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Elliot's Trackside Diner XXV- Milepost 25 Locked

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, February 20, 2010 7:49 AM

 Good morning. It's 38 here. A bit cooler than the weather guesser said it would be. The high will be in the mid 60's and it will be partly cloudy.

Not much going on here today. The Home Health nurse will be around about noon to check my feet. I got the wound vac all boxed up yesterday and called the provider. UPS will come Monday and take it away. I will be so happy to see that thing gone. I received a bunch of freight cars in the mail yesterday so I'll likely be working on them today. Many will work as is and require only a little updating. Some of the others require more work, such as a Bachmann Bicentennial caboose. It needs trucks and body mount couplers. A Mehano caboose requires shims in the coupler pockets to cure a severe case of coupler droop. A brown box Tyco caboose simply needs a change of couplers. An AHM covered coil car will need body mounted coupler boxes added.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
          Joined June, 2004

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Posted by fireman216 on Saturday, February 20, 2010 7:56 AM

 Good morning everyone..Coffee to go please for me. Gotta get up to the club today for the usual cleaning,sweeping,mopping and dusting. Our annual show is tomorrow and everything needs to be ship shape. Can't let the public see what the workbenches "really" look like.Whistling Some of our vendors that come down from the north country will show up today and we will help them unload. Plus they let us rifle through all the boxes and see all the new stuff. This show pretty much makes or breaks our clubs annual revenue...profits pay the rent and utilities for the year. RAY I hope you get to make it over tomorrow and get in our division meeting. Coffee is on me of course. Ask for me if you do. Good day all!!!...Tim

A true friend will not bail you out of jail...he will be sitting next to you saying "that was friggin awesome dude!" Tim...Modeling the there any other?

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Posted by Heartland Division CB&Q on Saturday, February 20, 2010 8:16 AM

Good morning...

I'll have oatmeal and OJ ......

Anybody hear from PC, lately?

Ulrich ... I like the UK 0-6-0T you posted. It has character. I like the layout plan, too. It has possibilities. Nice thing about MRR budgeting, is you can spend a little at a time because each little project takes time to construct. Also, I buy a lot of items second hand. For example, I purchase turnouts (switches) second hand on Ebay for about 1/4 the price of new ones. If they are damaged, I can usually repair them. I'd hate to see how much I would have spent if I bought everything new at full retail price.

Thanks for the complements on my WPF picture. Here is an alternative picture with the train traveling in the opposite direction. You can't see the 2-6-0 as well in this view.

Regarding my cardboard roads, here is a picture with more of them. This is my corner scene with the village of Valley Heights. You can see Standing Falls in below the covered bridge. The houses in teh upper right corner were cheapies from the dollar store that I repainted. They are undersized, and that forces the perspective.  

The cardboard roads wind around through the scene and are very narrow. There are a couple of N scale cars on them, but they are hidden in this view by the trees. The church to the left is a Hallmark Christmas ornament that was sprayed with matte spray. The cars at the funeral are HO.

To make the roads, I cut cardboard into appropriate shapes. Then I use plenty of consturction adhesive to hold thm in place. The thick adhesive also serves as a filler. The surface is plaster, and the contours of the plaster do not have a roadbed carved into it. After the adhesive is dry, I may use spackling compund to fill unwanted cracks.  The roads are firmly held in place, and will not warp. I paint them with concrete colored latex paint (household type). Alternatively, asphalt colored latex paint. When the paint is dry, I draw black lines for expansion joints and cracks using a cheap black ball point pen. I install white or yellow stripes. The stripes are painted masking tape that are cut to size. Next, I weathered the roads with washes of scrylic paints. I make gravel shoulders with fine ballast and blend surrounding scenery produicts into it.  





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Posted by Robby P. on Saturday, February 20, 2010 8:30 AM

 Good morning.  Its cool, but still no snow.  Maybe old man winter is taking a break.

 Well this morning I'm heading to a LHS.  This one has better cars for me to weather.  The other LHS yesterday isn't getting very good stuff in.  They did have a used GP-30 for $25, and it was part of the "spectrum" line.   So I hope to get some more cars to weather up today.

 Took some pictures last night of the layout.  The wife is into scrapbooking  and she was to make a book of my layout.  That project will be a hard one by itself (well for her).  Lots of pictures, time, etc....

 Other than that, its just another Saturday.

 Hope everybody has a good morning.

 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, February 20, 2010 9:09 AM

Good Morning. Happy February 20th! Coffee and a sweet roll please. Why am I all dressed up? I heard the King of Prussia is here today. I wanna look good. We United Statesians respect other countries peoples positions you know. Besides, It'll be nice to meet another fellow king.

Ulrich- I can't tell if Petra thinks it's a joke picture or not. You should tell her that Beer Bottom Chicken (also goes by a few other names that mean the rump) is a real recipe and actually quite good. You'll have to make it for her sometime.

Lee- Dog gone it!! Thanks for posting the link to your streets picturesGrumpy. Spent the last half hour looking at your album...... Again.Laugh (seriously I enjoyed itThumbs Up )

Tim- Good Luck for the show tomorrow.

Garry- Nice scene!

Robby- Our 1-2 inches turned out to be just a light dusting. Hope your snow peters out the same.

Today, I will continue with the construction. I've decided to make platforms that the towns and scenes will sit on in the raised section. I have searched around and read some things and it seems that most people, it appears, just lay cardboard strips or screen material or whatever the form they use for the plaster on an open grid type bench work or a scene in the hills or a raised area, whatever, they just put the scene or town right on the plaster shell. I don't feel quite that lucky. I'm going to build platforms for support for these things.

Must get a move on. Hopefully today I will progress enough to take a few pictures. Oh yeah I also said I'd try and get a picture of that wooden bridge. I need to go there anyway to see how the bridge across the Sangamon river ties in to the hillside anyway which is just down the highway about a mile. It's also a deck girder. If I remember correctly there are two different abutment looks on that bridge, one on each end. Hopefully one of those will look right for my little 50' span.

Have a Great Day!!!



Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by Anonymous on Saturday, February 20, 2010 9:33 AM

 Hi Folks,

Zoe, is it really you? You are back? OMG, I thought we had to live with (or in this) zoo forever!

Just some coffee for me, please!

I am through with my HD list. We will be having dinner guests tonight, so Petra made this 2 mile-long list for me to work down. But I still found the time to do some plain surfin´ the web. 

Warning! The following may be contageous, if you like steam:


Video 2

Video 3

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, February 20, 2010 10:47 AM

 Mornin' everyone!

Ah lets see, Oh, Mr. Fox and how are you this fine sunny morning...  "Yip!"  I thought you would agree.  I'll have a short stack of buckwheat pancakes, side order of bacon, and a cup of the new "Organic Seneca Lake Blend Dark Roast Coffee" I brought in here.  Good stuff!!!!  Oh and bring the bottle of NYS Maple Syrup and leave it right here on the Rivet Counter.

Barry I understand the new accountant specializes in eating "Bad Debt"!

Sam if you use the Goo Gone and clipper oil, use them very lightly!  I have heard some negatives about the Goo Gone. The clipper oil needs to be a very, very light coat.  Have never used them so I can't really say good or bad.  I wonder if Goo Gone and oil don't attract more dirt over time?  I highly recommend the "Gleam" method followed by running the CMX with alcohol from time to time.  I don't have a lot of track problems and even small steam locos run without a lot of difficulty.  I also do my best to keep dust and dirt away from the layout.........

Gotta get moving, my son wants me to help him today and should be calling soon.  (He wanders outside humming.......)

"The fox went out on a Winter's night, and he prayed for the moon to give him light, for he'd many a mile........."




Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Saturday, February 20, 2010 1:33 PM

Good afternoon.... Well, hello Mr. Fox, ahhhhhh, where did Mr/Mrs/Ms/Mzzzzzzzzz Raccoon go? Oh, It's got the day off huh? OK...Gee Mr. Fox, you sure seem to have a big smile on your face about THAT... Hey, is THAT 'coon fur I see stuck between your teeth? No? Well..........if you say so. Uh, I'll take a double cheeseburger basket with fries and a Coke, please 'n thank-you...yup, at the RC.

ULRICH: Hey! Good to see you Pally! As for the "Beer Can Chicken" photo, THAT was the "signature dish" for a little place called Grillers. They only cooked up about a dozen or so per day, by advanced reservation. This particular one was, welp, "stuffed and mounted" as a display. I suspect they spray-bombed it with some kind of lacquer finish/shellac... I about fell out of my chair laughing though at Petra's reaction: "Men!" Too funny! Laugh

LEE: Great stuff! Your pics always lead to great appreciation of your talent, and deep-seated envy!!!! I hope someday to have a layout at least half THAT good! As for the roads, am I seeing things or did Walthers include the "crown" to the roadway surface???

BARRY: Yup. "Extra $$ = unanticipated repair/replacement." Virtually garunteed, at least in the Umscheid household!!!!!! Good luck with whatever it was THAT went ka-bloooeeeee on ya.

TODD: Nice suit you've got on THAT a sash you're wearing to indicate your "King of Toddland" status? A top-hat would really add to your attire. I think I've got THAT bridge of yours pictured in my mind...the one I posted was the only one I've got on film...well film and in pixels now. Lemme guess, the approaches are extremely steep, the bridge unbelievably narrow, and during your time at/near/on the hope God is smiling favorably upon you today. I can think of a dozen of those...and I'm gonna Banged Head THAT I never got pics of them.

GARRY: THANKS for the "how-to" on the cardboard roads. Photo Set No. 2 is going to utilize your techniques...uh, when I get around to tearing apart Photo Set No. 1 (salvage of stuff), and get around to replacing it with Photo Set No. 2, THAT-is. You've sure got a handle on forced perspective...looks great in the photos! Speaking of...your WPF shots this week...fantastic! Thumbs Up

I too have been wondering about PC....anybody heard from him?

JEFF: Sounds like quite the haul...looking forward to pics of what you come up with on some of those cars. I remember seeing the Gulf tank car. I never saw it on a layout, but I sure remember seeing it on a shelf at the Toy Fair in the Lindale Plaza in Cedar Rapids.

Toy Fair had a great (well to a kid) selection of HO stuff (Tyco, AHM, might've had some Athearn too), Lionel stuff (what I had at the time), as well as a goldmine of MRC Tamiya 1/35th scale Military Miniatures and Testors 1/35th stuff. Toy Fair went away about the time the "Plaza" became the "Mall."

Welp, our "1-2 inches" of s**w caused all manner of chaos and carnage on the roads...again. I just don't understand it. It USED to be, Iowans could drive in durn-near, the least little bit of s**w and there are so many cars in the ditch, the State Patrol has to issue a "tow ban." I lost track of how many rollover accidents were paged-out last night in Linn and Johnson counties. There was even a head-on on Interstate 380 just south of North Liberty...someone lost it, went across the median, and biffed somebody in the other lanes. Thankfully, the striking vehicle was slowed in the median, and the biffed car was already going slow... I'm NOT into conspiracy therories...but I gotta wonder sometimes, IF someone isn't messing with the food/water supply to make us dumber and dumber???? It just boggles the mind THAT in 20 years, the number of accidents in "winter driving conditions" would go up so darn much! 20 years ago, I braved blizzards to shoot car accidents as a freelance photographer. I had very, very few to go to.'s hundreds of incidents EVERY time the least bit of snow flies. What changed?

It's OK Mr. can keep THAT soapbox, I'm done ranting. least until I try to get to North Liberty this evening to go shoot two dad/daughter dances. Heartland Church is doing one from 5:30-7:30, and the NL Girl Scouts are having a "Sweetheart Dance" (also dad/daughter) starting at 6:30. Is it National Dads Dance With Their Daughters Day?


ChrisEight Ball


The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by Packers#1 on Saturday, February 20, 2010 2:39 PM
Well, another loss last night. I got pulled right before the first half ended (probably for the play right before it) and sat out the whole second half. not sure why, but oh well. had some fun playing while I was in though. Hopefully improved a bit since our last game and I've got some more experience.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by Robby P. on Saturday, February 20, 2010 3:26 PM

 Good afternoon.  The snow is finally melting!!

 Made it to a LHS and got a few cars.  Two to sell, and one for me.  I also picked up some plastic to make some steel loads.  Hopefully those will sell also.

 Todd......I hope its all rain.  So far thats what they are calling for.

 Chris.......I got your letter.  I will get them packed up tomorrow.

 Here's a few pictures of the loads.  Hopefully I can get some pictures of the cars later next week.  *The bands aren't that big, just the zoom in makes them look like it.*


 "Rust, whats not to love?"      

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Posted by AmanaMedic on Saturday, February 20, 2010 3:54 PM

I got pulled right before the first half ended (probably for the play right before it) and sat out the whole second half. not sure why,

Whadjado? Knock somebody in the scrum???Smile,Wink, & Grin Actually though, your coach should tell you why. IF you did something wrong/illegal (is THAT even possible in rugby?) as a COACH he should be telling you so you can continue to improve. My half-a-cent...

Good afternoon... I see the Raccoon is still absent, and the Fox still seems quite...pleased. Hmmmmmm.

Thanks to Loving Wife doing a little investigating at the CR library yesterday, I've been able to do a lot of research for the future layout. They used to have an extensive collection of old phone directorys and city directories. Then came the flood of 2008 which completely wiped-out the place...and most of the collection. But, they had all the directories micro-filmed! Some genius then made .pdf files of every page... Man, I wonder what THAT cost the taxpayers of Cedar Rapids... Anyhow, I finally know definitively the names of the cement plants I'll be sending hoppers to (via the CCP), and I know exactly what brands of beer Paul Jerabek Wholsale Distribution carried. I thought he had all the...less than premium brands...but nope, another guy had the even cheaper stuff!

Jerabek will receive RBL boxcar loads of: Old Millwaukee/Old Millwaukee Light, Strohs/Strohs Light, Schaefer/Schaefer Light, SCHLITZ, and SCHLITZ Malt Liquor. I haven't figured out how he's getting his Heineken/Heineken Dark, Amstel Light, Molson Golden, Guiness Stout (YUM!), Harp, and Bass Ale. I'm suspecting those imports will arrive via truck-borne containers.

In a way, this is good news...I thought I'd be "needing" a few of the Coors boxcars (hard to find resin kit or new stuff from...ExactRail? don't know). BUT, it was another distributor elsewhere in the city who had the Colorado, it's not an issue! I already knew who had the Miller Products (Fleck's) and the Budweiser stable of liquids (or is THAT "stable liquids?) (Dale Lee Dist.).


I kinda wanted the guy to also have Old Style, Grain Belt, etc.; and he might yet in MY version of the universe... I still need to figure out how he (Jerabek) got his carloads of beer though. The building is now a manufacturing place for some kind of "organic" health/beauty products. There is no rail spur, and in several trips by the place, I've never seen anything suggesting a loading door/dock. But, I knew a guy who swore by it.

Just another of the many things I never took a picture of...but should've! Banged Head

Another flaw in the slaw: Rerun shredded ALL of the North Yard switch lists THAT woulda shown cars for Jerabek... Sometimes, it's a wonder he survived his puppy days...

Fortunately, as King of my universe, I can add a spur/dock/door as I see fit, and assign what RBLs I want.

'Tis GOOD to be the King, right TODD?

I also found a company who might get occassional rail shipments of construction equipment. If he's where I think he is (Map Quest will tell me for sure), then he'd be close enough to the former MILW tracks the CCP operated to service National Oats. The line also served Iowa Manufacturing (Cedarapids, Inc.), builder of rock crushers and asphalt pavers. In MY world, AND if I can find HO scale crushers/pavers, Iowa Man. may get served too... Or not. They weren't rail-served (though the spurs were still all in-place) while I was in high school ('83-'87), and my era is '87-' might not even worry about it. THAT's the area where I....uh...."found" the derail in my RR junk collection. Whistling

Welp, time to go get decentized enough to be out and about amongst polite society, and take professional photojournalist photographs of daddies dancing with daughters... Plus, I figure I've bored you-all enough for awhile!Mischief

ChrisEight Ball

***EDIT: ROBBY P: Thanks! Also, those loads look good....really goodThumbs Up

The Cedar cRapids Industrial Branch: Proudly Shipping Yesterday's CrunchBerries Tomorrow!

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Posted by ns3010 on Saturday, February 20, 2010 4:00 PM

Afternoon all. Janie, I'll take a RBF, thanks.

Feel like I haven't been in here in years.

Had a late game yesterday, at 9:30, so I didn't get a chance to get in. We lost 5-2. Our last game is Monday night.
I thought I got a concussion yesterday, but I think I'm fine. I can't even tell which hit it would have been, cause I got hit a lot. That, and my stomach was kinda wierd since the first period. Got a puck in a place where you don't want to get one, and HARD. Until you get hit, you don't understand why we wear those things! Thank god for those!
Anyways, so yeah, for the entire 3rd period, I felt awful, almost like I was gonna puke, so my coach said just to go home, not even to go back on the bus. But after 12 hours of sleep (no exaggeration at all) last night, I feel great!

Got all the regular homework done, so I'm gonna have tons of time to finish my history paper, work on my chem/algebra one, and work on my english project. I have a lot to do!

I have to go out soon, so I probably won't get to much catching up between now and then, but I should have time later.

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Posted by JimRCGMO on Saturday, February 20, 2010 4:38 PM

Afternoon, Janie - glad to see a familiar (human) face behind the counter! I'l have a BLT sandwich, some chili-covered fries, and a RBF please, UTBN-HH (un-touched-by-non-human-hands). Thanks!

I've decided - in honor of that big circle up in the sky today, to use its color (yellow) in my post.Cool It is actually 60 F (16 C) in Cape G. this afternoon, fer cryin' out-loud! YAY!!! (Why are those critters scurrying away from me?...)

Chris, yeah, I'd say that your smaller town up there might be risking a bunch, hoping that nothing major (or even sorta-medium-big) comes up in the way of expenses for 20 years. Heck, another nasty winter with lots o-sn*w and ice could overrun them on their salt/chemicals/sand part of the budget! But what the hey, it's their choice...

Bama - 13 couples for your small group?Shock That's a bit of a crowd in the house, I would expect. (Unless the couples are about the size of a possum couple)Wink

Flip, up here, it's the moccasins and the copperheads I worry about. Oops By the way, did you decide on the BB RR because that's what's left after the piranha get done with the stream-waders? Whistling

Nah, Todd - those responses just seem funny because you took a (short) nap in the meantime (kinda like Duke does sometimes...)Smile,Wink, & Grin

 Elliot - I don't get it.

Jimmy - it's the name of the guy who originally started Elliott's Coffee Shop (which preceeded the various versions of Elliott's Trackside Diner). And Sign - Welcome to the Diner! What's your layout (or plans/dreams/ideas) like? Have a cup of your favorite beverage on me, and fill us in a little. Thumbs Up

Sam, I think I kinda, sorta, maybe understood that...Confused Oh, and IIRC = If I Recall Correctly... (I think...)

Lee, your idea on the tattoo sounds like good sense to this parent, also! Wink And are you trying to start the MRR Wars of 2010 there? Oops And Sam made a good point there, about how WHAT the tattoo looks like (as well as where it's put) can make a big difference.

Jeff, cute name for the spider.Laugh I'd agree with the others - that price sounds better than a 1 oz. bottle price (X 7).

Garry, I like your road, and it looks like it's holding up well. What kind of construction adhesive did you use to hold it down?

Chuck, it sounds like you're starting to make some progress on the layout there. Are you moving your layout upstairs, or 'just' everything? Wink Best wishes on it, either way.

Keith, it sounds like you're getting the hang of things on the roads & streets - just fiddle around with them until you like what you see! Thumbs Up Of course, using the paper drawings of the arrangements helps, too. Yeah!!

Calif.Tom - sorry to hear of your latest glitch with that beauty, and hope CH gets her feeling up to her better self soon!

Robby - thanks for posting the pics of your steel loads (saved 'em) - did you make these with the 'dark gray' styrene as your starting point, or what'd you spray them for color?

Joe, sorry to hear about your 'injury' (cringed when I read your post)Shock, but hopefully the half-day's nap has you feeling more like your old self! Whistling

Had plans to get dinner with my buddy Mark here, but they have fallen through (beginning to wonder if he's mad with me about something...), so plan B will be to treat myself to dinner out (after I check what H-L has that I want to use my 40 percent off coupon on). I also would like to get more of my rolling stock and engines entered into my MRR inventory I set up, including photos, reporting marks, manufacturer #'s, etc.

After three on-call nights wihout any pages, I got called out yesterday evening to our outlying county, and on the way out there, I think I almost made a (relative of the Diner's) possum into pancake fixin's... Thought when I saw Bre'r Possum that he/she was a goner. Luckily for us both, I saw him/her start to turn around and I did NOT hear or feel any 'disturbance in the Force...' as I passed overhead. Didn't see the possum on my return trip anywhere, so guess he/she was back home, changing out britches... Even with THAT trip and another one to local ER after that, I was still back home in bed by midnight (when some Diners are still up planning their layout stuff Smile,Wink, & Grin).

About time for me to head on out - H-L awaits (as does dinner after that)! Janie, if you get a hankering to, uh, 'clean house', I did notice that the broom is sitting in that closet off of the kitchen...Whistling


Blessings and a good evening's rest for ya,

Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, February 20, 2010 4:46 PM

Dr Pepper please. Got some things accomplished today. Now for a nap.

Chris- Went to the bridge and I'll have to admit, it seemed taller and steeper in memory than when I look at it now. The pictures make it look shorter but it's still not as tall as I recall. (hm, rhymes). Couldn't get a full on side shot because the overgrowth would have me standing down a ways and in the middle of the tracks. A photo position that I have seen taking some heat and I do believe, removed because of the illegal and safety implications. So, I opted not to even take one. Anyway, here it is.

This photo shows the end with the stairs. To keep bicyclers and sledders etc from sliding right out onto highway 54 I suppose. I am standing on the shoulder of the highway. (no traffic. I checked) EDIT I forgot to mention at this point the railway is actually about 15 feet below the level of the ground.

Robby- Some stations here were calling for 5-7 inches tomorrow, but others are calling for rain.

Here is what I have accomplished so far.


 I am test fitting the town of Gold Creek. The road up to the post office General/store/bar and soon to be Dance Hall to the right, will rise and curve up to the left of the gas station. Which, by the way, I'm not sure will remain there. I'm wanting it to. We'll see. To this side of the train station will be the wooden bridge that will lead into the tourist trap town that will occupy the round, as yet not built, end of the peninsula. The upper track will emerge from the tunnel on the grade about halfway down the row of buildings( Merchants Row1) and will enter the tunnel on the wall side of the two tracks on the section against the wall. The lower track will enter another tunnel on the aisle side of the section against the wall and will exit where you see the portal onto a bridge over a somewhat shallow ravine. Then continue around the end of the peninsula, section 3 and onto section 4.

All for right now. Will have to see what tomorrow brings. It's still early, there may be more goes on tonight, but this boys back and knees say "we'll see"


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by LSWrr on Saturday, February 20, 2010 4:52 PM
Just got back from Home Depot, watch the news a large woman will kill her husband tonight with a shovel!   I bought a clock this morning for the train room and it didn’t work, so I took it back; while I was standing in line to exchange the clock a large woman was returning a shovel.  I asked the clerk what was wrong and she said the woman’s husband sent her to get a shovel and she accidently bought a left handed shovel and her husband made her take it back and exchange it for a right handed shovel.  You know being a Bosun for 22 years I never thought of that one!


BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:02 PM

Lee- I wonder if he tolde her to stop off on the way back and pick up some turn signal fluid? ROFL!!!

Reminds me of the time I sent an old girlfriend of mine back to the dealership to get her catalytic converter replaced because it was separated inside and rattled. (warranty don't you know) anyway, I told her it was her muffler bearings and it was covered under warranty. Hoo boy, it was kinda difficult a couple months later to convince her there was such as thing as a dry shock. Laugh ROFL..... again.

uh oh, what'd I roll in.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:10 PM

I bought a clock this morning for the train room and it didn’t work, so I took it back; while I was standing in line to exchange the clock a large woman was returning a shovel.  I asked the clerk what was wrong and she said the woman’s husband sent her to get a shovel and she accidently bought a left handed shovel and her husband made her take it back and exchange it for a right handed shovel. 

That is absolutely priceless! Reminds me of the time I sent my nephew (he was 8 at the time) to the toolshed in the backyard to find a right handed wrench. The one I had was a left handed one and it just wasn't wasn't working for me. What can I say? It was April 1st.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by Cederstrand on Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:12 PM

Grilled chicken, please.

***Garry, neat layout pics. Put one up on our desktop. Haven't had time to try the cardboard road (with my own twist on it) just yet.

***Ulrich, enjoyed the steam train vids. That little loco is an interesting looking cridder.

***Todd, you will have some kind of arm access to the tunnels, yes? You're making good progress there.

Time to do evening critter rounds. Later....Cowboy Rob



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Posted by LSWrr on Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:15 PM


Todd, I see you only have one tunnel portal there.  I just happen to have two or three sitting in my train room and they are in my way.  Want them?  Looks like some good progress on the layout!

Robby, nice steel loads, what are they made of?  Have you seen the card stock steel coil loads?  I think it was the November MRR that had step by step instructions.

Chris, there are crowning pieces to place under the roads if you wish.

Todd, you know that was last year’s album.  I have a 2008, 2009, and now a 2010 construction album.  I start an area then switch to another area until another piece or part comes available or comes within budget.  So things get tweaked and updated randomly.

Garry, some of my concrete roads I use the Elmer’s Styrofoam board.   You can cut expansion joints as needed and the Styrofoam is covered in paper so it takes paint well.  Also if your layout is HO the Styrofoam board is code 100 rail height.

Jeff, maybe you can re-paint that trolley for a more local flavor?   

I went shopping today: I bought hanging lights and shades for the roundhouse interior, epoxy mold making compound, two 1953 White cab over semi’s a red and a green one but yes their make is White, some roundhouse personnel, some new trees from MRC (100 for $8), couple jars of paint, another Chooch flat car load.  Believe it or not I didn’t buy ANY ROLLING STOCK.  I’m holding out until I can finish the 15 kits sitting on the work bench.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:17 PM

***Todd, you will have some kind of arm access to the tunnels, yes? You're making good progress there.

Yes. From the bottom. Doesn't show it well in the picture, but in the back the benchwork is open so I can reach up and remove the inevitable. Unfortunately, if I get a derail on the grade part, it's going to the floor.



Central Illinoyz

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:20 PM

Jeff, maybe you can re-paint that trolley for a more local flavor?   

That's one thing I was thinking about. It has the wrong trucks on it anyway.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by TMarsh on Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:22 PM

Lee- Don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth or sound picky, but they wouldn't happen to be stone would they? If so, I could use a couple.

The third I have scratch material to build a somewhat different type for the alleged age.


Central Illinoyz

In order to keep my position as Master and Supreme Ruler of the House, I don't argue with my wife.

I'm a small town boy. A product of two people from even smaller towns. I don’t talk on topic….. I just talk. Laugh

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Posted by LSWrr on Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:23 PM

Jeff, while I was in the service my favorites were:

I need a bucket of prop wash
I need 50 feet of shoreline with an eye in one end
No I wanted the eye in the other end!
Go weigh the anchor
I need a left handed metric crescent wrench
go find the keys to the sea chest
I need one gallon of bumblebee paint
I need two buckets of steam
You need to tie a dragon bowline and a Bowline on a bite
You can’t leave until you get a proper haircut

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by LSWrr on Saturday, February 20, 2010 5:28 PM

Todd, they are concrete with cut sandstone arches, double track portals.

BM1 Lee Soule USCG (ret)
 L.S.&W Railroad Serving the Lower Great Lakes

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Posted by blownout cylinder on Saturday, February 20, 2010 6:05 PM

It just boggles the mind THAT in 20 years, the number of accidents in "winter driving conditions" would go up so darn much! 20 years ago, I braved blizzards to shoot car accidents as a freelance photographer. I had very, very few to go to.'s hundreds of incidents EVERY time the least bit of snow flies. What changed?

I was thinking about this earlier today as we found a rash of black ice condx that lead to all kindsa ditchdiving. A possible answer? IIRC the MTO here in ON did a recent survey of driving schools and ended up pulling the licenses of about 40% of those schools!! And apparently almost half of those were in the TO areaSad I've a couple of friends who are driving instructors who have nted that there was very little in terms of certification processes actually in that same period you just mentioned.

BTW--the part that went PTOOF!! was in the joint between the showerhead and the faucet of the tubWhistlingSad

Good Evening--

Got everything all fixed up and I'll have to resave all that dang money to try and attempt that attempt that I was attempting to attempt---namely visit a certain LHS that is at the OTHER end of townGrumpy

Flo---I'll just have a coffee for now please----I'll be at the RC for a bit

Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry

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Posted by Robby P. on Saturday, February 20, 2010 6:37 PM

 Lee....The load is made out of gray styrene.  Its 1 - 1/4 size.  I did see the coils.  I tried to make some awhile back, but I wasn't to happy with them.  The ones in the magazine looked GREAT.

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Posted by Packers#1 on Saturday, February 20, 2010 7:54 PM


I got pulled right before the first half ended (probably for the play right before it) and sat out the whole second half. not sure why,

Whadjado? Knock somebody in the scrum???Smile,Wink, & Grin Actually though, your coach should tell you why. IF you did something wrong/illegal (is THAT even possible in rugby?) as a COACH he should be telling you so you can continue to improve. My half-a-cent...


What got me pulled I think was a ball was on the ground and it was rolling and for some reason my brain didn't connect for me to pick it up and then when I picked it up I ran sideways instead of upfield and tried to pass it back instead of just going down which lead to a fumbled pass and a try for the other team. oh well, I'll get a chance at redemption next game.

Sawyer Berry

Clemson University c/o 2018

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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Saturday, February 20, 2010 7:58 PM

 Did a little work on a couple of freight cars this morning then went down to my parent's place to wash some clothes and wait on the Home Health nurse to come as I was she would could come out today after last Wednesdays visit. Well, the clothes were done and I had had watched a couple of TV programs and still no nurse. So I called the phone # I had for them and they said they'd check and call me back. Over an hour later no one had called back so I called again. It was then they gave me a message stating that since I was no longer on the vac therapy they were no longer coming out. I have no problem with that. What I do have a problem with is they had Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to get this message to me. Instead, I have to waste several hours of my time while they take their time getting back to me. At least the whole day wasn't wasted. My sister and I went out to dinner at Las Margaritas tonight. That was a nice diversion. I don't like being stuck at home all the time. My parent's place is OK but there's not much I can do there.

Running Bear, Sundown, Louisiana
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Posted by JimRCGMO on Saturday, February 20, 2010 8:29 PM

Good Evening, Janie - still haven't used that broom yet? Remember, it's in that closet by the kitchen door, and I hear it's good for 'cleaning out' various pests, hint, hint. (No, I was NOT referring to any of our two-legged Diners!) I'll have a hot fudge sundae and a Rio Grande mug of coffee, please, untouched by.. Oh, you already know the rest of that phrase? Thanks!

Lee...Laugh ROTFL! (Hee, hee...chuckle..) Wonder how hard she'll hit him when she gets home, or did the clerk play along with the routine? For the husband's sake, I hope the clerk didn't tip her off! More fun than having a snipe hunt, sounds like! Smile,Wink, & Grin  Hey, after reading about you needing to finish a mere 15 unassembled rolling stock kits, I think I'm in trouble. Oops Or do I only count the kits next to the w**kbench? (I might be safer then...)

Todd, good shots of the layout progress. Thumbs Up Will the track up to Gold Creek be a switchback, or something else?

Robby, of course the ones in MR looked great. Now you know, they might've had to re-build and re-shoot the photography several times to get them to look that way. Probably had to spend 3-4X the time supergluing each loop of the coil and clamping, and waiting and doing another loop, and gluing, and clamping, and... For me, the RTR ones from Athearn that I have will do just fine (especially since I already have paid for them - on sale, natch). Wink I like your sheet metal loads just fine (and will be shooting for something sorta like that).Bow How thick are your spacer pieces on those, wouldja guess (and do they go all the way across, or just at each end)?

My trip to H-L was a bust - couldn't easily find my coupon when I got there, and didn't want to open the trunk and rifle through the bag my laptop was in (and the folder below that) to get it. So I just went in to see what they had. Found the W-S "Washday Getaway" figure set, but it was about $18, so I definitely wanted to wait for another time when I had that 40 percent coupon with me. Yeah!! Maybe next week, we'll see if they run it again.

Barry - that's a bit scary about those local driving schools in your area. I think we don't have driver's ed. locally (insurance rates, probably), but there's one guy who teaches it in this area, and has a car with the sticker on the back of his car. Not sure if he got the 'franchise' after teaching it at the school for a while and then they shut down the program, or what. I have heard that he gives some number of lessons for a set fee (and I guess if you don't pass the driving exam for your license, you get to come back for a 'refresher'). Good luck with getting to the LHS on the 'right' end of town. Whistling

Sawyer, sounds like one of those 'live and learn' things. I learn some things the hard way ONE time, and usually don't repeat my mistake for a long ways after that. Hopefully you will remember the next time you're in that kind of playing situation. Thumbs Up


Jeff, as you said, it's good that you got to go out for dinner with your sister, and got a little w**k on some freight cars in.

Hey, Ray - catchy li'l tune there! Been hummin' that one to myself at points in the day, now that I think of it. Whistling You and Tim have fun at the show tomorrow!

I'll be at the RC for a little while, chowing down on my sundae, and seeing who else may come in (on two legs). (Also trying to stay away from the various wildlife...)



Jim in Cape Girardeau

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Posted by howmus on Saturday, February 20, 2010 8:32 PM

Comes in diner, still singing under his breath.......

"Well, the Fox and his wife without any strife,
They cut up the goose without fork or knife,
They never had such a meal in their life,
And the little ones chewed on the bones, O, Bones O, Bones O......."

Oh evenin' Flo!  You're back?  Good!  I'll have, hmmmm, roast goose with all the trimings, a cup of decafe, and pumpkin pie with a dolup of whipped cream for dessert.

Spent most of the day moving more boxes of "stuff" belonging to my son and his family over to their house.  Managed to get a bit more than half of the stuff stored in the storage rental into the trailer.  had to make a trip back to their house as my son forgot the key to the storage building.....  We unloaded about half the trailer this evening, then had a pizza dinner and I got to play with my two favorite little ladies for a bit.....  Fun day actually!

Got back home to find a package on the porch from Kappler Scale Lumber.  Arived quick as it was just ordered on Wednesday I think.  Tomorrow i will be going to the Syracuse Model Railroad Club Open House and Train Meet with a group of guys from the southern tier.  They will be passing by here anyway on their way and asked if I wanted to ride over with them.  One is a MMR in my Division who has become a friend and mentor so I grabbed the chance to have some guys to spend the day with.  Did ya hear me Tim??? Big Smile  I'll be looking for you!  We should be arriving around noon, put the coffee over!

Hope yu all have a good night!



Ray Seneca Lake, Ontario, and Western R.R. (S.L.O.&W.) in HO

We'll get there sooner or later! 

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