I used Atlas Code 80 on my first N-Scale layout way back when Custer was a cadet; I have used Railcraft/Micro Engineering Code 55 ever since. If this Code 80 had any kind of a wobble I never noticed it and I would probably have ignored it. Maybe this is the reason I was advised many years past to "always put the fixed rail on the outside of a curve!"
From the far, far reaches of the wild, wild west I am: rtpoteet
The sliding rails on some of my Atlas 80 N-gauge flex track are wobbly. But others aren't. Not usually a problem but when I strip some ties away for mounting on a bridge there's even more wobble.
Just wondering if anyone else had the flexi-slidi-wobbles and what'd you do about it? (I've dropped some CA at a few points and that seems to work but I hear the CA is brittle on rails). Any suggestions?
M.C. Fujiwara
My YouTube Channel (How-to's, Layout progress videos)
Silicon Valley Free-moN