Re: RE:[spoiler alert] April Fool's Column: Now Where'd They Get the Inspiration?
ATLANTIC CENTRAL replied on 03-08-2012 6:54 AM Reply More


Lehigh Valley 2089:



Everybodies idea of fun is not the same, I have lots of fun with my trains, for some 40 plus years now and I don't obsess over what day of the month Model Railroader comes in the mail. Nor would I ever have any such unrealistic expectation that it should or would come on the same day evey month.

I am amazed and amused by the number of people on here who seem to keep track of such things.

As for the April fools thing, it is a tradition in our culture I could do without, another would be Halloween.




Yeah, we need to get rid of Thanksgiving too.  Dumb turkeys.

- Harry
Isn't this just a little off topic to anyone??Off Topic WE'RE TALKING ABOUT SIMULATED FIRING OF STEAM ENGINES, NOT HOLIDAYS AND WHICH ONES WE CAN LIVE WITHOUT!! Nor are we talking about when our magazines come in the mail. 



Who made you the topic police? Early in this thread a number of people were moaning about when their MR showed up in their mailbox. I simply reponded to that, and to the fact that I was no more impressed or amused with this April Fools item than I have been with any of them, for some 40 years now.

I said my piece and let it alone - days latter you feel the need to be the topic police? It's call CONVERSATION and the moderators on here seem to understand that.

Even if I found the April Fools thing funny or cute, it arrives a month early - give or take - since I don't loose sleep of what day MR hits my mailbox. That kind of spoils the effect, don't you think?
