I just got an e-mail from one of my suppliers re INTERMOUNTAIN-RAILWAY items for new release. They will have metal insulated wheelsets for micro-trains trucks for October delivery. The stock # is 60052 for twelve sets for $7.95. Check the web site.
They have other wheelsets and trucks also coming on.
retsignalmtr wrote:33 inch wheels are for freight cars. 36 inch wheels are for passenger cars.
From the far, far reaches of the wild, wild west I am: rtpoteet
If you can find them, Fox Valley Models makes outstanding metal wheelsets for N scale. They come in axle lengths compatible with MT trucks, as well as several other brands, so make sure you specify the right ones. These are made from brass and are plated to look like steel. They have fine scale flanges, but track beautifully. They are also available in 33" and 36" sizes.
The biggest drawback to the Atlas wheels is that they have steel axles, which wreaks havoc if you use magnetic automatic uncoupling.
Route of the Alpha Jets www.wmrywesternlines.net
First of all - 33" wheels are appropriate for 70 ton capacity cars, and 36" wheels are for over that range. Most box cars fall into the 33" range, and covered hoppers fall into the 36" range.
As far as M-T trucks. As you have found, not a lot of wheel sets will roll good in their trucks. I have great luck using the special 'M-T compatible' wheel sets made by Atlas(150-22133). These are 33" wheel sets and roll very well in M-T trucks. You are are your own for 36" wheel sets...
Jim Bernier
Modeling BNSF and Milwaukee Road in SW Wisconsin
Sawyer Berry
Clemson University c/o 2018
Building a protolanced industrial park layout