QUOTE: Originally posted by dehusman Regarding the question of why don't they restore a DD40X, hello? The UP has had the UP 6936 in excursion and special service for years. Its based out of Chian with the rest of the heritage fleet. Dave H.
Dave H. Painted side goes up. My website : wnbranch.com
QUOTE: Originally posted by JDCoop UP will do as they wish (as allowed by rulings by courts, governmental agencies, etc.). Unfortunately, as a consumer of model products produced and sold by non-UP companies, they probably couldn't care less. It is true that if we don't buy UP logo model railroad products that manufactures will eventaully quit making them, but what impact does this have on UP? With a company their size, the licensing fees are minuscule. I don't think they really care if we boycott boxcars made by a non-UP owned company. However, they do care about 2 things. One, their shipping customers, and two, their stockholders. Now, most of us probably aren't and never will be shipping customers, but anyone can buy UP stock (provided they have money to do so.) Why don't we, the modelers, the model manufacturers, the model manufacturer employees, and all of our families start buying UP stock. We wouldn't have to takeover the company, but if enough of their stockholders started giving them flack about their attitute (and fees), they are more likely to listen to stockholders than modelers. The only downside is that if UP doesn't perform well, it's a lousy investment and we lose more than we gain. It's just a thought (however good or bad it may be).