I really think it is about time to put this topic to rest. Seriously.
Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry
I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...
betamaxFor every law in California that you consider silly, there are laws where you live that others would consider silly as well.
Yes,its against the law to willfully to stand and rock a train back and forth..
Its against the law to spit tobacco juice from a moving train,trolley car or interurban car.
BTW..My wife was 44,a nonsmoker,a nondrinker, and was killed by a drunk driver.
I don't ignore the warnings but,fully believe most are not warranted and down right goofy..
As far as "safer" work places..Don't bet your life on it.
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
This thread demonstrates why asking about the California warning label is a waste of time here.
It soon descends into a lot of ill-informed opinions on regulations and their need.
The law in California mandates that warning if the product contains a substance on their list of hazardous substances. That is the law, and it must be obeyed if you want to do business in California.
For every law in California that you consider silly, there are laws where you live that others would consider silly as well.
maxmanHowever, if anyone wants to go take a bath in carbon tetrachloride because they don't believe the government warning on that product is valid, then they have my permission to do so.
You think that warning would stop those Darwin award candidates that wanted to try? Most warning labels borders on the line of lunacy and sheer genius.
Look at the sheer knowledge of what smoking does..Smokers knows the dangers and yet they keep lighting up and keep puffing away their life..
It would probably be more relevant to know how long the male relatives lived.
Most was in their 70s and worked railroad jobs.One died at the age of 56..Killed in a car wreck.Another at 44..Killed on the railroad(closed casket).Dad died at 57 from a massive heart attack-he only had 3/4 of a lung.The other was crushed in a train wreck and removed along with a quarter of his left lung..He never really fully recovered from the wreck.
BATMAN MisterBeasleyInstead, we mock foolish regulations that put health warnings on model trains as if anyone was seriously going to ingest them. Seriously Mr. B. Here I thought you were a man of the world! You obviously don't get out much.
MisterBeasleyInstead, we mock foolish regulations that put health warnings on model trains as if anyone was seriously going to ingest them.
Seriously Mr. B. Here I thought you were a man of the world! You obviously don't get out much.
Well, this guy has clearly not been reading the warning labels.
The only safe cars to eat are the wooden ones. I prefer the LaBelle ones myself - slight nutty flavor and they go well with a scoop of vanilla on top.
Since the creation of OSHA, workplaces have become safer, on the job injuries and deaths are fewer, and people overall live longer.
P.S. That turkey in the deep fat fryer stuff is just common sense. Still a very impressive video. That definitely puts some Hollywood special effects to shame. Don't want that thing near my house!!
Modeling the Pennsy and loving it!
BRAKIE Several of my aunts lived into their late 80s..One lived to be 94.
I would agree that some unnecessary warnings are put on products which might be used by idiots, such as "don't attempt to trim hedges with this power lawnmore", and "don't attempt to dry of your Bichon Frise in this microwave" (although I believe that this is actually an appropriate use). However, as much as we castigate the "government" for being responsible for over regulating our lives, I'm perfectly happy that "they" have identified lead paint as something kids should not eat, determined that asbestos can cause cancer, and saved me from having to breathe cigarette smoke from others whenever I get dragged to a restaurant.
However, if anyone wants to go take a bath in carbon tetrachloride because they don't believe the government warning on that product is valid, then they have my permission to do so.
NittanyLion People are living longer because we're better at identifying unhealthy practices and mitigating the unavoidable.
People are living longer because we're better at identifying unhealthy practices and mitigating the unavoidable.
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
Still waiting for it to fall into the Pacific...........
Vegas could use some beach
"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."-Albert Einstein
andrechapelon The law was designed to prevent people from unwittingly being exposed to toxic chemicals in their immediate environment.
Warnings are one thing, but too many warnings about too many things leave us with "Boy Who Cried Wolf" syndrome. We all remember the story of the boy who was sent out to watch the sheep. He got bored, so he called "Wolf, wolf!" and the villagers came running, only to find there was no wolf. He did this a few more times, until the villagers tired of his game and ignored his cries. Then, the wolves showed up and had lamb chops.
Whether it's cries of wolf or health warnings on everything, we suffer from "alarm fatigue." It's gotten so nobody looks at the warnings anymore, because there are warnings on everything. Better-written legislation in California could have avoided this. Instead, we mock foolish regulations that put health warnings on model trains as if anyone was seriously going to ingest them.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
I think this thread is going to become another one of those dead horses.
Dennis Blank Jr.
CEO,COO,CFO,CMO,Bossman,Slavedriver,Engineer,Trackforeman,Grunt. Birdsboro & Reading Railroad
I sure wish they had child car seats and seat belts when I was a kid. I would have been a whole lot smarter today without all those bumps on the head that came from Mom slammin on the brakes.
andrechapelon You guys are really funny, making fun of something that you know absolutely nothing about. The law was designed to prevent people from unwittingly being exposed to toxic chemicals in their immediate environment. The first section of the law deals with toxic chemicals in drinking water. http://oehha.ca.gov/prop65/law/P65law72003.html First section: 25249.5. Prohibition On Contaminating Drinking Water With Chemicals Known to Cause Cancer or Reproductive Toxicity. No person in the course of doing business shall knowingly discharge or release a chemical known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity into water or onto or into land where such chemical passes or probably will pass into any source of drinking water, notwithstanding any other provision or authorization of law except as provided in Section 25249.9. The second section has to do with informed consent. 25249.6. Required Warning Before Exposure To Chemicals Known to Cause Cancer Or Reproductive Toxicity.No person in the course of doing business shall knowingly and intentionally expose any individual to a chemical known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity without first giving clear and reasonable warning to such individual, except as provided in Section 25249.10. I worked for many years for a company that manufactured semiconductor manufacturing equipment. There are an incredible number of highly toxic chemicals used in manufacturing semiconductors, chemicals that are lethal even in low concentrations for short periods of time. You better believe I wanted to know what was being used. The warnings may appear to go overboard. OTOH, being shown a video in an airplane for the 1,000th time on how to buckle a seat belt gets a little old, too. Been there, done that. Andre EDIT P.S. I'm not into "organic" or "natural". All "organic" means is that it contains carbon. Carbon tetrachloride is organic and toxic. So's gasoline. As for "natural", well, asbestos is a naturally occurring substance.
You guys are really funny, making fun of something that you know absolutely nothing about. The law was designed to prevent people from unwittingly being exposed to toxic chemicals in their immediate environment. The first section of the law deals with toxic chemicals in drinking water.
First section:
25249.5. Prohibition On Contaminating Drinking Water With Chemicals Known to Cause Cancer or Reproductive Toxicity. No person in the course of doing business shall knowingly discharge or release a chemical known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity into water or onto or into land where such chemical passes or probably will pass into any source of drinking water, notwithstanding any other provision or authorization of law except as provided in Section 25249.9.
The second section has to do with informed consent.
25249.6. Required Warning Before Exposure To Chemicals Known to Cause Cancer Or Reproductive Toxicity.No person in the course of doing business shall knowingly and intentionally expose any individual to a chemical known to the state to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity without first giving clear and reasonable warning to such individual, except as provided in Section 25249.10.
I worked for many years for a company that manufactured semiconductor manufacturing equipment. There are an incredible number of highly toxic chemicals used in manufacturing semiconductors, chemicals that are lethal even in low concentrations for short periods of time. You better believe I wanted to know what was being used.
The warnings may appear to go overboard. OTOH, being shown a video in an airplane for the 1,000th time on how to buckle a seat belt gets a little old, too. Been there, done that.
P.S. I'm not into "organic" or "natural". All "organic" means is that it contains carbon. Carbon tetrachloride is organic and toxic. So's gasoline. As for "natural", well, asbestos is a naturally occurring substance.
Andre,I think you missed the point.
I'll try to explain.
Ever wonder how old folks survived the 40/50/60 as kids with no warning labels,no health study groups?
I fully believe the fear mongers has warned the us to death..
Maybe we all need to live in a sanitized room,breath oxygen and live in fear.
I suspect one may die in a car wreck faster then handling model trains or anything else.
I got a good one.
Warning! Lead shotgun pellets(shot) can be fatal to wildlife.
A real genius had to think that up.
The fear mongers has "warned us" to death.
Yup and there is a considerable portion of the population that still celebrates stupidity by not paying attention to warnings and.
1. Don't wear seatbelts even though they've been proven to reduce injuries and save lives. It was only a few days ago that 4 people were killed in a single vehicle crash They weren't wearing seatbelts and were all ejected from the car. http://www.9news.com/news/article/343982/222/4-killed-in-crash-not-wearing-seat-belts
2. Pour gasoline on a fire and wonder why they get burned (assuming they survive). That happened to a kid who was a cousin of a friend of mine. He didn't make it. Fortunately, this moron did survive: http://www.thenewsherald.com/articles/2013/05/06/news/doc5188270f8247b148543241.txt
3. Binge drink and die from alcohol poisoning.
4. Don't wear eye protection using machinery that will toss particles at high speeds (weed whackers, drill presses, circular saws, grinders, and any one of dozens of other power tools I could name.)
5. Don't wear ear protection operating loud machinery and then wonder why their hearing suffers later in life.
6. Morons who listen to music at decibel levels that threaten to burst ear drums.
7. People who lock animals (and sometimes kids) in hot cars on sunny days.
8. People who use cell phones or text while driving. http://www.adn.com/2013/06/03/2925872/teen-charged-with-texting-while.html
Did I mention morons with who insist on filling gas cans without grounding the can?
Or the idiots who don't seem to understand the concept of liquid displacement or what happens when you drop something frozen into boiling oil (and this was done by a fire department to demonstrate what happens) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvlHH7dX7_c
How about the idiots who let a 4 year old drive an ATV? http://bangordailynews.com/2013/06/05/news/penobscot/no-charges-to-be-filed-in-death-of-4-year-old-killed-by-atv-he-was-driving-da-says/
Jus to keep this more or less railroad related, how about those who ignore railroad crossing signals/gates? http://amarillo.com/stories/100609/new_news2.shtml
And you wonder why things like this http://qcode.us/codes/napa/view.php?topic=10-10_60-10_60_030&frames=on are on the books? Yeah, Napa is a town in California.
You're angry at the wrong people. You should be outraged at the people who don't pay attention.
One of the funniest things I saw recently was a slow moving freight occupying a crossing in Waterville, ME. A few of the drivers got impatient, made U turns, went about a block and turned right on the nearest street hoping to bypass the train. Didn't work. The same train was occupying THAT crossing. Karma, gotta love it.
yep, I agree with brakie.
I'd rather not live in fear, to be afraid to touch my model trains for fear of a tiny bit of exposure is ridiculous.
SP&S modeler, 1960's give or take a decade or two for some equipment.
Gary DuPrey
N scale model railroader
Did you know everything you eat,drink,enjoy has be label bad for your health?
Do you know a egg is good now but,next year they will release a report sayings eggs are bad just like eggs was two years ago? Then in 2016 No! eggs good! enjoy!
The very air your breathe will kill you saith a report..Then a report says people are living longer.
No wonder people are joking about warning labels and "health reports"..They're constantly changing.
All this joking is funny to a point. Yes, everything is labeled with "known to cause cancer in California", and it is funny to sometimes poke fun at it, but the label is there for a reason. California has more stringent health and safety standards than the rest of the US, and it is a good thing.
Lots of stuff we work with are carcinogens. We have relatively minimal exposure, but it is still there, and model railroaders probably have a measurably higher chance of cancer than the average population (it's probably something like 5% but the exposure does have an impact).
California is way ahead of the rest of the US on a lot of stuff (particularly health & safety and "green" technologies). Look at what California is doing, and expect that to be what the nation is doing in 10-20 years.
Everyone hates lawyers, until they need one.
And I just hate how those evil lawyers kick people's doors down and force them to bring lawsuits against people.
cedarwoodronCalifornia is hazardous to the health of the rest of us. Only if a product is 100% tofu is it unlikely to be harmful- tasteless, perhaps, harmful...unlikely (unless made in California)! LOL Cedarwoodron
I guess I need to stop snacking on my decoders. But wow, soak 'em in Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce, grill 'em until tender and the darn things are addictive!
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." -Aristotle
MisterBeasley Burlington Northern #24 Interesting I have an N scale version of that car, I wonder how it'll taste with a bit o' ranch or some ketchup. should I fry it? I would first see if that car is discontinued before making a snack of a hard-to-replace model.
Burlington Northern #24 Interesting I have an N scale version of that car, I wonder how it'll taste with a bit o' ranch or some ketchup. should I fry it?
Interesting I have an N scale version of that car, I wonder how it'll taste with a bit o' ranch or some ketchup. should I fry it?
I would first see if that car is discontinued before making a snack of a hard-to-replace model.
MisterBeasley So, I take it that the message on this box car would be frowned upon in California?
So, I take it that the message on this box car would be frowned upon in California?