Its a pretty good show but the information is fairly basic and I don't think there have been any new episodes in quite a while. It was on here in the Kansas City area at 4:30 on Sunday morning so I DVR it but apparently its off the air now as my recording yesterday morning was a gardening show. Some of you mentioned the show about the layout with a tornado - I've seen this layout as it belongs to a modeler here in Kansas City. Its a very impressive layout with a lot of special effects-in addition to the tornado it has sunrise and sunset going from one side of the layout to the other and its a walk in layout.
You can go to and get print versions of the episodes but I just checked and the show is no longer on their broadcast schedule.
It's on at about 4AM -- thus I DVR it.
Not much there, though. In one episode they had a guy who has a tornado on his layout (yes, a tornado) but they hardly showed it or explained how he achieved the effect.
Lots of cameos by MR staff as well.
Get some Allen Keller videos if you want fairly in-depth model train stuff.
I think they stopped producing it over a year ago. It was basically a series of episodes where they built a Woodland Scenics layout kit.
Nice for the beginner, not much there for anyone with some experience.
Route of the Alpha Jets
DIY=Do It Yourself. It is a tv channel. I'm not sure about the whole streaming thing. is the website, you might be able to find out something there.
Basically it's a tv show about model railroading. I find that it can be interesting at times...
I was wondering if anyone watched DIY's "Working on the Railroad" and what your thoughts on the show are?