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Elliot´s Trackside Diner - May 2014 Edition

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Posted by Anonymous on Sunday, June 1, 2014 12:00 AM

All aboard!

The May Diner is now closed and ready or the move to its new June 2014 location.

Thanks for your participation!

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, May 31, 2014 9:25 PM

Evenin' Folks...

Janie just a decaf for me tonight.

Been another too busy day here in the Finger Lakes.  Headed out to the grocery store before lunch and spent way too much money.  I have accumulated 70¢ of per gallon for the next time I need to buy dinosaur juice for the car.  That will be about Tuesday next week.  I have just enough gas left in the Pip to make it our to the Museum and back tomorrow.  RTight now I have gotten 93mpg on this tank of gas (Not including the kWs of electrons from the roof).  That will go down about 10 mpg tomorrow due to the trip to the museum...  Got the first of the 3 raised bed gardens rototilled, weeded, added Moo Poo, rototilled again, and gthen planted Squash (Zuchini yellow squash, and a few winter squash seeds.  Went over to the hardware Value Store and got 3 hanging basket thingies and some hardware to to be able to hang 5 baskets.  The hardware is installed on the fence, and there are now 5 hanging baskets decoating the fence on my side...  That took most all of the day.

Todat was an excellent day for the solar panels netting me 28.45 kWh of power.  I will end the month of May down about 50 kWh from last year though.  Hopefully I will make that up in June and July which were not as good as they should have been last year (Lots of clouds and rain during those months last year.  June and July should be the top producing months of the year!

I need to be up early tomorrow as I am working Train Crew (we are running diesel trains).  ave a great night!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, May 31, 2014 8:27 PM

I found out today that I have a house guest. A Carolina anole lizard also known as a chameleon because of it's ability to change from green to brown for camouflage. It should help put a little dent in the number of flies in here. But if I find it on any of my computers or trains it's getting evicted provided I can catch it. I used to be able to catch these things all day long with no problem but that was when I was twelve. I could move a lot faster then than I can now. When I saw the thing it was laying on top of the cable modem. Getting warm most likely. I keep it 70-75° in here year round. The modem belongs to the cable company so I'm not too concerned about it.

Now wouldn't you know, we have another thunderstorm coming through. I can hear the rain hitting the roof now and the thunder is getting louder every minute. I'm gonna have to get off soon anyway so it's time I call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

Farmer Brown got lucky!

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by cudaken on Saturday, May 31, 2014 8:03 PM

 Good Evening Folks and Herr Ulrich!

 Flo, Beer pleases and no need for the Rope and Rafter.

 Work Front! Hee Hee Hee, I beat the heck out on Nancy today in Sales! Big SmileBesides the extra drive time and gas used biggest reason I hate going to St Charles is I feel like it is Nancys way of saying I stink at sales and it is my fault the store is dong badly!

While I wish none of our stores do badly, I sure was hoping Fairview Heights would fall on it faces! Whistling By 2:00 PM Nancy called the store I was at and said "She is Derpressed how slow the store is and has had not a single sale yet". Smile I on the other hand had a great day, made a extra $155.00 in Spiffs! Yes On a Sad Note I out sold the whole company By My Self Today! While I had a good day it was not a Great Day with only $2600.00 in sales. 

 Other good thing today I was right, my pay check was $25.00 short like I thought. Hmm Got the $25.00 in cash. That sure with the gas today. By the way, if any one reads this and says so, there tap is on me all next month!

 Later, Ken]

I hate Rust

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Posted by JeremyB on Saturday, May 31, 2014 6:37 PM

Sounds like you have had some good stomrs Jeff. We here have been dry for about two weeks now, we need some rain and they are calling for it Monday.

Did another 22 miles on the bike today ( that makes close to 45 in two days ) so I am taking tomorrow off for sure,lol. Spent the morning outsid and could feel my skin starting to burn and I was right as when I came in I was a bit pink. If I would have stayed out all day I can only imagine the pain I would be in right now. Knnes are a little sore so might just sit back and watch the Rays and Red sox game and maybe play a game of strat baseball.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, May 31, 2014 3:39 PM

Got more thunderstorms going through. Right now it's a light rain but I can hear the thunder in the distance and where's there's thunder there's lightning and usually heavy rain. Radar shows that one cell has already passed through here and there's more heavy clouds down in south Louisiana heading this way with a good possibility of becoming more thunderstorms.

Did a little weathering on an old Athearn tank car. A little dirt, a little rust, an accent here and there.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 31, 2014 12:46 PM

Shame on me - I completely forgot about it.

So far, I had no issues accessing the forum, but that may change wile I sleep...

Calling it a day here at the ´ puter - CU all next month!

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, May 31, 2014 12:36 PM

I tried a little while ago and got "website not found" i assumed they were doing the maintenance thingy...maybe not, or the sure did it fast!

Quoted from Steven Otte's posting. "Forums may experience sporadic page-not-found errors, inability to log in, and the like occasionally throughout that weekend."

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, May 31, 2014 12:06 PM


I tried a little while ago and got "website not found" i assumed they were doing the maintenance thingy...maybe not, or the sure did it fast!


also people are busy outside if nice weather! I shoudl/woulda/coulda gotten out the front this morning and did something. maybe tomorow!



-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 31, 2014 11:36 AM

Me again!

Everyone seems to be busy today - kind of lonely here in the Diner.

After watching a couple of H2 videos on backdrop painting, I decided to give it a go - to quench my frustration! I will be employing a mix of techniques, brush and sponge. In a first step, I roughly outlined the areas where clouds will be. Next, I painted the clouds in a light gray, not uniformly, but as the paint flowed from the brush. I will let it dry until tomorrow, before attacking the blue colors. I decided on three different shades of blue - avery. very light blue (near white) on the bottom, a light blue in the middle and a tad darker blue on the top. For the cloud texture, I will later employ a sponge to apply various shades of grey and "broken" white. Some highlights will be added with a grayish light yellow, where the sunlight strikes the clouds.

I have never been good at arts, so this is a really big challenge for me. I won´t post pictures before the backdrop is near completion, just in case I have to redo it again. I will take pictures along the process, though, and post them maybe in aseparate thread on painting my backdrop - if it turns out nicely.

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 31, 2014 9:25 AM

Afternoon Folks!

I am a little bit miffed, as my friend didn´t show up Grumpy

At least he should have given me a ring. Spend a couple of hours just waiting.

Janie, coffee and aslice of that deliciously looking pie, please. Maybe that sweet stuff will help me get over this disappointment (in the true meaning of this word...)


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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, May 31, 2014 8:09 AM

Good morning. It's 71° with 100% humidity. Very cloudy with a high of 85° and decidedly wet with a fair chance of showers and thunderstorms.

No plans for today except of course to stay dry. I may get some freight cars out later and see what I can do to them regarding weathering.

As I said yesterday the Duodisk disk drive blew out the 0101 controller I use to test M0104/M0107/M0108 disk drives. As I need to have one on hand for testing I had to get a replacement from one of the other IIe's that was so equipped. I'll have to get a replacement for that one in July or August.

Last nights storms left behind quite a mess. I can hear the neighbors cleaning up their yards now before a new storm system comes through. Right now the radar doesn't show much but with the air coming up from the gulf that can quickly change. Hopefully I won't have to go anywhere today.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, May 31, 2014 4:31 AM

Good Morning!

The last day of May! This month has gone by quickly. It was also quite an expensive month. I have overspent my MRRing budget, digging deep onto July´s allowance. Until end of July, all I can afford is a bottle of white glue. Luckily, that´s all I need till then. I just bought the paint I need for the backdrop, a big bottle of white paint and a small bottle of blue paint. I´ll mx my own shades - makes things a lot cheaper. The paint was a whopping $ 10. The ballast is on order and already being paid for. I´d need some more stripwood to build the last dock, but that will have to wait until August.

There is a fair chance my friend will come over this afternoon and help me with the wiring. It´d be great to run a loco over the layout, which is kind of static as of now.

The next week will see my first attempts on the backdrop ...

Have a great one!

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Posted by galaxy on Saturday, May 31, 2014 3:32 AM



Today is the

last day of May, 2014!

Saturday the 31!

Healing energies

to those in need...

REMEMBER: Tonight they

are doing some

"system maintenance",

so the new diner

will be late

on the 1st when they

re-open the site!



forum format!!!


There was  a young man named Timmerick

who loved to share a good limmerick.

He gave his gal Ange-lie-amond

a great big fat dia-mond

just for the heck of ick!!



Quotable Quotes:

"Believe you can and you're halfway there."


"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination."


"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!"





-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, May 30, 2014 10:52 PM

Got pretty loud for a little while there. Some big thunderstorms went through and dropped a bunch of rain amidst a lot of thunder and lightning. Radar shows more on the way but for now we're between a couple of big ones. The radar is showing a bunch of yellow, orange and red over this area.

As I reported earlier I finished converting both of the Apple A9M0107 Platinum 5¼" drives this morning. Later I went to town to make a payment on a loan then went to put gas in the van. Anybody who says a 318 is good on gas should be caught and tickled within an inch of their life. I've had six or seven vehicles with that size engine including the van I have now and none of them were good on gas. But back to the days activities. I dragged out an Apple A9M0108 Duodisk disk drive. That's two 5¼" drives in one case. This type was a thorn in Apple's side from the time it was introduced with the IIe in 1983 and this one is no exception. No matter how much I work on it it seems to have a problem that won't go away. Today it blew out a drive controller card. I'm about to the point where I may just strip everything out of the case and put two A9M0107 Platinum 5¼" drives in it and daisy-chain them together.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Cederstrand on Friday, May 30, 2014 10:03 PM

Chamomile tea, please.

Wow, some of you have been busy, and not just on train stuff.

I'm still chipping away at farm stuff, looking for the next hired hand so I can one day get caught up.

Healing thoughts to those in need.

Cheers! Cowboy Rob

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Posted by howmus on Friday, May 30, 2014 9:25 PM

Evenin' Folks!

Janie, a cup of decaf sounds really good right now...

I spent a very busy day mostly doing gardening...  Planted Petunias in between the Hostas by the fence.  They should do well there as they get a bit of late afternoon sun but are usually in the shade.  Also started to weed one of the raised bed boixes, drove over to the place where I got the Moo Poo and bought 5 bags of pine mulch for the area by the fence to try to keep the weeds at bay, switched out an old leaky hose with a new one for watering duties, drove down to church to drop off the large diaphram mic, and got a bunch of Scout related items done...

Little by little......

Wonder if we will be able to get in here in the morning?  I see they are planing some "Routine Maintainance" for the weekend...Huh?  Hope they turn the spell check back on and get the type size reasonable for the posting writing screen...  Maybe we'll get lucky and they will turn the clock backwards to a version that actually worked right???

I am pooped tonight...  the toe feels pretty good.... and bed is soundling like a good place to be.  Good night all and have a safe and restful sleep!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, May 30, 2014 8:14 PM

Had to shut down for a while. A string of thunder-boomers came through and in fact is still coming through. They're a bit distant at the moment but I'm keeping an eye on them via the radar. I have the emergency in the back room on just in case. It runs on house current til the power goes out then switches over to it's batteries. Eight 'D' cells or two six volt lantern batteries, whichever are available. One set of batteries lasts about twenty hours in continuous use. The other emergency lights are battery power only so they don't get turned on until after the power goes. Sounds a another set of thunder-boomers is close and the radar confirms it. I'm outta here for a while. See y'all later.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Packer on Friday, May 30, 2014 7:53 PM

Evening guys

Been pretty hectic around here today. Of course that's how it always is when my father is off on the days I'm off (he's a taskmaster...)

My computer got a really nasty virus when on facebook last night. Avira picked it up and since it started to run really slow I decided to scan it. This was about 5 pm. My father left his on, so I looked up what the virus was (Boot/Cidox.b). It basically spams the computer with so many processes that it can barely function, but that's the tip of it. It also allows backdoor access for people trying to get in, shut down the firewall, and made the computer barely operable. I disconnected the infected computer from the internet so no one could get in through the "back door." When I woke up around 6am, it had only Avira scanned about 45%.

Since I fasted for about 14 hours (not as bad as I though), I went to the base hospital with my father to see the vampire, er, get some blood work/tests done. I hate doing blood tests, and I hate needles. Around the 3rd beaker my stomach started turning and burning, by the 5th I started to feel like I was gonna vomit, the 6th started making me a little lightheaded/dizzy. I was able to hold it together and tough it out for #7... I was supposed to get 9 samples taken, but the base hospital could only do 7 of the 9. That's probably for the better, since I don't think I could have made it to 9 beakers of blood (highly doubt I could ever give blood if 7 beakers is as far as I'm willing to go). My father asked if I wanted to go to the other hospital to get the other 2 done. I told him I can handle the fasting no problem(sometimes when I have to work I don't eat breakfast or lunch, usually get called in early and no lunch break) but I felt like I was gonna puke or pass out from the 7 samples I gave. SO head off to Denny's and had a big breakfast.

Come back around 9 and the scan isn't done. I laid down on the couch and took a nap while my father started getting stuff together to remodel the garage... Wake up around 1030 and the scan is finally done. So it took avira over 17 hours to scan while having the virus, and it's still there. My father decides to run Malwarebytes, and we proceed to dismantle the garage.. Fast foward to about 3 and half of the carpet, the counters, and racks in the garage are in a pile by the driveway, concrete is setting for a new step, etc. We went to go check on those cylinder heads I had been saving for. Turns out the helicoils for the rocker studs are busted. We know the guy who is selling them, so we took 1 to see how much it would cost for our go-to machine shop to fix, and he took the other to do the same.

Get home about 530 (him and my dad talked about their respective mustangs and my father's "cheater mustang" for a while) and clean up the mess in the garage. At dinner, then my brother got home from Ohio about 630. Unload his truck, and I finally get a chance to do something.

I haven't touched my trains in a while. I got some more kits in the mail. I'm starting to have a backlog.

I'll be catching up in the corner. Tomorrow's gonna be another busy day...


Wants: 1. high-quality, sound equipped, SD40-2s, C636s, C30-7s, and F-units in BN. As for ones that don't cost an arm and a leg, that's out of the question....

2. An end to the limited-production and other crap that makes models harder to get and more expensive.

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Posted by cudaken on Friday, May 30, 2014 6:25 PM

 Evening Dinners

 Flo, 7 Beer, gun, rope and a rafter pleases. Sigh

 Yep, the foul mood goes on.

 Took Sue to the Dentists this morning. All went well the wisdom tooth came out easy. That has been the highlite of my day.

 1 Sparkie. I am just so confused?Confused I am spending twices as much on dog food for him than when we had Wolfhounds? Whistling With the Wolfhounds we shoveled food in there bowl like a coal ogger did for a Big Boy! Sparkie gets only 2/3 of a cup a day. We feed Tiffy Americam Eskimo, Sonya and Shaddy Pedigree all there long lives! Pedigree cost $20.00 for 40 pounds. For some reason Sparkie has to eat food that cost $15.00 for 4 pounds? Confused Not what the Vet said, what Sue says! 

 2 Certified Letter. That half way turned out to be a joke. Short version, State of ILL says I owe back taxes and I sort of do. Seems my ILL taxes was never recived when I filed with Turbo Tax. Finally dug up all of the W 2's for 2010 so I can refile. Certified Letter stated the are going to keep my Federal Tax check! That would have been fine with me! Smile But, I all ready have the Federal Tax Check which I have not cashed so I could pay the fine anyway!

 3 Bank Of Stupid.  After all the worry about the Certified Letter, what do I find when I get home? Fed X letter from BoS! Going to start calling the Bank Of Dumb Mules! Same letter as last time stating they don't have all the paper work they need! Whistling Last Fed X letter was about 2 weeks ago stating the same thing. Called my Lawyer and she had talked to them, told them what page the information was on and they said OK, we have everything! Zzz

 4 Work Front. I was to work at the Fairview Height store the rest of the week, week ends Sunday. Well Nancy (owners wife) decided she wants to work at my store and I have to go to St Charles instead! Reason I am Angry is I plan my funds for the week and that determans what I spend! I have suffecent gas in my car to the end of the week. I spend $25.00 a week in gas when I work the Fairview Height store. Each round trip to St Charles is $10.00. She all so seems to decided to change things when I am broke! Bang Head Have a whole $78.00 to last me till I get paid again.

 Ray, that picture of Miss Lumpy was in her Glory Day's.  This is her now.]

 Pretty sad looking, one of theses days!

 Mr Beasley, 66 and 67 Chargers are pretty rare. Few people like them, I am so so about them my self. 1966 there was around 20,000 made and 1967 9,000 or so. 1968 with the rebody they jumped to 95,000.

 Ulrich, lay out is looking good. I tryed to lighten the photo up some but the glare was pretty bad.

 Gary thank you for the well wishes on the anniversary!

 Todd, do you think you will ever start working on your 70 Road Runner again? Any ideas how many miles are on the body and the 383? Sure your is in way better shape than mine with sitting in the garage all theses years! To bad we don't live close to each other!

 See you all later.



I hate Rust

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, May 30, 2014 5:51 PM

Added up all the bills this morning including what I owed my father for the new microwave and it left me with $78.83 for gas and groceries. Gas was $44 for 12.362 gallons ($3.559 x 12.36302332115763 = 44). Filled it up from half a tank. My gas gauge is Greek apparently. It waves all over so you never can tell how much gas there is. Well that left me with $34.83 + $30 food stamps makes $64.83. A lean amount for a months groceries. So my father gave me back the $36 for my car insurance. That brought it up to $100.83. That looks a lot better. No 'fun fund' for June.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by JeremyB on Friday, May 30, 2014 4:17 PM


Good morning!  And a good morning it is.  First of all, it's Friday.  The weather is very nice, with dry air, sunshine and a high in the 60s predicted.  And then, my new camera is Out For Delivery, and will show up today.  I'm psyched.

No, it's not a classic Polaroid, although I remember those.  We used to use them as "scope cameras" to take pictures of the traces on oscilloscopes at work for documentation.  They were strictly analog scopes, so the only way to get an image of the screen was to take a picture.  Besides, printers were those giant 132-character monsters with chain drives that printed on green-and-white striped paper.

Yes, Jeremy, I've done bike chains.  I now carry a chain tool as part of my standard equipment.  One day, I was riding with some friends and I actually broke my chain climbing a steep hill.  They rode back to that town's bike shop and bought me a chain tool, which is why I now have two of them.  I haven't used it on the road since.  Back in the mid-80s, the "in" thing to do was to clean your chain and then dip it in liquid parafin, which provided lubrication and some measure of waterproofing.  I had just met my future wife, and I parafinned her chain for her, for her birthday.  Her friends thought that was very weird, but, well, here we are 28 years later.

It's a plain flip-phone for me.  I make calls, answer calls and take a rare picture, but I have no need to go online to see how badly the Red Sox are losing.  I have a nice big TV at home to watch movies on, so why watch them on a 3-inch screen?  I don't need the distraction of a telephone in my car, even hands-free.  A skiing friend of mine describes driving around Boston as "Black Diamond Driving," after the markings on expert slopes, and that should be sufficient warning to keep your eyes, and your mind, on the road around here.

And last but least, I had my follow-up appointment for my "sugar pills" yesterday.  They are working, and my system is tolerating the medication well, so it's time to, as the doctor said, "start taking a man's dose."  I'll be doubling up, which simply means a different pill.  In theory, once my body is used to the lower blood sugar level, I'll actually feel better, not sluggish as I have since I started this stuff.  He likened it to idling your car with your foot on the accelerator.  I should have said, "No, it's actually like having the mixture too rich in your carburetor."  Of course, nobody has a carburetor anymore.


Thanks MisterBealey, have you ever replaced the chain due to it wearing out or just when you broke it? I think I am getting close to it wearing out. Use my chain cheker and am at 50% worn but not at 75% yet which is when I should get it replaced.

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, May 30, 2014 2:32 PM

Got the conversion on the second M0107 floppy drive done this morning. My father told me that if I ever want to sell them I'll have to put the original type cables back in. I told him I have no intention of getting rid of them. I'll run them til they break, fix them and run them some more and keep that up til I can't fix them again.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by galaxy on Friday, May 30, 2014 10:55 AM


I completed the rest of my errands today, though I think a few more will crop up before day is done.

Naturally the CU computer went down 30 seconds afterI walked in!

I have the never-ending chore going now. {laundry}

AS Jeffrey said {and he said it best}: June's fun money is gonna be way down! June  IS our "fun month" but with the things I had to ordered, the bills will be over the next few months to pay off the ordering as the bills come in.


-G .

Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.

 HO and N Scale.

After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.

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Posted by howmus on Friday, May 30, 2014 10:49 AM

Mornin' everyone!

Zoe, I could use a refill for my dark roast coffee...

As Galaxy has said, the big bright thing is out today in the Finger Lakes Region of NYS.  May make a bunch of kWh today...  I have way too much stuff to get done as always.  My son stopped in after getting a hair cut here in town.  He will be back this afternoon to pick up the rototiller, so I need to finish loosening up the pile of topsoil in what used to be the garden out back.  I will need it to add to the raised bed gardens if I ever get around to weeding them and getting some veggies put in.

Also need to drop off the large diaphram mic to church for use this Sunday, get more flyers around to churches, change out one of the garden hoses (it is leaking) with a new one, and the petunias planted.  I still am battleing the Gout.  Need to take an Advil...

Catch you all later!


Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, May 30, 2014 9:41 AM

Heartland Division CB&Q
Jeff ... Is 666 mising an axle in the front truck? ... I like thephoto, but I'm jus wondering.

In both trucks. Had to remove them so it would go through #4 turnouts reliably.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Friday, May 30, 2014 8:56 AM

Jeff ... Is 666 mising an axle in the front truck? ... I like thephoto, but I'm jus wondering.

Ulrich .... Glad you will have a backdrop. Looking forward to seeing more. 

I missed several posts this week... However, I did see it was Ken and Sue's anniversary. 

Ken & Sue ... Happy Anniversary   (I found a brokwn heart SMiley available, but not an unbroken one)

Thanks for comments about my trip to doctors. Dealing with heart rythm, and it shoulb be okay now. 




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  • From: Orig: Tyler Texas. Lived in seven countries, now live in Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Friday, May 30, 2014 8:43 AM

Good morning. It's72° with 90% humidity and what looks like unending clouds. The high will be 82°. There's a chance of isolated thunderstorms this morning then becoming more concentrated this afternoon with the possibility of heavy rain.

Just waiting on the Home Health nurse to call so no point of starting on any projects.

Speaking of projects, I've decided to go ahead and convert the other A9M0107 5¼" floppy drive to be controlled from an X104 controller so I can run them as a pair. They won't be quite as fast but I'll be able to run them from one controller instead of two. It'll probably take about twenty minutes to make the conversion.

Nothing planned in the area of layout work as of yet. Much of what needs to be done requires me to be on my feet extensively and right now that's a strict no-no. There's a lot of junk, mostly empty boxes of many sizes that have to be cleared out so I can get into the layout area much less see what's on it. That's going to have to wait until the wound on my foot is healed. Right now it's averaging about a millimeter a week and it's got a ways to go yet.

Looks like today is bill paying day for me. That includes paying my father back for the nice shiny microwave he bought for me. That's on top of all my other bills. The June 'fun money' is gonna be way short.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running Bear
Space Mouse for president!
15 year veteran fire fighter
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Posted by TMarsh on Friday, May 30, 2014 8:28 AM
Good Morning!!!
Coffee and some buttermilk donuts please. Yes the glazed ones thank you.
Don’t know what the weather will be, they’ve been wrong all week so I never checked today.
Galaxy- Oh no, sorry. I didn’t mean YOUR landlord, I know you own the home. I did mine (mobile home) as well. At least the second one I lived in. And yup, I know all about the landlord of the park. That “let the landlord pay for it” was a comment I made in reference to the benefits of renting for those that do. I sometimes wonder if renting isn’t the best way to go sometimes. Especially when the roof needs replacedSurprise. Oh and I’d take the supervisors message as yes it is a paid holiday if you work a 30 hour week. If not, then no. Now, it isn’t 6 hours pay on top of any hours you MAY put in on the holiday, but they will make up the balance of the hours NOT worked to equal 6. But, by now I assume you already figured that out.
Ray- I had the gout once. Not fun at all.Crying
Ken- Happy anniversary! Only had my RR for 34 years. Just a newbie I suppose.
Brenda update. She went to the Doctors and finally actually saw the Doctor and not the Nurse Practitioner that keeps intercepting herGrumpy. She put her foot down and said I want to see my doctor! He made several suggestions, asked her “who told you that?!” was told “your Nurse Practitioner who keeps hijacking me…” she got a smurk over that. And, like Jeffrey said…a new list of things. She feels comfortable with these. Now her cholesterol is too low. BUT he won’t do anything about the dosage of the Meds because the heart doctor put her on it and suggested she talk to him. He is a good doctor.PLUS he’s not big on pushing pills unless you need them of course and when he does, he tries to get you on the lowest possible dose. He also does not deal with the drug salesmen. He says he gives the patient the right medication regardless of who gives the best fruit basket. Even though he does accept them for the help. (hehe)
Welp, just skimmed starting on page 19 so sorry if I missed something important but, I best get going on my day.


Ya’ll have a good day, ya hear!!!!


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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