If it ran into Dearborn Station, it had to be good.
Long live Erie!
Alton Junction
Howard I model The Erie Lackawanna Southern Tier. My model area from Jamestown NY to Olean NY. I have the Jamestown Passenger Station, Agway feeds and The milk plant in Steamburg
Mike Dickinson ELHS#837
Jamestown NY
West of Port Jervis it ran pretty much right along the shore of the Delaware River as far as Hancock. When I was living and working in the area of Callicoon and Narrowsburg, the EL was putting trains on the ground semi regularly.
Lackawanna Route of the Phoebe Snow
Last October I began conversion of my pike to an Erie operation set in early 50's after years of frustraition playing with choo choos I had never seen prototypes for. I live right smack in the center of B&O, N&W, C&O, WM, and PRR territory. My group of modeling buddies now look at me as a guy who stepped on a huge cow turd...or a traitior! I was know mainly as a Western Maryand modeler and I was... as I fell in love with the scenery, equipment and operation of the WM....but only in books and video did I see what I was trying to recreate, which left somewhat of a void for me. I grew up on the Erie mainline in northern Jersey, and was witness to steam operations up to age 15 in addition to having an uncle who ran a light pacific.
Modeling what I knew/know well is a whole new ballgame for me, and I'd love to share with other Erie nuts modeling my time era. My layout is fairly large, and has been featured in three Allen Keller videos and magazine articles....but converting to Erie operations west of Pt. Jervis, NY is something I could use help and advice on....of just share modeling tips and historical stuff.
Many thanks for reading this blurb,