They are very, very good kits. Well thought out and well detailed. The difficulty of the kit is relative, meaning the more resin kits you've built, the easier a Wright Trak will be. Each kit has its own set of challenges. I have built a couple, (his SRR bay window cabooses), for others but I really can't justify the expense of these kits for myself. If you've built any resin kits at all, you should have no problem.
Keep it between the Rails
Alabama Central Homepage
Nara member #128
NMRA &SER Life member
I'm resurrecting this question as I've been looking at these kits again and still thinking about it. Yes the wheels of progress grind very, very slowly.
Dan Metzger
I recently saw a kit version of an Illinois Central Wide Vision Caboose made by Wright Trak Models. My question is, has any one built one of the kits? how difficult are they? and how do they look and run when they are finished. I am a fairly experienced modeler so I'm not afarid of a difficult kit as long as it will result in a good looking good running model for the price (about $60.00). Your thoughts please.