After hosting the local round robin model train club last month, I decided I wanted to build a new layout that I could use to interchange with the model train clubs I belong to. Our local modeling group is into operation and interchange and my little Marklin set up lacked operation and the interchange I wanted to do. So I took it all down. Just a bare table top now! Still a small layout being only 55 inches wide by 33 inches deep. Its going to be narrow gauge, HOn3 to be exact, and will have more upward terrain this time instead of a flat table surface. I am thinking of a twice around loop that gradualy climbs up then crosses over the lower track on a timber trestle then drops back down to the lower level. The height difference between the two only being enough for the engine and cars to make it under the bridge. I will include some false front industries and other small busineses to set out cars to as I develope the track plan. I picked up an old Far East Distributers 1910 era 2-6-0 that I will rework and repower with a Roundbell K2 superglide repower kit. I have a nice paint scheme in mind and I may back date the engine a bit with either an oil burning headlight or Arc style headlight. I hope to pick up a 4-4-0 from the same brand in the future. At the local club several years ago I totaly retracked the logging town with dual gauge track and laid a 3rd rail along the main leading off into the mountain area to a future staging yard. Almost all the industies in the town can service narrow gauge cars as well as standard gauge. Two industries are set up to reload to standard gauge cars. Should be fun! I will post some pics when the new engine arrives. Its got a horrible paint job to strip and a repower/rebuild to get her running good. Cheers Mike
LHS mechanic and geniune train and antique garden tractor nut case!