If one could roll back the hands of time... They would be waiting for the next train into the future. A. H. Francey 1921-2007
QUOTE: Originally posted by rda1964 If your son is 3 years old, DO NOT GET HIM AN ELECTRIC TRAINSET AND MOUNT IT ON THE WALL. Let me repeat that. IF YOUR SON IS 3 YEARS OLD DO NOT GET HIM AN ELECTRIC TRAINSET AND MOUNT IT ON THE WALL!!!!!! You are asking for a serious accident. He will eventually form the idea to climb up the wall via one means or another and likely have a serious accident when he pulls the shelving and rollingstock down on himself or his friends. For now get him a wodden trainset to pull around on the floor or one with wooden tracks he can assemble himself. Save the electrics for later in his maturation. Good Luck Randy
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