dadret wrote:Union Station is at 25th & Grand (more or less) and Bartle Hall is at 13th & Broadway - Broadway is about 6 blocks west of Grand and you can subtract 13 from 25 so that's a pretty long walk
One can go up Broadway from Pershing and Union Station. Dadret, it would be nice to meet other members here on the forum at the KC WGH show. I thought about parking over by KCS headquarters if possible. I can't see paying the 8.00 plus for parking.
MP 53 on the BNSF Topeka Sub
Here's the poop. The Big Twelve tournament will be Thursday and Friday. Saturday will be the remaining 4 teams with the championship on Sunday. I too plan on attending the WGH show. I have several photos of BNSF 6301 to give to Athearn in hopes they will release it in the future. I remember parking costing around 6.00 and is now 8.00 along the lots on Broadway. A better option would be to park at Union Station and hoof it to Bartle Hall.
The Cedar Branch & Western--The Hillbilly Line!