unbuilt building and rolling stock kits to cover the floor at least two deep, if not more.

Did get my wife some N for a Christmas layout.  Picked up a hollow core door and additional track to build a display layout for local events.  Discovered that son had buried Mom's trains when he moved in. 

No sign of her N stuff, no progress on the display.  HO room needs a ceiling and two walls studded and insulated.  (Should get the 4'x6' out of there so I can work.)  Did buy some used 027 track for a shelf for the remaining O stuff to get its excercise in the office.

Such is life.

Have fun,


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Posted by farrellaa on Friday, November 13, 2015 7:11 AM

I purposely collected some items in other scales for my display cases, just to show the differences to visitors.

HO- my main hobby scale and about 60+ engines

N - a couple of cars and structures from my son-in-law.

S - quite a few AF rolling stock and locos (had some as a kid)

G - Have a running layout on the wall in my computer room

1:1 - rr lanterns, a switch stand lantern, and a large pc of rust from Big Boy 4012


O - a couple of Lionel boxcars and caboose

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Posted by John Busby on Friday, November 13, 2015 7:03 AM

Hi all

Well lets see where to start

I have LGB including two live steam locos of similar size all packed up pending garden railway re build.

A small quantity of Japanese "N" scale left over from the days when I could see "N" gauge

A very "LARGE" quantity of Hornby OO scale some HO US outline trains

A very small quantity of Australian HO if you saw the prices of Aussie HO you would know why its small quantity

One Irish passanger train OO scale still needs Bufette and generator car to finish

Irish freight loco and solitary sugar beet wagon to go with it

Two 009 rollingstock kits yet to be built.

I also have a couple of HOn30 items on the way

Probably a few other odds and sods to go with it buried in it some where.

1:1 ground shunt signal, and signal arm, block bell and I think I have a point indicator somewhere, pickle jar flash light relay.

Lever clip the boss let us keep those when the mechanical signals where removed, its a device that stops the signal man pulling levers when we are working on whats on the other end of the lever he can't un-lock the lever

Could not get a signal repeater they are as rare a hen's teeth


They would not let me take the staff instrument and staffs, "Oh boy the paper work for that would have been increadable" because its a safe working instrument I did not fancy doing that paper work.

And the man cave a 15m X 7.6m shed to put it all in.

Just need one other issue sorted the time to set it up properlySad 

regards John


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Posted by narrow gauge nuclear on Friday, November 13, 2015 2:01 AM

O gauge - Some post war Lionel.  Also new in box, Samhongsa 2 big boys 1992, and 1 espee cab forward.

HO - Tons and tons, many engines, Brass too, rolling stock, etc. never to roll again....(stored) was in HO standard gauge for 35 years...

HOn3 - current layout 8 Blackstone k-27's and 4 C-19's about 25 cars hundreds of feet of yet to be used excess track, 2 zephyr plus DCC stations.

N-gauge  a small amount of 80's vintage material (stored) I thought I might try it, but the quality of the scale and selection back then was too low for my tastes. 


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Posted by bing&kathy on Thursday, November 12, 2015 11:17 PM

   I have my old Marx 0-27 rolling stock still around after 50 years. Also have, to my surprise how much, N scale rolling stock and the start of an N scale layout I had started. I have an old Sears (I think) train, in the box. It's really an oldie but goodie. A few of the G scale, around the tree trains, that I got from I don't know where. And of course my under construction HO layout. How much of each I couldn't tell you. I'll leave that to whoever has to do my estate someday.

   It's amazing how the stuff collects even when you're not a collector. Guess it goes with the hobby.

   Oh yeah, the 1:1 scale things, head lights, track, oilers and much more.

Whew! I had better quit thinking or I'll depress myself.


God's Best & Happy Rails to You!

Bing  (RIPRR The Route of the Buzzards)

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Posted by West Coast S on Thursday, November 12, 2015 6:06 PM

I've been an avid S scale modeler since the late eighties, yet still retain the following HO equiptment, just in case you know!

Tenshodo Big Boy, actually have 2 of these monsters

United D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2

Balboa GS4 factory DAYLIGHT paint with matching consist

Key GS 4 in black  

United ALco PA & PB in D&RGW 5 stripe scheme

Key Union Pacific Bull Moose 2-8-8-0

Key D&RGW 4-8-2

Key SP 4-10-2, have two of these as well

United UP 0-6-0

Toby/United skunk 2-8-2 with matching coaches.

NWS logging camp car set 

Much bashed  4-6-2 of unknown orgin and no specific protoype, suspect it might have been a Southern PS1 orginally .

USRA 0-6-0, don't recall the mfg, purchased in the late seventies

An assortment of HON3 brass shays that have not been unboxed in over 40 years, should be some K class 2-8-2's as well, just can't remember.

Linberg NW2 and some Penn Line passenger cars

Assorted Ambroid, Roundhouse, Walthers, NWSL and American Beauty rolling stock.


SP the way it was in S scale
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Posted by ACY Tom on Thursday, November 12, 2015 1:30 PM

Over the years I managed to acquire a lot of assorted items in a lot of scales, but now I'm trying to cut down and restrict myself to my primary interest, which is HO scale. Somewhere along the line I got some G scale equipment, which I sold at Timonium. A friend is leaving HO and going into Proto 48, and that has given me the opportunity to swap my last remaining 1/4" scale standard gauge items for some of his HO. Another friend is in N, and he now has all of my old N scale equipment. When my dad passed away about 15 years ago, I got all of the old Lionel and Marx equipment that we had when I was a kid. I've kept most of it for sentimental reasons, but gave several items to my nephews who wanted keepsakes to remind them of their grandpa. I still have a couple old 1/4" scale narrow gauge items that I'd like to put on display some day, as well as a 1/4" standard gauge passenger car that I happen to like. Otherwise, I've managed to winnow the collection down to just about all HO. 


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Posted by last mountain & eastern hogger on Thursday, November 12, 2015 7:08 AM


Just HO here although as a kid I had Lionel 027 with my Dad and enough to fill 2/3s of the basement. Then Cars and Girls got in the way for a few years. Then I started to dabble in HO but not operating for awhile and then head on into it. 

The only N scale car I had was one given to me because they knew I liked Western Pacific railroad goods and stuff.  But I sent it on to Ulrich a number of years ago, when he was playing in "N".

I did buy the Grandson a Bachmann, Thomas the Train (HO) set for Christmas this year, but thats it, and I don't plan to buy much more other than maybe signals etc. I sure don't need any more rolling stock.

Johnboy out................

from Saskatchewan, in the Great White North.. 

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Posted by hon30critter on Thursday, November 12, 2015 12:31 AM

I am primarily modelling in HO and HOn30 however I do have a couple of boxes of Marx O scale stuff that I inherited from my brothers. I set the Marx stuff up several years ago and it ran fine but it was too toy-like for my tastes so back into the boxes it went. My wife wants me to get rid of it but Marx stuff commands such little money that I would rather keep it, even if it is just for the nostalgia factor.

I also have one N scale transport truck which I acquired by virtue of not paying close enough attention to the details on an eBay listing.Dunce I will try to incorporate into a background scene.


I'm just a dude with a bad back having a lot of fun with model trains, and finally building a layout!

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Posted by Southgate on Thursday, November 12, 2015 12:08 AM

All my RR stuf is HO.  I also build 1/25-1/24 model trucks, equipment, and have a truck shop diorama. Any other items not of those scales were pieces given to me.

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 11:14 PM

I've got a few S-scale signals and other odd items.  My sister found them at a yard sale.

In the last couple of years, people have been giving me trains.  Like me, they don't want to throw anything this cool away, but they can't really use them.  I ended up with a box of O-scale accessories, and a couple of months later a couple who know my wife from Florida stayed with us for a couple of days, and he models in O.  So, he was happy to get these castoffs.

Another friend had a box of Lionel HOs.  It's my scale, but I knew this box of "toys" just didn't fit.  There was an atomic waste car, a helicopter car that would actually launch the helicopter, and a giraffe car with a giraffe that would duck its head to go under obstructions.  I brought it to a show and sold it to a dealer, who said he actually wanted it for his personal collection.  I gave the money to my friend and felt good that I'd made a couple of people happy that day.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by selector on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 10:59 PM

I am fully in HO.  The only exception is a package of Atlas N scale utility poles.  I goofed and didn't notice until after I got home.

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Posted by riogrande5761 on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 7:02 PM

Much as I would love to have stuff in other scales, I just can't afford it.  I can barely keep up with the nice stuff coming out in HO scale with my limited budget.  

Rio Grande.  The Action Road  - Focus 1977-1983

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Posted by Geared Steam on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 6:22 PM

HO Scale mainly with some On30 because I love them ,and plan on making a shelf layout. 

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Posted by G Paine on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 5:00 PM

HO all the way for me, except for a couple of N scale mechanisms that are donors for some HO loco shells that I am kitbashing into HOn30 locos for Boothbay RR Village

George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch 

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Posted by dknelson on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 4:05 PM

I am in HO.

My late mother twice got outrageously good deals on Lionel 0-27 train sets at rummage sales: locomotives, cars, track, and transformer.  No original boxes unfortunately - but one was $15 and the other was $1 (and that was the one with the die cast steam locomotive!).  She also found a Marx 0-27 train set at a rummage sale.  I got some additional 0-27 track (switches and a crossing) and from time to time have set those trains up at Christmas.

To give some tracklaying clinics and write some Frugal Modeler columns for the Waybill I bought some N track and a few freight cars years ago and then was given a very nice N scale hopper "author's car" for giving a clinic at the N Scale Enthusiasts Convention here in Milwaukee a few years ago.

When I was a boy the local Gimbels had a sale on Hornby Doublo (i.e., OO scale on HO track) train sets with engine two cars and track for $2.98.  I still have the set.

I also found a deal on various genuine O scale (not tinplate) detail parts years ago that are still sitting in the box.  I also bought an AHM grab bag of four O scale bobber cabooses decades ago with the goal of kitbashing a normal two truck caboose out of them.  Never got around to it so they remain in their boxes.

For display purposes I bought a Corgi PCC streetcar which I believe is 1:50 proportion.  That same display has a very nicely done O scale Northern Pacific wood caboose that someone assembled and painted.  I paid $10 at a Burlington Route Historical Society convention for that -- held in Mendota IL at the Civic Center where the prototype of that very caboose was on display on the grounds, donated by the BN.

I had an S American Flyer caboose that mysteriously was part of another grab bag of model train stuff but I got rid of it. 

I also have an old AHM "MiniTrains" trainset in HOn2 1/2 gauge.  It is HO scale so it really does not count as a "foreign" scale.

Dave Nelson



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Posted by Bob Schuknecht on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 3:36 PM

Everything I have is HO scale.

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Posted by SouthPenn on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 3:35 PM

Ho scale only. No time or money for anyrhing else.

South Penn

South Penn
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Posted by angelob6660 on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 3:17 PM

I have two G Scale locomotives battery powered train sets. Three HO Scale train sets, and three N Scale train sets. 

I have a lot more N Scale supplies to model a good portion of Union Pacific/BNSF in 2007. I also model different eras and railroads like CR, NYC, ATSF, PC, SP, CSX, NS and BN.

Whole lot more if I could. So much for one person to handle.

Modeling the G.N.O. Railway, The Diamond Route.

Amtrak America, 1971-Present.

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Posted by LensCapOn on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 2:48 PM

How much stuff do I have? In different Scales?


That means I would have to Count it all...............



Just not going there! (There might not be enough time to count it all.......)

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Posted by IRONROOSTER on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 2:27 PM

Quite a bit.

I started in HO, switched to O, and finally S as my primary scale.  But I kept all my stuff and occaisionally dabble in them all.

In HO I have 15+ locomotives - 5 are still kits.  At least 50 rolling stock of which half are kits.  Couple of dozen structures, mostly still kits.

In S I have 14 locomotives - 6 are kits.  About 200 pieces of rolling stock about 1/3 are kits.  Couple of dozen structure kits or more.  I also have some On30 stuff to convert to S.

In O 2 rail I have 4 locomotives - 2 are kits.  About 50 pieces of rolling stock mostly kits.  20 or so structures most are kits.

I also have 3 rail O gauge - enough for 4 trains.

I have my son's N scale - not sure what I've got there.

Some Sn2 mostly kits.

A G set someone gave me years ago.

I pick up things in multiple scales that interest me, so the collection continues to grow. 

Eventually, I plan to have a small layout in each scale, but collecting is a part of the hobby I enjoy.




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Posted by Anonymous on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 1:47 PM

Not too much, fortunately Smile, Wink & Grin

  • A complete N scale mini-modular layout, including a Kato N scale Japanese electric railcar
  • My current HOm (metre gauge) Swiss style layout
  • A Marklin 3-rail AC class E 94 electric my wife gave me for our 1st wedding anniversary  over 30 years ago
  • A scratchbuilt G scale stock car
  • A Westside Model Co. HOn3 D6RGW T-12 I bought 41 years ago

That´s all!


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Posted by yougottawanta on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 1:44 PM

O, HO and a little n Whistling A room full. When will I have enough ? To qoute John D Rockefellar "when I get a little bit more"

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Posted by tinplatacis on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 1:29 PM

According to my family, too much. I have 4 storage boxes (biggies, too) full of postwar Lionel, 1 full of HO, some old wooden Thomas trains (unused since I was a young boy), and an N scale train set, as at one point I was going to build an N layout. And yet I always find ways to get more.

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How Much stuff In Different Scales Do You Have At Your Home.
Posted by BATMAN on Wednesday, November 11, 2015 1:21 PM

The thread on "My Retro Layout"

made me want to haul out my "Lone Star Treble O" train stuff that I had as a child. Here are some Google pic's of which I speak.

I was very young when I got the start of it in a set, probably 1962. I have no photo's of it that I can post, but after the last of it had been bought way back then, I had aquired enough to fill a 5' x 10' sheet of plywood. I know this because it was just a few years ago when I decided to return to the hobby, I dug it out and set it up. After obtaining new rubber bands from my kids Orthodontist, it still ran quite well.

Now I have my HO stuff.

I also picked this up for twenty bucks at a flea market.

I have a brass "S scale" caboose that a friend bought for me at a flea market for 25 cents thinking it would fit my HO layout.

We have enough Thomas The Tank Engine stuff to fill the same 5' x 10' sheet of plywood with stuff left over.

I also have souvenirs from 1 to 1 scale displayed around the house, that we often acquire over the years.

So I am a light weight in the hobby and have managed to collect the above bits and pieces. I am wondering how much stuff in different scales do some of you have?



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