QUOTE: Originally posted by csxns I run SD75-I 's SD70's AC4400CW's SD90's and SD80's on 22 radus curves all the time.
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
Brought to you by the letters C.P.R. as well as D&H!
K1a - all the way
QUOTE: Originally posted by 4884bigboy I'm getting a 5x8 but for now just have an oval inside and oval (i.e. double track main line[;)]) on the floor with 22" and 18" curves. I can get my Rivarossi FEF-3 4-8-4 and my Spectrum 4-8-2 around both with no problems. When I get my 5x8 that will let me have 26" curves, big enough to hold a Big Boy.[:p]
Scott - Dispatcher, Norfolk Southern
QUOTE: Originally posted by skir4d Of course, you miss the obvious one. I can run anything I want on 22" curves in N-scale. And I bet in Z scale its even easier. Jack W