I know - but do I have to spend my time doing the testing of the beta version - only to find out it is not doing what I want it to do? I doubt that anyone in here is doing a thorough testing and then write a report on all the flaws for Photobucket.
Sir Madog I am just wondering why people are putting up with it. The "old" and familiar bucket is just one click away ...
I am just wondering why people are putting up with it. The "old" and familiar bucket is just one click away ...
Until Photobucket shuts down the older site - - - which will come sooner than later.
Alton Junction
Marlon, while I get your point, I doubt that the change was made just for the sake of change.
Photobucket, like all other web sites who change their appearance and function, undoubtedly had some specific objectives in mind.
The problem occurs in the execution of such changes. Insufficient testing is usually at the heart of the problem.
At one point in my career, I was a software programmer. Pressure to get the job done, and on time, often led to programming errors that were overlooked until the user came back to us with complaints.
The new Beta Photobucket is another prime example of "Not all improvements are". Change just for the sake of change rarely ever works.
See pictures of the Clinton-Golden Valley RR
Here's Franks further response to my complaint
I really wonder where the positive response is coming from
Can't be the IE 8 users
Frank (Photobucket Customer Support Home)
Nov 19 11:32 am (MST)
I am sorry you feel this way. We do have many complaints coming in, but we are also having way more positive feedback about the site. The new site is not 100% complete yet, and will have all the needed features (such as easy access to links via hovering over the image) when we migrate all users within the next few months. The support team is here to help you out if needed, have a great day!
See my Web Site Here
Thanks Terry for the information, I am FINALY back to the original Photobucket!!!
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
For those who do not the easy way out with Firefox.
Most people are clueless about clearing History, Cookies, Cache, etc.
Have fun.
If you ever fall over in public, pick yourself up and say “sorry it’s been a while since I inhabited a body.” And just walk away.
Here is what they mailed me in reply to my complaints
Hope it may help some of you
Nov 18 06:02 pm (MST)
Hello there!
I am very sorry for the inconvenience! There was an issue effecting users, we've identified the problem and our engineering team fixed it.
Please clear your cookies and cache, restart your browser and log back in.
Clear your browser's cache and cookies:http://photobucket.zendesk.com/entries/21118613-clear-your-browser-s-cache-and-cookies
If you experience any of the same issues please let me know so I can notify our engineers.
Thank you for your patience and again, I am terribly sorry for this inconvenience!
--------------------------------------------------------------------Frank@Photobucket Support
Have you tried the All New Photobucket? What are you waiting for?! Give it a shot and join the fun here: http://bit.ly/QlIcxJ
We gotta raise a big RED Flag to these Corporates who float, the SUNSHINE that all we do, is use Cellular devices....
Some of us take real pix, that really show detail, -just enlarge my bottom pic, I think you can read the fine text on the cab..
I know it was facetious, but it had to be addressed.
My continued apoliogies to those that are struggling with the photo sizing, hope they reconsider....
Chad, I just posted photos in the mini-Union Station thread, and they came out OK; now to see if they continue to show with an "i139" prefix before Photobucket in the link address....
Chad- very nice work.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
G Paine superbeLike many of you I've had problems with PB. However, I've read where some have been able to do what others couldn't. That was and is hard to understand. Bob, the problems appear to be browser dependent, i.e. Internet Explorer users are having probems, and almost everyone else is not. The beta saga continues, I have sent my second e-mail to photobucket support (I recommend that anyone else having problems does also support@photobucket.com TrainMaster and Dr Wayne, your comments in particular should interest them, be sure to mention the browser you are using). Yesterday, I remembered to turn on the Compatibility View button. That corrected the image layering problem I had on the home page, but I still could not see my photos. This afternoon I could see my photos, but could not upload new ones. On the Upload page, the Browse Photos [from your hard drive] does not work, nether does drag & drop. The return to original Photobucket link just directs back to the beta site instead of the old one - could there be a cookie involved? WHere is Cookie Monster when you need him!
superbeLike many of you I've had problems with PB. However, I've read where some have been able to do what others couldn't. That was and is hard to understand.
Bob, the problems appear to be browser dependent, i.e. Internet Explorer users are having probems, and almost everyone else is not.
The beta saga continues, I have sent my second e-mail to photobucket support (I recommend that anyone else having problems does also support@photobucket.com TrainMaster and Dr Wayne, your comments in particular should interest them, be sure to mention the browser you are using). Yesterday, I remembered to turn on the Compatibility View button. That corrected the image layering problem I had on the home page, but I still could not see my photos. This afternoon I could see my photos, but could not upload new ones. On the Upload page, the Browse Photos [from your hard drive] does not work, nether does drag & drop.
The return to original Photobucket link just directs back to the beta site instead of the old one - could there be a cookie involved? WHere is Cookie Monster when you need him!
G Payne,
As I previously said the link to the old format did not work until a hour or so ago.
I'm using IE 9 and PB (old format) is working fine so for me the saga is over.
Don't Ever Give Up
And here I thought someone broke the internet & Photography in general....I guess my premenitons were somewhat correct, as those showing pix were only displying cell fon formatted images, (because that is all there are to view images, not!)....
So you got this....
Whilist there was this, from the real Nikon...
I am saddened by everyone who was a victim of this /Thumbnail ONLY technology.. That sucks..
However!!! You may be able to read my decals & see my dust, paint problenms etc. All of which, I share openly with all of you.... Dig it???
I really look forward to seing your "real pictures" when this is corrected..- - - Meanwhile - - - I hope I will be able to continue to provide decent shots, ..in full size..
After 2 full days photobucket suddenly began to work. I quickly converted back to the old style without issue.
I'm using Mozilla, and when I eventually saw the button to return to the original format, it worked just fine. When I view the site now, there's a button for "Album Options" and when I click on it, one of the choices is "Theme" - mine shows as "Classic", with a button beside it if I wish to "Edit".
For those getting the new version or something less, if that "Album Options" button is visible, it may get you back to where you'd rather be.
Like many of you I've had problems with PB. However, I've read where some have been able to do what others couldn't. That was and is hard to understand.
Every so often I'd try the site to see if there were any changes and lo and behold I was just able to get the link back to the old format to work and what a relief it was to see my pictures.
Good by ImageShack.
jeffrey-wimberly Certainly doesn't seem friendly to me. The old version you have the links right out on the page with the thumbnails. With this new thing you have to go hunting for them.
Certainly doesn't seem friendly to me. The old version you have the links right out on the page with the thumbnails. With this new thing you have to go hunting for them.
I have been using PB for quite some time. I just re-adjust. Not a big deal. Go with the flow.
Those who like pain, use IE Browser. Those who do not like pain, use Firefox Browser. That simple.
Photobucket was always terrible.
Imageshack, for example, is way more intuitive and straightforward.
richg1998 Your choice. We are fast approaching 2013 and change is a constant in this era.
Your choice. We are fast approaching 2013 and change is a constant in this era.
I have seen the "NEW" PB site and I must say I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! I cannot see an album selection either. I am using Google Chrome. I really hate that I have to go hunting for the links. It took me almost 10 minutes to find the link for this pic:
In my opinion the links should be on the page with the pics. I should not have to go hunting for them.
David Parks I am the terror that flaps in the night!
With Firefox, I see the Albums Icon after I login. Not a problem.
Users in the Bachmann forums are discussing the same issue. One fellow downloaded Firefox and all is well. Took him a few minutes.
Sir Madog Saw it, did not like it, clicked it away by changing to the "old" but working version. I hope they get all the bugs out before they do the switch.
Saw it, did not like it, clicked it away by changing to the "old" but working version. I hope they get all the bugs out before they do the switch.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
PennCentral99Oh. Like most of the other posts (replies), doesn't sound very user friendly.
jeffrey-wimberly Clicking on library takes you to a summary of how many images, videos, etc you have then a box showing the different links used (slideshow is disabled). Further down the page you get into your photos and videos. They're all shown on one page, so to get to one near the end you have to scroll all the way down to it.
Clicking on library takes you to a summary of how many images, videos, etc you have then a box showing the different links used (slideshow is disabled). Further down the page you get into your photos and videos. They're all shown on one page, so to get to one near the end you have to scroll all the way down to it.
Oh. Like most of the other posts (replies), doesn't sound very user friendly.
Inspired by Addiction
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PennCentral99Does clicking on "LIBRARY" do anything??
No album selection in sight.
Does clicking on "LIBRARY" do anything??