Not to worry. The resistance of even a couple of feet of feeder wire is too small to worry about. Use a feeder size that is easy to solder, easy to bend, and small enough to be inconspicous.
David Starr
That will be fine. Yes, you will lose a small amount of power, but on any reasonably-sized home layout, I'd defy anyone to notice it without putting a better-than-Radio-Shack meter on it. Most of my feeders are a good 12-15 inches, and I have no problems at all. (Pssst. Don't tell anyone, but I used 18-gauge wire for my track power bus, too.)
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
It seems that feeder wires should be about six" long from the bus line I have planned to run my bus line in the middle of the 30" depth of my layout. My track is in the front or in the back, so that the feeder wires will have to be longer than 6". If I increase the size of the feeder wires will this work with out a lose of power? Any suggestions?
Thanks Russ