QUOTE: Originally posted by hohobo Why 30%? How about 50%!! I stopped purchasing the mag. years ago, just go to the library and read it for free. If you take out the ads, you have a magazine about 10 pages long with interesting topics, great pictures etc etc etc. One would think that all the ads would be way enough to pay for the magazine and lower the price to a buck or so. Seems to me, someone is getting very wealth. Happy New Year!!!
cheers, krump
"TRAIN up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it" ... Proverbs 22:6
QUOTE: Originally posted by mbarbee Please note that the $5.95 single copy price for the January issue of Model Railroader is for this single issue only. It is not a permanent price increase. This special anniversary issue was priced higher due to the inclusion of additional editorial pages and foldouts. Effective with the February 2004 issue, the price will return to $4.95. I hope this clears up any confusion. Michael Barbee Circulation Director
QUOTE: Originally posted by krump .... I'd prefer to subscribe to Model Railroader Magazine, however ... 1) I can not call TOLL FREE (?) to MRR from Canada to get a final cost or special offer. 2) The current subscription offers don't give me ENOUGH INCENTIVE -- no more savings than the cost of one issue over the year (and that doesn't cover the cost of the necessary USD money order, or the purchase points / discounts that I'd receive independantly from the store ... basically, it costs me equal or less to purchase MRR at the store than a subscription would cost me. However, 3) if MRR was available at a subscription savings rate, via a personal cheque from Canada in Cdn dollars (simply suggesting a Cdn mailing address /box number for Subscriptions only, and a North American toll free number), it would be convenient / convincing for me to send a cheque out for a FIVE (5) YEAR SUBSCRIPTION...etc.
QUOTE: [i]Originally posted by robmik Expecting to be able to "mail a CDN$ cheque to a Canadian address" is rather whiney. Even for one of us Canadians.[:0] Happy New Year anyway, Mike, in Meaford, Eastern Canada.[:D][:D] PS....to everyone else complaining about the cost of MR....how do you like the cost of this website and forum ? Is "free" good enough for now ?[;)]
QUOTE: Originally posted by RMaxfield . . .Unfortunately I think the reason for the news stand buyers is because the decline in quality over the past few years. Recently the magazine has improved in some regards but I can still live without the reruns of layouts past, large amount of ads and some of the monster layouts. . . .
QUOTE: Originally posted by Strider1 Why are so many people ragging on Koester? I've nver met the guy but I like his articles and respect what he's done.