Here's a current turntable photo at Altoona Railroaders Museum. Here's another turntable/roundhouse picture. The museum may have something appropriate for your needs.
Conemaugh Road & Traction circa 1956
I scratch built my 8 stall roundhouse for my Northern Pacific layout by determining how much realestate I had available and filling the space with the turntable and roundhouse. I think the problem with real roundhouses and turntables is the real railroads had far more realestate to work with, than us modelers do. Generally the lead tracks to the round house could be longer, allowing the tracks to be closer together and therefore stalls smaller and closer togeher. I did not use any plans to design mine as the angles between tracks determine the shape of the building.
I hope you have some luck finding plans, if not, I would suggest doing what I did and use photos to do the best you can at designing your roundhouse.
NP 2626 "Northern Pacific, really terrific"
Northern Pacific Railway Historical Association: from Crestline PRR Engine Facility site:
Lots of PRR Standard Plans, however no roundhouse.
I tried to sell my two cents worth, but no one would give me a plug nickel for it.
I don't have a leg to stand on.
Give the PRR Historical Society a try.
Sorry, I don't know their web address.
Good luck,
I have been searching up and down on the Internet looking for some type of plans or data that would allow the scratch building of a PRR style roundhouse. Anybody have any links or info on where I can actually find what I am looking for please?