5th place?, not bad for renegade scale!
2800 views....38 voters.
Chip, how about including the authors name next to the entrys name, so we know who did what?
Have fun with your trains
DigitalGriffin wrote: I think next time I'll design my layout more geared toward advanced modelers instead of newbies. So what's next Chip? Unlimited size contest?
I think next time I'll design my layout more geared toward advanced modelers instead of newbies.
So what's next Chip? Unlimited size contest?
That's what we should talk about in the decompression session in the Layout's section.
And yes, some of the voters seem pretty sophisticated.
Building the Rock Ridge Railroad with the slowest construction crew west of the Pecos.
Don - Specializing in layout DC->DCC conversions
Modeling C&O transition era and steel industries There's Nothing Like Big Steam!
Congradualtions to the winners.
Also I want to point out that the Snover and Port Fuller was an excellent design and may have taken the whole ball of wax except for a slight Boo-boo.
IN the Layout Forum there is a decompression session for the entrants.
Providence & Worcester Railroad
"East Providence Secondary"
HO scale
Thanks Stein
Voting on the 10x12 layout design contest has now ended.
A total of 38 people have posted their votes:
Autobus Primebeegle55 BurbankAVchadwChrisNHcolvinbackshopConrail5dhilyerDigitalGriffindmitzelDrilinegaryagcriHO_GregHoopleinnocent_gentlemanIRONROOSTERJohnnny_reblast mountain & eastern hoggermammay76marknewtonNevinWOzarkBeltP & LE RRrfrossrs2mikesaronaterrysecondhandmodelersnagletoothSpaceMousestebbycentralsteinjrstilson4283Texas ZephertomikawaTTvsmithwheelerwm3798
Each voter was asked to liste his or her #1 favorite overall, #2 favorite overall and #3 favorite overall, plus "best H0 scale layout" and "best N scale layout". #1 favorite got 5 points, #2 favorite got 3 points and #3 favorite got 1 point.
Not everybody followed the instructions litterally, so a few voters only listed their favorite layout, not the three best, and a few did not list their favorite H0 and favorite N scale layout.
But here are the results:
Overall favorite among submitted layouts:
Best H0 scale layout submitted:
Best N scale layout submitted:
Link to contest thread: http://www.trains.com/trccs/forums/1325388/ShowPost.aspx