QUOTE: Originally posted by dharmon It's getting a little old. Five, now six of the current topics on page one revolve around UP-Athearn-Trademarks-Licensing-Lionel-etc-etc............... All that's getting accomplished is a great deal of whining, flaming, and general unpleasantry FROM ALL SIDES. Opinion, emotions and speculation are triumphing over common sense, civility and fact of law. So instead of trading shots here, send your comments directly to the players. We are allowed a great deal of leeway in the forums here, much more so than some other sites. Much of that is based on Bergie relying on us to police ourselves, because he simply doesn't have the time to be a full time moderator. Let's not force him to shut the forums down for a couple of months to "upgrade software". Here's some links to vent to your heart's content: http://www.uprr.com/ http://www.athearn.com/ http://www.lionel.com/ http://www.csx.com/