gmcrail wrote: Just spotted this thread, thought I'd share my little play on words with you:Hint: Move the first space in the company name 2 characters to the left.
Just spotted this thread, thought I'd share my little play on words with you:
Hint: Move the first space in the company name 2 characters to the left.
Gary M. Collins
"Common Sense, Ain't!" -- G. M. Collins
Union Pacific Cascade Division Model RR wrote:I have a bear eating a dude! It just a bear nessecity. HA!
Oh, yeah. I just bearly remembered, I have a campground scene with people getting ready for a picnic, while the bears have gotten into the goodies in their pickup truck bed.
CofGaMike wrote:Here's a couple of pics of a whimsical scene on a display layout I had for a couple of years:
Where did you get the aliens for the UFO scene!?
Texas Zepher wrote: All of these jokes and gags are visual. I still think my "stock car with scent" joke a year ago tops them all. You know, I smelled that car rolling by in a consist at the last operating session....
All of these jokes and gags are visual. I still think my "stock car with scent" joke a year ago tops them all. You know, I smelled that car rolling by in a consist at the last operating session....
I think your right, I just read that thread having not been around on the forums at the time, that is absolute GOLD !!! I'm still laughing !!!
Texas Zepher wrote: BCSJ wrote:I didn't do it but during the last op session one of my crew added some 'passengers' to one of my cab forward steam engines...I've always wanted to add a barbecue grill & associated griller on the "porch" of an SD40-2.
BCSJ wrote:I didn't do it but during the last op session one of my crew added some 'passengers' to one of my cab forward steam engines...
You know I've actually seen that in real life, a few years ago, there was a SD40-2 stopped in Wauwatosa outside the Sentry supermarket, two guys on the porch, a small grill and a radio with the Brewers game on, not too bad a setup if you ask me haha!
Here's a couple of pics of a whimsical scene on a display layout I had for a couple of years:
On my present N scale layout I'm going to include a scene using the ConCors 3 Mile Island Nuke model, with a few glowing holes in the reactor and a soothing female voice announcing "core melt down in 45 seconds, please proceed in an orderly fashion to the nearest exit.... core meltdown in 30 seconds, please ..."
Mike Tennent
Main industry on my (N) layout is Soylent Green. Will also have a Farmer Vincent's Smoked Meat establishment and a Prison complete with a mote & alligators. All set in steam era, which makes no sense at all.
I like the idea of Doctor Who making an appearance, and he certainly has the means to visit any number of layouts anytime he disires to.
My wife's (HO) layout will have a certain scene from Deliverance hidden just inside a tree line next to a river. Also a hanging tree to represent someone we both have disdain for.
Other than that, both our layouts will generally be joyful places for the wee little people to live on. Rob
sleeper33 wrote: Hi gang when i was reading some of this conversation I noticed that a couple of you want the TARDIS( police box ) so here is the web site for a company who stocks them www. sorry don't know how to set a link in. hope this helpsGav
Hi gang
when i was reading some of this conversation I noticed that a couple of you want the TARDIS
( police box ) so here is the web site for a company who stocks them
sorry don't know how to set a link in.
hope this helps
The one from Harburn Hobbies is way too big for HO.
Jake: How often does the train go by? Elwood: So often you won't even notice ...
sleeper33 wrote:Hi gang when i was reading some of this conversation I noticed that a couple of you want the TARDIS( police box ) so here is the web site for a company who stocks them www. sorry don't know how to set a link in. hope this helpsGav
Hornby made an OO scale Police Box. I've seen them on ebay's UK site.
sleeper33 wrote:Hi gang when i was reading some of this conversation I noticed that a couple of you want the TARDIS( police box ) so here is the web site for a company who stocks them sorry don't know how to set a link in. hope this helpsGav
There you go. It's the little chain icon in the menu. BTW: Part number is SS 342 or just search for "police box".
The mind is like a parachute. It works better when it's open.
Thanks for that reminder. I went back and read it again, and again laughed out loud. For those of you who don't normally follow links: Do this one. It's worth it.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
It is the car of yesterday, as the car of tomorrow is now the car of today. I assume it was one of those show cars that the various sponsors tour the country with, because the guy driving the car is not Jeff. I don't think that in 1967 they had any touring COTs, so it had to be the car of yesterday. Jeff would probably been driving quarter migits in 1967, so it can't be him driving. Or would it be the car of the future? At least its not a DeLorian, wait a minuit, that would be Back To the Future, not the Car Of Tomorrow. I forgot about the 68 mustang, they didn't come out until the fall of 67, but that was my first new car, so it stays also even though it ain't right.
PaulDayton and Mad River RR
This shot is looking into the window of the Burns Coal and Oil Company:
Have fun with your trains
jondrd wrote: Arjay1969 wrote: One of our members is working on a hotel...with two separate light circuits. One for "family" viewers, and one for adult viewers. And the interior scenes lit by each will be appropriate for each. For the adult hotel scene, thinking of making a model of ex Gov. Eliot Spitzer? Maybe a state trooper outside the hotel entrance leaning on a patrol car?Jon
Arjay1969 wrote: One of our members is working on a hotel...with two separate light circuits. One for "family" viewers, and one for adult viewers. And the interior scenes lit by each will be appropriate for each.
One of our members is working on a hotel...with two separate light circuits. One for "family" viewers, and one for adult viewers. And the interior scenes lit by each will be appropriate for each.
For the adult hotel scene, thinking of making a model of ex Gov. Eliot Spitzer? Maybe a state trooper outside the hotel entrance leaning on a patrol car?
Hey!! I'm from New Jersey - let's not forget OUR ex-gov!!!
MisterBeasley wrote: R. T. POTEET wrote:I'm considering modeling Driggs, Idaho on UP's Teton Valley line; would it be out of order for me to model Dawn Wells getting hauled in for possession.Go for it, Little Buddy.
R. T. POTEET wrote:I'm considering modeling Driggs, Idaho on UP's Teton Valley line; would it be out of order for me to model Dawn Wells getting hauled in for possession.
Go for it, Little Buddy.
That is funny!
I don't know if it's wise to mess with MaryAnn:
Phil, I'm not a rocket scientist; they are my students.
No wonder it took them so long to get off that island!
"And the sons of Pullman porters and the sons of engineers ride their father's magic carpet made of steel..."
One of my Guilford locos has part of the "R" in "Guilford Rail System" removed so it now reads "Guilford Fail System." This vandalism actually happens to GRS locos in real life, too.
I'm going to add a winter rally race scene to my layout. Should I make a scene set in another season, I plan on adding a road race track.
One guy I know did have a 1:48 scale Transformers Subaru WRX he had on his Lionel layout. He'd usually leave it in car mode, but occasionally he'd put it on his old HO scale layout he was dismantling and have it duke it out with Godzilla or Voltron.
From the far, far reaches of the wild, wild west I am: rtpoteet