Plastrer castings. One cheap method metioned in MR a while back was to take a real rock and make a mold with Play-doh, then pour plaster in the mold. As you can imagine it was a one time only mold. another method is styrfoam.
Also, for the tents, they take a while to dry. when they re dry, apply a dilluted black wash to them, it makes them look like old canvas. anohter tip. use toothpicks for the poles, just poke them through the crown/ top of the tent.
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot Visit my blog!
I love that idea, I'll try my hand at your way and let you know how I do.
Any tips on how to make rocks without the weight of real rocks?
Red Horse,
I've found success in modeling army tents with a small strip of thin cardstock bent in the proper shape and then had a tissue soaked in dilluted white glue draped over top.
Nice job so far!
Dick well done, great pics and having fun is what this hobby is about isn't it guys.
When I say guys that includes all of the femine gender.
I was looking at model railroader 1983 page 78 by Lila Martin, what a layout, if mine ends up 1\2 as good I will be happy.
God bless, Alan.
I was born and raised in southern Illinois and I still can't stand this weather either. I spent ten years in the military and about half of those were in hot climates. The last one in S.E. Asia. So I know just how you feel. I guess it's all in what you're used to.
Texas Chief
Thought so. With a name like Red Horse, I knew you weren't woodland and almost had to be plains. Welcome to the forum.
Greetings Texas Cheif.
The train layout is HO scale.
And nope, I'm a Transplant to NH 14 years ago from the AZ Desert, around Lake havasue Area.
had to move here when the Mrs daughter had her first baby, I'm ready to move back now....toooo cooold!
Nice pics Jesse! What scale are they? Pardon my curiosity but I'm thinking that you're not originally from the New Hampshire area are you? Thanks.
I have begun to win ebay auctions for my military train cars, I'm putting my train together by buying only the cars I like and not just settling for what cars come in a set.
I've added 6 tanks, 4 attack copters, many apcs and tents and qwanset huts, it is growing well.
Greetings Fellow Train Fans.
I promised that I would post pics of my progress, so here they are.
This first pic is my base diorama before the land scaping was applied.
This 2nd pic shows my attempt at making army tents from scratch,
3rd image is that of a refueling of one of the 4 helicopters on the HO scale base.
4th Image = Where the Army trains track bed will go.
5th Image is of the base flag, 5063rd Armored Div.
Here is a nice shot of the diorama with mountains in back ground, Mnts will be changed once this section is added to the whole lay out.
This pic above shows the hand made "Jersey" type barriers that block road ways from vehicle traffic, made from 6 popsicle sticks in the form of a beam, cut into 4 sections and painted after sanding to remove spaces between the sticks, they look like concrete once finished, I developed this technique after much trial and error with clay, paper machia (sic) and balsa wood, I discovered that this method was the best for real life results.
I hope you have enjoyed looking at the pics of my progress so far, I try to work on my lay out every 48 hours, I'm searching eBay at this time for a good deal on a military train for this section of my lay out.
I also completed a two bay old time garage for my up coming lay out and other pieces.
Before paint;
After paint: built using popsicle sticks, a hobby I've enjoyed since my child hood, I learned to use these sticks because they were cheap to get especially in the summer.
I built this water tank from popsicle sticks and copper flashing;
I posted this pic of my stick bridge before but will repost for those who missed it, this bridge has since the pic been hand painted in red and gray,
Bridge is for car traffic and I will build another with the right height for a train as soon as I know how high to build the roof of bridge,
Any and all comments are always welcomed, Like I said before I'm brand new to all this and have a long way to go but I'm loving every minute of the creative process.
Have a great day on the tracks my new Friends.
Jesse Red Horse.