I got $100 from Grandma and $50 from Santa, some candy, pair of underwhere, an N scale tank car(Im HO) but I think its more of a display because the wheels, truck and lower frame work are all molded as one, and then I got a trick lighter that was "suposed to electricuit my hand when I try to light it but I say "suposed" to becase me and my insane smartness fiqured out it was a fake lighter before I tried to light it and electricuit myself. So I quess I will buy my own train stuff for X-mas this year which will be some paint, decals, metal wheels, detail parts and whatever else I think I need to keep myself busy through x-mas or atleast until the Mad City Rail Show.
Stay safe and have a happy new year.
Scored a new digital camera! Does pretty good close ups. Video isn't too bad either. Kodak C513 5 megapixel.
WPF's in trouble now!!!
wesolint wrote: My YouTube friend Jeremy is Santa Clause this year. He posted a video showing me my new custom painted Kato SD45 in a unique MRL patch job. I, of course, am speechless!Steve W.
My YouTube friend Jeremy is Santa Clause this year. He posted a video showing me my new custom painted Kato SD45 in a unique MRL patch job. I, of course, am speechless!
Steve W.
I think Jeremy (we're talking about "mtrails", right?) made a video with your custom SD45 and somebody else's present as the stars... And he even included his own mugshot!
My gift to myself arrived Saturday: Crystal River Products O-scale branch-line enginehouse kit. So far I have limited myself to reviewing the instructions sheet, too much going on this weekend to start any new major projects...
I have figured out what is wrong with my brain! On the left side nothing works right, and on the right side there is nothing left!
Reality...an interesting concept with no successful applications, that should always be accompanied by a "Do not try this at home" warning.
Hundreds of years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove...But the world may be different because I did something so bafflingly crazy that my ruins become a tourist attraction.
"Oooh...ahhhh...that's how this all starts...but then there's running...and screaming..."
Hey Steve,
I saw it, nice unit!! Merry Xmas.
Paul (Consistadore)
cwclark wrote: cacole wrote:I keep asking for a teenage nymphomaniac, but just get socks or t-shirts. I'm beginning to wonder if this Santa Claus thing is real. I wanted the same thing but got to think'in and decided that at my age i couldn't keep up with one of those.... chuck
cacole wrote:I keep asking for a teenage nymphomaniac, but just get socks or t-shirts. I'm beginning to wonder if this Santa Claus thing is real.
I wanted the same thing but got to think'in and decided that at my age i couldn't keep up with one of those.... chuck
I agree. It may be nice to have a hot young one or two, maybe even three, but I need a 40-something to keep up with my 40-something body. 2 20's would wear me out!
-G .
Just my thoughts, ideas, opinions and experiences. Others may vary.
HO and N Scale.
After long and careful thought, they have convinced me. I have come to the conclusion that they are right. The aliens did it.
My wife just presented me with an Atlas MP15 with DCC and sound!
My first sound locomotive.
WOW what a GAL!!!!
Jim, Modeling the Kansas City Southern Lines in HO scale.
Well Sanata came a little early in a brown UPS truck and delivered four boxes from Walthers - all addressed to my wife and one daughter. All I was told is that "you are getting what is on your Walther's wish list." Well I know there are several items on my wish list so I know I am getting something.
LD357 wrote: I got an Email from S. Claus and apparently he DID NOT renew his FFL!....something about liberal congress and new laws and all sorts of legal crap and forms, blah blah blah.... So, I won't be getting what I WANTED! LOL But he did say that he is considering sending a money order which might go for some lumber and access. to start that n scale layout I've been contemplating for a month or so, but it looks like I'm going to be the one getting me what I wanted, Claus dropped the ball big time this year!
TOO FUNNY! I think I got the same mail.
Santa shouldn't bring me anything, I've got WAYYYYY too much now! I need two more cabinets to store my rolling stock and a new metal shelf for all the building kits and parts I have! I think I'll settle for unnerpants and socks, maybe a Cabelas gift certificate. hehe
I already have coal,...
Hopefully santa took my hints and i will get a saddle tank steamer and the PRR star box car like the one I saw at the RR Museum of PA at Strasburg this summer.
I think I will have to get my own PRR Mountain 4-8-2 #6755 with the raised firebox (not the jacketed mountain) from BLI that resembles the static M1b that I fell in love with at said museum. Wish I had the $$ to get that baby up and running again! I have favs among steamers, but never have I fallen in love with such a magnificent piece of machinery! (not even the big boy at Steamtown in Scranton)
Hopefully I will get cash for the latter!
Hope everyone gets what they want.
Santa will be dropping off a Subscription to my favorite Model Railroad Magazine, I have recived a few nice things with gift exchange from the Sunday morning club we have here, a nicely done CP rail Cupola Caboose with working Marker lights and a nice reed switch to turn them off and on.
thats it so far.....
ARTHILL wrote:Maybe a 120 foot turntable.
Wow, that needs a huge Christmas tree .... :)
Engineer Jeff NS Nut Visit my layout at: http://www.thebinks.com/trains/
well, i gave the wife the three latest Walther's sale booklets (one of which the prices expired the next day), and I went throught the trouble of tearing out all the pages that did not have anything I wanted on them, and then circling items which were on the remaining pages that I would like to have. I'll have to wait and see exactly what might have been ordered, but one box under the tree looks a lot like the same size and shape (and weighs about right) for the Walther's Built Up Yard Office (which will look good in my yard whenever I build my layout!) I'm not sure if anything else might have came from Walther's or not.
Coal! Lots of Black, dusty, dirty but beautiful, shiny coal!!
Gotta keep the Steamers rolling!
If one could roll back the hands of time... They would be waiting for the next train into the future. A. H. Francey 1921-2007
When asked what santa should bring me I said gift certificates from the LHS to start my layout. The next question- why gift certificates? I answered "because I don't won't santa to bring me a pile of crap!"
Not sure if I'll be getting anything now.....
I do "need" a Walthers 90 ft. Turntable.
Hope it will fit in my sock!
My buddy from the LHS called and asked me when my girlfriend became interested in trains. I said what are you talking about Denny,?
Well when she came in , we had two Bachmann HO Berkshire "765" s , and when she left we only had one.
I always find it amusing that coal is the gift you get for being bad..yet most of us probably wouldn't be that disappointed getting it. After all, where there's trains, there's coal.
I don't have too much train related stuff on the way for the holidays, but after all the hoopla is over might treat myself.
And it should be here just in time for X-mas!
I'm probably not going to get anything train-related this year for Christmas or my birthday (Dec. 29) except maybe a gift certificate to a LHS or a subscription to a railroading/MMRing magazine. If I do get a model or scenery piece, it'll most likely be a low-end item.
To be honest, I'm not wishing for anything train-related this holiday season, nor did I ask anyone for anything train-related. I've had to set them aside because right now, I've got a lot of not-so-fun stuff I have to deal with. What I'm wishing for most is help solving those problems. Afterwards, I can build and play with my models as much as I want!
Christmas? Heck. I'm turning 60 on the 28th. I'm retiring on the 29th. And those two events are rightfully deserving of something special . . . . so I've ordered myself a pair of K-27 Mudhens from Blackstone Models. And guess what, the hobby shop just called and said they're in. I guess I'll be leaving a few minutes early today. Oh happy day. May be Santa could spot me a couple of their new freight cars?
in SLO, CA