I would like to congratulate Branchline Trains on their outstanding customer service. I had purchased a billboard reefer kit in their Blueprint series, and several of the very tiny hatch latches had gone winging into that Model RR Great Beyond. (The dang things are so tiny you can barely see them without a magnifying glass!)
I wrote an email to their Customer Service department explaining my problem (very late at night), and a very nice gentleman by the name of Sam Krutt wrote back the next day (Monday) that he was sending me a sprue containing the parts in Tuesday's mail. I got the parts (TWO sprues!) yesterday (Thursday)! A great piece of customer service!
A huge "Attaboy" to Branchline, for beautiful models and great customer service!
Gary M. Collins gmcrailgNOSPAM@gmail.com
"Common Sense, Ain't!" -- G. M. Collins