That should be turn right, if you turn left you will finish up in New Zealand, and don't forget to change lanes to the opposite side when you get to the Aussie Border.
All jokes aside, if you happen to be Down Under at the time, do drop in and say G'Day!
Updates have just been completed on the Darling Downs Model Railway Club Inc. website for the 2009 TMTEX (www.ddmrc.com), in the left column on the home page, go to Events, then Toowoomba Model Train Exhibition and you have three sections to look at, the TMTEX Facts (History of the event), Information regarding this years event and an up to date list of exhibitors with more still to come.You can be assured this is lining up to be a great event with a few surprises being lined up as well, stay tuned.
Where is Toowoomba you might well ask?
Just south of America, get off at Brisbane, Qld, Australia and turn left, the lights will be on, you can't miss it.
So if you happen to be passing by Australia on the weekend of June 13-14, drop in and make yourself known.