twhite Brent: That little girl of yours is terrific!! Does she 'outsource?' I've got to populate my new "City Of San Francisco", LOL! Tom
That little girl of yours is terrific!! Does she 'outsource?' I've got to populate my new "City Of San Francisco", LOL!
Thanks Tom.
Yes she is quite something. She finished two grade levels in her Royal Conservatory Piano exams this year, does really well in competitive swimming and is an incredible Artist to boot. That really helps her artistically challenged Dad out a lot on the layout. But the best thing is come the playoff's, she gets her jersey on and comes and cheers on the Canucks with the rest of us.
She is a shrewd negotiator, so watch out on any people painting contract's she may slide your way.
Sorry back to trains!
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
Tom View my layout photos! One can NEVER have too many Articulateds!
Just get the slaves to do the painting. Spring break starts next week. With two weeks off I am counting on a new batch of people on the layout.
Nonstop holiday action!
The first herd of people ready to go.
G Paine secondhandmodeler: I can see it's going to cost a small fortune to add details to the layout! If you do not mind a bit of painting, Preiser sells sets with unpainted figures, good quality and a lot more reasonable than the $1 or $2 per figure for the factory painted ones 120 unpainted sitting figures for $33.99 passengers and passers-by also for $33.99 is about 28 cents per figure, not counting time and paint. Both are out of stock at Walthers now, but they have been an item that has been available for many years
secondhandmodeler: I can see it's going to cost a small fortune to add details to the layout!
If you do not mind a bit of painting, Preiser sells sets with unpainted figures, good quality and a lot more reasonable than the $1 or $2 per figure for the factory painted ones
120 unpainted sitting figures for $33.99 passengers and passers-by also for $33.99 is about 28 cents per figure, not counting time and paint. Both are out of stock at Walthers now, but they have been an item that has been available for many years
You can also get the same unpainted figures, or similar, through MicroMark.
I have figured out what is wrong with my brain! On the left side nothing works right, and on the right side there is nothing left!
Looing great, Lee. Keep us up to date on the progress, and don't let the building near that cryo suspension chamber
George In Midcoast Maine, 'bout halfway up the Rockland branch
Got some more work done on the station... My weekends are Sunday/Monday, so you'll have to excuse my tardiness!
First a note, the station drawings I followed for this project were published in MR in January of 2000. Additional research came from various books and publications of the Western Maryland Railway Historical Society... Just in case anyone was wondering...
Got the rest of the windows I needed for the basement... once the door issue gets resolved we'll be back on that.For now, let's take a quick glance backward. Last May, this is what I dug out of the storage mausoleum:I had gotten the exterior wall and cornices cut back in 2003, maybe 2004, then into the Cryothermal Container where it was held in suspended animation until a cure could be found for the "window situation"...Two weeks ago, Lord Zox, my friend with the Silhouette HD digital cutter, sent me the package of Miracle Window Cure I'd been waiting for, and we moved the project along to here:Having the windows in hand, I was finally able to build the interior floors I needed to pull the walls back into some semblance of order. The last two weeks have been spent constructing the rudimentary interior needed to give those big windows something to reveal. I used a couple of those vertical blind slats I've got, which were just the right color, and completely opaque!You can't have interiors without lights, so I broke out the LEDs and worked them in all over the building.This weekend, I finished wiring in the lights for the basement and the exterior, added the platform on the track side of the building, and built up the main roof.I went back and trimmed out the roof edge to clean up the appearance, then reinstalled the front two chimneys, and worked on fabricating a dormer that I will use as a master to cast 10 more just like it...I've got some .100 rod that I'll be using to make the 7 columns I'll need for the platform canopy, then I can begin the fun of detailing the area around the station. I'm really enjoying seeing this come together...Lee
Route of the Alpha Jets
Dilapidated tender.
Dr. Frankendiesel aka Scott Running BearSpace Mouse for president!15 year veteran fire fighterCollector of Apple //e'sRunning Bear EnterprisesHistory Channel Club life member.beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam
I see you even made an appearance in the video.
Darren (BLHS & CRRM Lifetime Member)
Delaware and Hudson Virtual Museum (DHVM), Railroad Adventures (RRAdventures)
My Blog
More fun with the DiceCam!
Today I joined MC to the NMRA Pacific Coast Division meeting and we ran trains on the Free-moN and Alameda Belt in a Box layouts.
George, thanks for the links. I may need to go that route.
secondhandmodeler I can see it's going to cost a small fortune to add details to the layout!
Nice pictures everyone.
I finally added a few little people to my layout. I can see it's going to cost a small fortune to add details to the layout!
I think maybe the cheap yellow car needs to be moved somewhere less prominent on the layout!
It's been a couple of weeks since I posted a progress update on my Central St project. I have been working on a building (or buildings) to go behind the hotel and over the tracks. I got the idea for this odd-looking building from some buildings shown in Chapter 2 of Building City Scenery. It is about 2/3 done. Aside from painting, I need to complete a couple more roofs and another row of building fronts on the back half of it.
This is where it will go, behind the hotel. Maybe the lack of detail on the building front makes a bit more sense when you see that most of the area is blocked by forground buildings. Most of the detail will be on the roofs and some of the top floor windows. ON the left side, you can see the track that will be covered by the building.
There will be another similar building to the left, going down the hill. As of now, this building is making major inroads on my leftover building parts box.
Thanks, Blue Flamer!
The bottom part of the hull now sports a glossy red paint, but it requires more sanding to get it as smooth as a baby´s butt. Once the boat is finished, I´ll give it a spray coat of glossy clear lacquer, but that´s a long way from now ...
Some more pix I took today:
I definitively have to install a backdrop soon!
Sir Madog I am currently assembling an N scale kit of the famous Bluenose fishing schooner. It´ll eventually become part of a water front module, depicting a dock scene.
I am currently assembling an N scale kit of the famous Bluenose fishing schooner. It´ll eventually become part of a water front module, depicting a dock scene.
Sir M.
If you need to get some detail for your model of the Bluenose, get a really strong magnifying glass and check out the back side of our Canadian dime.
By the way, I have been following your modeling with interest.
Blue Flamer.
With the dynamics whirring and break shoes smoking, a UPRR coal train descends the Gilluly loops after cresting Soldier summit on its way to Provo Utah.
Pic is a couple years old, but the editing was done this weekend finally. Sorry for the watermark, but I've had other photo's of mine stolen in the past and used for marketing.
Umm Kayy, yet another post about train cameras, yes, I got one too.I modified one of an inexpensive pair of passenger trucks to make a push/pull "Truckee" that should hold the rails pretty well. I'm hoping it will not have the lag on curves & turnouts. I hope it may stay on focus as it goes through them. My problem is, I have been busy building a locomotive & rolling stock collection that will be looking for a permanant home where I can eventually construct a big layout in a nice large room, & I'm not at that point in life yet. So after some glue dries, & I solder & draw file some track joints, I may be able to show some video of a small HO 2' x' 6' #4 swich ladder yard in action!I also found that I have a few, but not many, sound units, & most are all 6 Axle EMD SD's & newer GE's, who complain noisily while negotiating my #4 switches in the switch yard, so I did happen to find a 4 axle Athearn FP7 with a Tsunami as a pusher, & I really like that alternator humm sound that it makes, so I will imagine it is an SD9 or GP of some sort, of the timeline used in my switching yard.
The camera is almost in MILW colors too!
PS: (Edit): This is the only picture I have taken in a while....
D&H #16 crossing the Old Stone Bridge
I'll follow up Tom's DiceCam post with another DiceCam post. :)
Tom and the guys over in the "Video camera for trains" thread sparked an itch and I had to get one of those cheap DiceCam's myself. (Cheap ends up being about $70 bucks after shipping and when you consider other factors like the need for an IR Cut filter for lighting other than fluorescent.. I suggest reading the whole thread before buying).
Nonetheless, I'm totally glad I got one! I cant wait to use it more (once my IR cut filter arrives). :)
Great photos as usual.
Michael, good to see Rio Grande alive and well on your layout!!
Curt, I really like that coal-tower scene.
Nothing much new from me. I just adalptld an articulated depressed-center flat car for a Dice camera mount. No big kit-bash deal, but it's nice to see the railroad workers completely befuddled by A: What looks like an old-fashioned Hollywood transition era moviesound camera in a big box, and B: Whatever a big, modern railroad car like that is doing on a railroad set in 1948, LOL!
Just a shot I took today:
assembled from left overs of my center line caboose project
see this thread
i ended up with this as leftovers
See my Web Site Here
Good evening folks, great work so far.
Lee I enjoy following your blog etc... perhaps an update is in order...
I've been working on a few little things today, here and there. Mainly bridge abutments and piers.
I will probably cover with Chooch cut stone or similiar product. I may still use styrene and make them cement abutments... We'll see what I feel like doing. LOL.
I don't know what possessed me to buy two different style Atlas bridges, but it makes it a PITA to make a pier.
I've cut a little notch to sit the deck truss on and then sit the through truss on top. I'm going to make some little styrene bridge feet to raise the through truss, just a fraction. I used really fine grit sandpaper on the bottom to make a basic concrete pier base. I'm yet to paint it, and it needs a small bit shaven off. I rounded the ends of it with my motor tool.
Overall view of the progress. Tomorrow night will hopefully be mixing a hydrocal batch and coating the foam with bandages and slopping some hydrocal down in the river bed to form a seal for when I get around to pouring the water...
And this is a new toy I got today from our Home depot equivalent Bunnings for $75. A 20L wet dry vacuum cleaner for cleaning up the layout etc... will be perfect for vacuuming the car too...
James, Brisbane Australia
Modelling AT&SF in the 90s
Meanwhile in the drafting office, Marsha asks Simon if he really wants to know where he can put his T Square...Yes kids, the Cumberland Station is now fully lit, showing off the murky interiors I spent all week working on.After the first floor was done to my satisfaction, that was covered up to work on the second floor.Likewise, the LED leads were located, and another vertical blind slat was sacrificed to cap the second floor.I used some masking tape to finish pulling in the bowed walls, holding them securely while the glue cured. There's still a bit of an arc to the back wall, but hopefully that will be imperceptible by the time I install the dormers and the roof.The details I put in the interior are now only visible through the windows. All of the LED wiring ended up in the attic, which made it much easier to work on. I again mixed up the colors used, but mostly this one has 3mm warm white, which I think gives a pretty believable color and intensity.Next to build the roof...Lee
Wow, lots of great pictures already!
A few weeks back I posted a shot of a Bowser USRA Pacific I had completed but not yet painted. The painting, weathering and decoder install is done and she's been put to work. Like all Bowsers, it will pull like gangbusters, well going frontwards, at least. I didn't install a front coupler yet!
George V.
Great modeling everyone. I have been working on my coal tower siding (ripped out the old and completely reworked it) and I finished it this afternoon so I thought I would share.
Thanks for looking.
Curt Webb
The Late Great Pennsylvania Railroad
I like that city scene. Here is another city scene starting to take shape..... Gray walls also in place until retaining walls are installed. Note lower left subway platform and top of a P-1000 subway car.
John R.
Here's a video of my NS and CSX trains running on my layout as well as a few pics.