MisterBeasley Allegheny2-6-6-6 Let me guess. Sir Madog and the Knights of the Turntable, right?
Let me guess. Sir Madog and the Knights of the Turntable, right?
Summerset Ry.
"Stay Alert, Don't get hurt Safety First!"
NeO6874 rrinker Allegheny2-6-6-6 Little hint! A: Gun trumps sword every day of the week OK Indy. and the holy hand grenade trumps all
rrinker Allegheny2-6-6-6 Little hint! A: Gun trumps sword every day of the week OK Indy.
Allegheny2-6-6-6 Little hint! A: Gun trumps sword every day of the week
Little hint!
A: Gun trumps sword every day of the week
OK Indy.
and the holy hand grenade trumps all
Nah----Cluster bomb---that'll trump----
Any argument carried far enough will end up in Semantics--Hartz's law of rhetoric Emerald. Leemer and Southern The route of the Sceptre Express Barry
I just started my blog site...more stuff to come...
19 Years old, modeling the Cowlitz, Chehalis, and Cascade Railroad of Western Washington in 1927 in 6X6 feet.
....Now go away or I shall taunt you some more!
Pythonites AND Model Railroaders - what a swell bunch of guys we are!
I once caught a train in my pajama's. How it got in my pajama's I'll never know... (sorry, Groucho)
NeO6874 and the holy hand grenade trumps all
"Thou shalt count to three and only three......"
rrinkerAllegheny2-6-6-6 Little hint! A: Gun trumps sword every day of the week OK Indy.
Builder of Bowser steam! Railimages Site
steinjr<KABOOOM> NOBODY expects the 4x8 layout! Our chief weapon is surprise. Surprise and fear....fear and surprise.... Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency. ... Grin, Stein, with enough jet lag in my body to find Monty Python jokes irresistible :-)
NOBODY expects the 4x8 layout!
Our chief weapon is surprise.
Surprise and fear....fear and surprise....
Our two weapons are fear and surprise...and ruthless efficiency. ...
Grin, Stein, with enough jet lag in my body to find Monty Python jokes irresistible :-)
Tales from the Dockside....
MisterBeasleyAllegheny2-6-6-6 Let me guess. Sir Madog and the Knights of the Turntable, right?
putting the spin on I see...
and the Sword in the Stone is just a link and pin coupler.
Allegheny2-6-6-6How in the heck do you dry clean those suits, they muyst be hell on the wife's washer
It's the dryer I'm worried about. Can you imagine the noise?
Now I'm off to chop down the largest tree in the forest with a herring.
Ex-Southern 385 Being Hoisted
Where is the Shrubbery...............
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
Visit my web site at www.readingeastpenn.com for construction updates, DCC Info, and more.
Allegheny2-6-6-6A: Gun trumps sword every day of the week
Allegheny2-6-6-6 Does anyone know what it is?
Does anyone know what it is?
Having made chain mail, I knew what it looked like, but given the forum, I was stumped by trying to figure out how it was train related .
It looks like a necklace that's come apart
Texas ZepherAllegheny2-6-6-6 Ok your not going to believe this but they are chainmail links.Yes, I would because that is what I was going to say. the real stuff. It just goes to show their are a lot of nutty people on craigslist.What is nutty about it? I've made several suites of chain mail through the years - I'm just going to have to stop getting fatter. Blacksmithing has been a "family trade" for years. I collect and make swords too. Took 2nd place in the last tournament I was in. I also Fence. The people on Craigslist are probably showing your trains and calling you nutty. Sort of like the fire box calling the ash pit dirty.
Allegheny2-6-6-6 Ok your not going to believe this but they are chainmail links.
the real stuff. It just goes to show their are a lot of nutty people on craigslist.
The people on Craigslist are probably showing your trains and calling you nutty. Sort of like the fire box calling the ash pit dirty.
B: How in the heck do you dry clean those suits, they muyst be hell on the wife's washer
C:I buy my fence at Lowes or Home Depot why make when you can buy
D: No offense intended but your on a model railroaidng site where we are of course NORMAL so yes the people on craigslist are weird.
Maybe I'll go on craigs list and look for a giant wooden badger
Texas Zepher I also Fence.
I also Fence.
Chain link, split rail, or hot merchandise?
You know, sometimes I just kill myself! (Saves everyone else from having to do it!)
Connecticut Valley Railroad A Branch of the New York, New Haven, and Hartford
"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." -- Henry Ford
This?!? This is just a flesh wound!!
Terry in NW Wisconsin
Queenbogey715 is my Youtube channel
river_eagle dknelson rrinker You 'aven't got a 'orse, you're just bangin two coconuts together! Listen. In order to maintain air-speed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings forty-three times every second, right? Maybe we better not get started on Python quotes after all .... Dave Nelson But if was an African Swallow......
dknelson rrinker You 'aven't got a 'orse, you're just bangin two coconuts together! Listen. In order to maintain air-speed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings forty-three times every second, right? Maybe we better not get started on Python quotes after all .... Dave Nelson
rrinker You 'aven't got a 'orse, you're just bangin two coconuts together!
You 'aven't got a 'orse, you're just bangin two coconuts together!
Listen. In order to maintain air-speed velocity, a swallow needs to beat its wings forty-three times every second, right?
Maybe we better not get started on Python quotes after all ....
Dave Nelson
But if was an African Swallow......
Well we could build a giant wooden badger.....
Now that's a good one and people think we're strange for playing with toy trains..
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
CTValleyRR Curtain rings, or nose rings for livestock?
Curtain rings, or nose rings for livestock?
As long as it is not your nose ring.
How about a chain for a chandelier or light fixture ?
And just when exactly does your wife wear her chainmail???? I might get my wife one for Xmas!
"All of the world's problems are the result of the difference between how we think and how the world works."
Ok your not going to believe this but they are chainmail links............lol (see image)
No not the kind of email your brother in law sends you but the real stuff. It just goes to show their are a lot of nutty people on craigslist.
A happy wife with crimp rings to spare .... what man could ask for more?