Jim Davis Jr Pennsy, then, Pennsy now, Pennsy Forever!!!!!!!
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QUOTE: Originally posted by CP5415 So Walthers F40 has no problems hauling the Athearn cars huh! Sounds like I need to go shopping. Gordon
QUOTE: Originally posted by METRO lol Funny you should mention the F40. GO had lots of problems with their F40s, namely that they were at the edge of their designed limits the entrie time they pulled for GO. See, the F40 runs its HEP right off the prime mover, and since GO has LONG trains (standard commuter rake is 10 cars) and the F40 was pulling and powering all of them alone, it was constantly at the top of its capacity. GO eventually ditched the F40s to Amtrak when it got the F59s (which have seperate engines for traction and HEP.) Since the F40s were being stressed so much they produced some of the most horrid noise and were nicknamed Thunderliners and Screamers. As for the GPs they pulled well and were used in conjunction with rebuilt F7s to provide HEP. Interestingly GO has only once used double headed trains in regular service. To ease congestion on the Toronto-Hamilton line they had two F59s double up with absolutely insane train lengths. This eventually was seen as being not cost effective though and the ten car rakes returned. I personally run two F7s and two kitbashed units that make decient F59s (lol well passable to all but rivet counters) I know the F7s are not quite prototypical but there is some emotional appeal to the old units. The F7s are Athearns with Kato drives, and the "F59s" are just the Walthers F40s with an F59 cab and paint job, which is close enough for me
QUOTE: Originally posted by METRO I Have four ten car GO transit rakes, and on my freelance commuter line I have four rakes with eight of Bachman's double decker Chinese cars, repainted of course, two rakes with ten Walthers Horizon commuter cars and three RDCs. My favourite real world line is and will always be GO Transit. My girlfriend and I take it everywhere! lol if they had an extension to Wasaga Beach and Buffalo I'd probably sell my car.
Ray Breyer
Modeling the NKP's Peoria Division, circa 1943