tatans (Edited) I played hockey from 5 years to 17 years old on outdoor rinks on the Canadian prairies along with everyone else in town, it was fun at the time then we got over it and went on with life.
I played hockey from 5 years to 17 years old on outdoor rinks on the Canadian prairies along with everyone else in town, it was fun at the time then we got over it and went on with life.
I wish I wasn't so old and beat up that I could still get out there. Outdoor pond or rink Hockey is the best.
It's funny though, even years ago when I was participating in all sorts of very rough and tumble sports. I always knew the day would come that they would end for me.(it was mostly over by age 40) Back then I always had trains in my head for when being a lay about was the only option. I do stay in shape on the recumbent bike though. I thank my Dad for getting me into MRR as a child and into my youth. It is something I really enjoyed and I am fortunate to have been introduced to the hobby. It also helps me return to those wonderful times of my youth.
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
TA462 tatans Just to clear up a few misnomers, the National Sport of Canada is LACROSSE or box lacrosse or boxla, a far superior game than hockey played within the confines of a hockey arena, the game of hockey used to be a winter spoert until the NHL ( an incorporated company based in New York) decided it should be an all season game(read business) WHAT???? This is what I hate about the internet. People can just post anything they want and half the people that read it actually believe it. Just so EVERYONE that reads this knows, CANADA has two National sports. The summer time sport is Lacrosse and the winter time sport is HOCKEY. Yes Canada has two National Sports. Tatans, I've played Field Lacrosse in high school and Box Lacrosse in College, both need high endurance but hockey by far is a more physically demanding sport. Get hit by someone doing 30 miles an hour and tell me that doesn't hurt? Hockey is faster and in my opinion because I've played both is a better, faster and far more superior game then Lacrosse. Whats with the hockey hate? Were you always picked last or something?
tatans Just to clear up a few misnomers, the National Sport of Canada is LACROSSE or box lacrosse or boxla, a far superior game than hockey played within the confines of a hockey arena, the game of hockey used to be a winter spoert until the NHL ( an incorporated company based in New York) decided it should be an all season game(read business)
Just to clear up a few misnomers, the National Sport of Canada is LACROSSE or box lacrosse or boxla, a far superior game than hockey played within the confines of a hockey arena, the game of hockey used to be a winter spoert until the NHL ( an incorporated company based in New York) decided it should be an all season game(read business)
WHAT???? This is what I hate about the internet. People can just post anything they want and half the people that read it actually believe it. Just so EVERYONE that reads this knows, CANADA has two National sports. The summer time sport is Lacrosse and the winter time sport is HOCKEY. Yes Canada has two National Sports.
Tatans, I've played Field Lacrosse in high school and Box Lacrosse in College, both need high endurance but hockey by far is a more physically demanding sport. Get hit by someone doing 30 miles an hour and tell me that doesn't hurt? Hockey is faster and in my opinion because I've played both is a better, faster and far more superior game then Lacrosse. Whats with the hockey hate? Were you always picked last or something?
No hockey hate at all, I played hockey from 5 years to 17 years old on outdoor rinks on the Canadian prairies along with everyone else in town, it was fun at the time then we got over it and went on with life.
Hockey was introduced to the National Sports Of Canada Act in 1994
After I had posted my comments, I went over to the Leaf Nation site, and lo and behold Burke was out!
Mike Milbury is still cursed for trading Roberto to Florida, and I personally don't understand all the animosity toward him in Vancouver. If the Leafs pick him up, it will definitely help the team. Although I love Marty and Moose, I wouldn't mind if Lou brought him to Jersey.
Since the schedule is still not official.............Try Stub Hub once the schedule is released. I guess they also operate north of the 49th?
If the new "cap" doesn't kill Berkie's budget, Roberto will be in Toronto, otherwise maybe Ben Scrivens?
If NHL net carries HNIC again this year, I'll watch it on TV. Otherwise what ever game is on MSG.
Disney Ice Show at the Rock, so the Devils open on the road, maybe in Winnipeg. Speaking of goalies, this may be Marty's last year.......
alexstanjacon12 Here in the southern part of the U.S. hockey is a bit off the radar to say the least but I can understand why it is so popular in the northern part and Canada. What I don't understand is why I'm not a big fan of any team sport. I'll bet I'm the ONLY person in the world that has never watched, either in a gym or on TV, an entire basketball game. But I can appreciate the skill and training that goes into being a great athlete. Jarrell I have never watched a whole basketball game either, so that makes two of us. :P
jacon12 Here in the southern part of the U.S. hockey is a bit off the radar to say the least but I can understand why it is so popular in the northern part and Canada. What I don't understand is why I'm not a big fan of any team sport. I'll bet I'm the ONLY person in the world that has never watched, either in a gym or on TV, an entire basketball game. But I can appreciate the skill and training that goes into being a great athlete. Jarrell
Here in the southern part of the U.S. hockey is a bit off the radar to say the least but I can understand why it is so popular in the northern part and Canada.
What I don't understand is why I'm not a big fan of any team sport. I'll bet I'm the ONLY person in the world that has never watched, either in a gym or on TV, an entire basketball game. But I can appreciate the skill and training that goes into being a great athlete.
Well...., Alex you just blew that theory right out of the water.
wojosa31 Love that characture of Johnny Canuck, but seriously, what are y'all going to do about Roberto? He is the only contemporary goal tender with a chance of duplicating Marty Brodeaur's numbers.. This is like '95, which means........A DEVIL's STANLEY CUP!!!!!!!
Love that characture of Johnny Canuck, but seriously, what are y'all going to do about Roberto? He is the only contemporary goal tender with a chance of duplicating Marty Brodeaur's numbers.. This is like '95, which means........A DEVIL's STANLEY CUP!!!!!!!
Rumour has it that Roberto will be taking the night train to Toronto.
Thought you were referring to the NFL.
The Leaf's Nation extends to New Jersey, but the Devils Rule!
Our (other) hobby has saved us from the boredom related to watching Network TV, Pawn Stars, Auto auctions, and other cable TV offerings, during the Lockout. Otherwise, I would be watching Hockey.
FWIW,:Jersey is becoming a Hockey hot bed. Even Howell High School now has a Hockey team. So does Dartmouth.
You have the exciting Washington Caps to root for, more likely to win a Stanley Cup, than the terps winning an ACC title at anything.
Yo Sheldon:
What does that say about you, eh?
alexstanjacon12 I'll bet I'm the ONLY person in the world that has never watched, either in a gym or on TV, an entire basketball game. I have never watched a whole basketball game either, so that makes two of us. :P
jacon12 I'll bet I'm the ONLY person in the world that has never watched, either in a gym or on TV, an entire basketball game.
I have never watched a whole basketball game either, so that makes two of us. :P
Make it three. The game has wayyyyyyyyyyy too many time-outs. When it takes 30 minutes to play the final 2 minutes of the game because they call time out after every play, something is wrong.
Steve S
dknelson Am I the only person in the world who cannot watch a Dream Plan Build DVD without falling asleep? Dave Nelson
Am I the only person in the world who cannot watch a Dream Plan Build DVD without falling asleep?
Dave Nelson
dknelson jacon12 I'll bet I'm the ONLY person in the world that has never watched, either in a gym or on TV, an entire basketball game. Jarrell Perhaps. Am I the only person in the world who cannot watch a Dream Plan Build DVD without falling asleep? Dave Nelson
jacon12 I'll bet I'm the ONLY person in the world that has never watched, either in a gym or on TV, an entire basketball game. Jarrell
I'll bet I'm the ONLY person in the world that has never watched, either in a gym or on TV, an entire basketball game.
Perhaps. Am I the only person in the world who cannot watch a Dream Plan Build DVD without falling asleep?
Hmmm, maybe I should get that DVD.
I think that I may be doing things backwards.
I Build, Plan, Dream.
Alton Junction
I was thinking of buying a metra set, don't know why...
SP&S modeler, 1960's give or take a decade or two for some equipment.
Gary DuPrey
N scale model railroader
I've been to Chicago several times and my friends have taken me to Wrigley field to see some baseball games. One of them was a real snooze fest, every time it started to rain they ran off the field. I guess they didn't want to get their expensive hairdo's wet, who knows. They should try playing Hockey on the pond in a blizzard.
I really need to go see the Bears and Hawks next visit. And to keep this train related Chicago has great commuter rail.
alexstanjacon12 What I don't understand is why I'm not a big fan of any team sport. I'll bet I'm the ONLY person in the world that has never watched, either in a gym or on TV, an entire basketball game. I have never watched a whole basketball game either, so that makes two of us. :P
jacon12 What I don't understand is why I'm not a big fan of any team sport. I'll bet I'm the ONLY person in the world that has never watched, either in a gym or on TV, an entire basketball game.
What I don't understand is why I'm not a big fan of any team sport. I'll bet I'm the ONLY person in the world that has never watched, either in a gym or on TV, an entire basketball game.
jacon12Here in the southern part of the U.S. hockey is a bit off the radar to say the least but I can understand why it is so popular in the northern part and Canada. What I don't understand is why I'm not a big fan of any team sport. I'll bet I'm the ONLY person in the world that has never watched, either in a gym or on TV, an entire basketball game. But I can appreciate the skill and training that goes into being a great athlete. Jarrell
Modelling HO Scale with a focus on the West and Midwest USA
Go Yotes Go! Im excited to have something besides basketball (NBA) now.
tatansThe Stadium where ther maple leaves play(thats the correct spelling)
Maybe, but that's not what the team name is. Correct or not, the name is the Toronto Maple Leafs.
Chris van der Heide
My Algoma Central Railway Modeling Blog
tatans Just to clarify things not all Canadians are hockey fans, sure they may watch the odd game, but fanatics- -there are a few
Just to clarify things not all Canadians are hockey fans, sure they may watch the odd game, but fanatics- -there are a few
Well, and the NHL has to compete with Curling for fan support.
Hockey here in Minnesota is like football in Texas. Sure folks like the NHL Wild, but there are several top college teams in Minnesota, and in many areas people regularly attend their local high school's hockey games religiously. So it's really meant more a shift in attention - no NHL?? OK, we'll go watch UMD play Mankato State.
Just to clarify things not all Canadians are hockey fans, sure they may watch the odd game, but fanatics- -there are a few, The Stadium where ther maple leaves play(thats the correct spelling) holds 18,000 fans--the city has a population of 2,615,000, doesn't sound like a bunch of hockey fanatics to me, Now the Brits play soccer (football) and they have 3 stadiums in London one holds 90,000 another 82,000 and another holds 80,000. There are a lot of non-professional teams and lots of kids play, playing seems to be preferable to watching, then they get over it when older. Remember the NHL is a Corporation and the word sport is seldom if ever used when it comes to the bottom line, it's a business.
kbkchooch Seriously, Hockey lockout saves our hobby??
Seriously, Hockey lockout saves our hobby??
I just cannot understand why this thread has gone on for soooooo loonnnggg!
Seriously, Hockey lockout saves our hobby?? Someone needs to stay away from Captain Morgan!
NCE über alles!
Just like Hockey, Capt Morgan and Pepsi would be long gone if they had to depend on my business.
Stock prices in Capt Morgan and Pepsi mysteriously rebound.