I'm with Jay. Multiple apps of Microset, the Sol. Then straight to Dullcote.
I suspect there's something else going on. Are you decaling over gloss paint or flat? Because decaling on flat paint can be problematic and lead to a lack of adherence similar to what you describe.
Mike Lehman
Urbana, IL
After 3 or 4 applications of MicroSet I usually follow that with 5 to 10 applications of MicroSol, this insures that the decals are "melded" with the painted surface and can't wash off. If I have any doubts I will wash the model with a cotton swab dipped in "wet" water (a few drops of detergent added to water).
Once everything is dry I coat the model with either Dullcote or Glosscote which will neutralize any other residue left on the surface.
C-415 Build: https://imageshack.com/a/tShC/1
Other builds: https://imageshack.com/my/albums
Well, actually, I don't wash after decaling. I don't use Microsol/set, I use good old Solvaset. It softens the decal film and makes it snuggle down around rivets and such. Usually the decal goes on flat, wrinkle free, and snuggles right down. Sometime it crinkles or wrinkles or gets air under it, and I deal with that while the decal is still moist. Remember, that the Solvaset makes the decal film go all soft and squeshy and it will tear it you look at it crosswise. I just use a small paint brush to try and smooth things out. And some water. Once settled down, give the decal at least over night to dry before doing anything else. You want the decal to get bone dry.
Next step is a coat of DullCote to blend the decal in and kill the gloss. I suppose at this time, should some grubby residue show up, I could gently wash it off with a Kleenex and some warm water, but I don't recall ever having to do that. Just spray on the Dullcote and let her dry, again over night before handling.
David Starr www.newsnorthwoods.blogspot.com
Another question - how do you wash/rinse models after decalling but before clear-coating - because in the past I have managed to wash the decals right off, and so I'd rather do it right the first time.Followed the usual decal steps, glossy paint, clean surface, microset, decal, microsol applied as needed to snuggle the decals down, want to clear coat but there's microsol residue, and probably some skin oils since I did not wear cotton gloves while decaling. Since I have plans for a lot of modern frieght cars, my old technique of gently sloshing on clear water with a artist brush is not going to cut it.Any hints? Thanks