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Another Train vs. Car, in Florida this time

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Posted by vsmith on Monday, July 23, 2007 10:30 AM

 MisterBeasley wrote:
Man, my hat's off to you.  That's real mountain biking.  You're a tough guy.  I'm too old for the steep stuff now, but it's a risk-taker's sport.  A ride's not a ride unless you've mixed mud 'n' blood, and come home with it on your body.  Hope your injuries have healed.

Yeah, that was a few years ago when I was bolder and stupider, I learned a very good lesson about just where the edge of that old envelope Chuck Yeager used to mention was at. I mellowed out alot after that ride, realized I had too many responsibilities to be playing chicken with fate. Live


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Posted by vsmith on Monday, July 23, 2007 10:30 AM

 MisterBeasley wrote:
Man, my hat's off to you.  That's real mountain biking.  You're a tough guy.  I'm too old for the steep stuff now, but it's a risk-taker's sport.  A ride's not a ride unless you've mixed mud 'n' blood, and come home with it on your body.  Hope your injuries have healed.

Yeah, that was a few years ago when I was bolder and stupider, I learned a very good lesson about just where the edge of that old envelope Chuck Yeager used to mention was at. I mellowed out alot after that ride, realized I had too many responsibilities to be playing chicken with fate. Live

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Posted by twcenterprises on Monday, July 23, 2007 12:45 AM

To quote Forest Gump, "Stupid is as stupid does".  Translation: if you do stupid things, you must BE stupid.

I can sort of empathise for engineers, conductors, et al., on this matter on 2 counts.  First, I have a friend who is an engineer for NS, and he's relayed quite a number of incidents he's had, near misses, fatalities, and all.  The funniest involved a fellow, well, I'd better tell it chronologically.  My buddy & his crew were switching just north of Atlanta.  He had a pair of SD40-2's and about 30-40 auto racks.  He was rolling a "fast walking speed", maybe 10-15 MPH.  He blew his horn for an industrial park entrance, when the 4th car back (on one side) decides at the last minute he wasn't going to wait for this train.  The driver looked several times before making his move.  The (well, one of the) switchmen had to jump out of the car's way to avoid being hit (he was flagging the crossing).  The car went around the gate, swerved to the right to go around the other gate, but didn't make it.  My buddy sounded the horn as required, and held the last blast until he stopped the train, some 300-400 feet past the crossing.  My friend said he didn't even bother to apply the brakes until the 2nd engine had completely cleared the crossing.  Since the speed was pretty slow, noone was badly hurt, but it did royally f*** up his almost new (at the time) Ford Explorer.  After everyone got out, the driver started screaming "YOU HIT MY TRUCK, YOU HIT MY TRUCK".  My friend calmly replied "No, you hit my train".  There was a heated discussion, until the cops showed up.  The driver started screaming at the cops "He hit my truck".  Well, the cops didn't take too kindly to that, and my buddy calmly explained the "He hit my train".  Of course, the driver went to jail, only to find out later this was his 4th or 5th court appearance for crossing violations, the 2nd or 3rd one in which he had been hit.  Repeat offenders get heavy punishments around here.

Some may remember a few years ago a school bus has stopped on a crossing, which got crunched by a train, and several students died.  The last I heard, there were several charges of vehicular homicide pending.  The way I heard it (having not investigated it, but having actually been to the scene afterwards), the tracks run parallel to a local highway, and the crossing is a cross street.  There is a traffic light there.  The bus was behind a car, which crossed the tracks on a yellow light.  The bus driver assumed the car would run the yellow light, and proceeded across with the intention of making a "right on red".  The car stopped short, hanging the bus on the tracks.  Next thing you know, crunch.  Personally, I would have made a bulldozer out of the bus, that car stood a better chance in the intersection than the bus did versus the train.  At least the car could have driven out of the way.  Now, as a professional truck driver, I usually stick up for a fellow driver whenever they come under fire, but in the case, I say "hang 'em, hang 'em".

The other incident I was personally involved in was when I got cut off on I-10 (westbound, near MM 32-33), just east of Pensacola on September 13, 2004, about mid-afternoon.  A car was stopped on the shoulder.  I was running 65 MPH in a 70 zone.  The car (for reasons unknown) waited until the car ahead of me passed him, then came off the shoulder from a dead stop.  Since I was grossing roughly 55,000 pounds, I knew they would definately come off much worse.  I tried to swerve onto the shoulder in order to (try to) pass and stop, but physics prevailed and a local tree stopped the truck.  The truck was completely destroyed.  I was cut out by rescuers, and flown to a local hospital, where I had a rod placed in my right leg, and (a couple days later) experienced Hurricane Ivan firsthand.  I was out of work for nearly 6 months.  I still, to this day, experience occasional problems with my leg.  I still do not know who the other driver was (they took off).  And, in case anyone is wondering, yes I would do it again if I had to.  I would risk my own life to save another innocent (if stupid) driver.  *****CONFESSION*****  OK, maybe NOT the driver, but innocent passengers.

My consolations for those of you who have to deal with this on a regular basis.

Brad Goodroe

Winder, GA

PS, I'm not ahsamed to let anyone know who I am.  Email me if you care to research any of this. 

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Sunday, July 22, 2007 4:33 PM
Man, my hat's off to you.  That's real mountain biking.  You're a tough guy.  I'm too old for the steep stuff now, but it's a risk-taker's sport.  A ride's not a ride unless you've mixed mud 'n' blood, and come home with it on your body.  Hope your injuries have healed.

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by vsmith on Sunday, July 22, 2007 1:07 PM
 pastorbob wrote:

I think it would be interesting for everyone responding on this forum to post their name IF THEY HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING STUPID IN THEIR LIFE.  Be honest now, give it some thought.



Bob, Vic here, hows about this for stupid...mountain biking on the Overlook Trail which is very fast fireroad at Pt Mago St Park, going downhill faster than I should...about 30+mph!, when I realized I hadnt paid attention to the trail and read it wrong ending up on the wrong side of a big and getting bigger rain rut in the center of the trail, Uh oh Stupid!, the ruts going to cross infront of me in about 10 yards, too fast to stop...gonna have to bunny hop it, misjudge the lip, pull up too late and have my rear tire slam into the lip of the other side. not a problem, except that I had loosened my grip to work the brake and my dam hand came off the bar!!!! Stupid!!

Oh Censored [censored]!!!!!!

As the world goes into slow motion as I begin falling on my left side all I remember thinking was "oh-my-god-get-yer-hand-back-on-the-stupid-handlebar!!!!" about a microsecond before I hit I remember thinking..."this is going to hurt!"...Hit the ground about 20-25 mph, bounced once, then again, then rolled, rolled again, then slid for about 60 feet stopping just on the lip of the hillside...well that was stupid!

Looked up at the sky, well I'm alive, felt for my fingers and toes OK their there, lets get up...take bike off of me, Hmmm left arms badly scrapped, right arm likewise, toe feels broken hard to stand, left leg scrapped, right leg...hmmm right knee, Oh uh. Blood, not good.

Now Mt bikers are used to blood, I was bleeeing a little from the other three limbs so blood is no big thing, when you find yourself saying Uh oh! its bad.

Now where am I? about 3 miles from the campground where I'm parked...walk? forget it, pick up bike, Hmmm, looks fine, of course it rode ME down when I fell. Got on and coasted down (lucky it was downhill all the way)to the camp, went to a common sink started taking off my cloths to clean my wounds, pull off my leggings to see my right knee and calf looks like a badly made pepperoni pizza! Lady walking past nearly tosses her cookies when she see's me rubbing water into the wound (had to clean the gravel out the wounds) bandage up as best I can, loaded up and drive home.

BTW NO insurance, too poor, so self medication and self bandaging for about 3 months to have it heal, the broken toe still bugs me from time to time. but the knee healed up, OK but I was off my bike for about 3 months.

Hows that for stupid Bob!Big Smile [:D]

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Posted by tomikawaTT on Saturday, July 21, 2007 5:20 PM
 pastorbob wrote:

I think it would be interesting for everyone responding on this forum to post their name IF THEY HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING STUPID IN THEIR LIFE.  Be honest now, give it some thought.


Stupid, si.  Suicidal, no!!!  (There is a difference.)

Chuck Beckman (Modeling Central Japan in September, 1964)


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Posted by MisterBeasley on Thursday, July 19, 2007 8:02 PM
Well, I'll admit to having done a few stupid things, but I do heed warnings.  Besides, there's a quantum leap in stupidity between gluing your fingertips together with CA, which I haven't done for at least two hours now, and going around active crossing gates to "beat" a train, which is a "thrill" I hope never to experience.  That's the kind of mistake that all too often is the last stupid thing a person ever does.

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Posted by pastorbob on Thursday, July 19, 2007 6:16 PM

I think it would be interesting for everyone responding on this forum to post their name IF THEY HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING STUPID IN THEIR LIFE.  Be honest now, give it some thought.



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Posted by BDT in Minnesota on Thursday, July 19, 2007 5:02 PM

 vsmith wrote:
My gut instinct says "shortcut under the freight car"Disapprove [V]


Is that what some people think is an "underpass"  ?

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Posted by eeyore9900 on Thursday, July 19, 2007 12:25 AM

I noticed Ohio's stats are above Florida's too-doesn't surprise me a bit (my earlier post)


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Posted by SteamFreak on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 9:59 PM
 myred02 wrote:
 Smoke wrote:
 vsmith wrote:
 SteamFreak wrote:
 MisterBeasley wrote:

 BRAKIE wrote:
Perhaps the neandertal man has learn to drive? 

Not only that, he's learned to text message on his cell phone at the same time...

...while reading this forum on his iPhone. Dunce [D)]

...and put on makeup in the rear view mirrorShock [:O]Laugh [(-D]

...while smoking

...while changing their pants and eating breakfast.  Dunce [D)]

And it's still the railroad's fault! Big Smile [:D]

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Posted by myred02 on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 9:46 PM
 Smoke wrote:
 vsmith wrote:
 SteamFreak wrote:
 MisterBeasley wrote:

 BRAKIE wrote:
Perhaps the neandertal man has learn to drive? 

Not only that, he's learned to text message on his cell phone at the same time...

...while reading this forum on his iPhone. Dunce [D)]

...and put on makeup in the rear view mirrorShock [:O]Laugh [(-D]

...while smoking

...while changing their pants and eating breakfast.  Dunce [D)]

I have a tremendous amount of sympathy for those who have to deal with those stupids (that's what I call them) including the train crew, police, firefighters, and paramedics.


Modeling (and railfanning) the CSX mainlines since... ah fudge I forgot!
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Posted by BDT in Minnesota on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 7:47 PM

Famous last words::  Here's a bunch of those train fan idiots celebrating Christmas again; parked in the middle of the road and listening to those stupid jingle bells and stargazing at those dump red flashing lites... What a waste of MY tax dollars!!!!!!! and what does that railroad think they are doing with their track on a PUBLIC road????  Get out of my way.....I have a HEMI!!!!!!


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Posted by SOU Fan on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 4:43 PM
 vsmith wrote:
 SteamFreak wrote:
 MisterBeasley wrote:

 BRAKIE wrote:
Perhaps the neandertal man has learn to drive? 

Not only that, he's learned to text message on his cell phone at the same time...

...while reading this forum on his iPhone. Dunce [D)]

...and put on makeup in the rear view mirrorShock [:O]Laugh [(-D]

...while smoking

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Posted by Lillen on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 4:43 PM

In Sundsvall, Sweden, two people have recently died after climbing up on the postal cars that are stationed at the yard and touched the 16000 volts electrical wiring. Talk about taking a stupid shortcut. Sadly this will probably happen again since suicidal people have a tendency to learn what works. I just hope I don't get to discover any bodies. I load that post train now during the summer on certain days and the day before my shift my colleagues found a body.


People should stay away from trains, even ones standing still.



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Posted by jeffrey-wimberly on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 4:41 PM
I've had to help peel the remains of vehicles and their occupants off the front of locomotives several times. Believe me, that gives you a whole new perspective on the subject. I have to go across several railroad crossings everyday and I stop and look both ways at ALL of them.

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Posted by Ted Marshall on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 4:27 PM theory exactly, but that's not how they reported it on the news. The way I phrased it, is how the news reported it.
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Posted by vsmith on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 3:23 PM
My gut instinct says "shortcut under the freight car"Disapprove [V]

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Posted by Ted Marshall on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 3:13 PM

How about the gal who's legs were severed by the wheels of a boxcar on the FEC in Pompano Beach, Florida a couple of weeks ago?

She was jogging while listening to an ipod, too close to the tracks when she stopped to catch her breath. Meanwhile, an engineer and a conductor were spotting some cars on a siding. Somehow, the boxcar struck her and severed both legs below the knees. She flagged down a Broward Sheriff's Deputy who came to her aid as a first responer.

I have my theories, what are your's?

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Posted by vsmith on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 3:02 PM
 SteamFreak wrote:
 MisterBeasley wrote:

 BRAKIE wrote:
Perhaps the neandertal man has learn to drive? 

Not only that, he's learned to text message on his cell phone at the same time...

...while reading this forum on his iPhone. Dunce [D)]

...and put on makeup in the rear view mirrorShock [:O]Laugh [(-D]

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Posted by vsmith on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 3:01 PM
 Neutrino wrote:

I figured that adjusted for population CA would fall pretty far down the list, we simply have a hellovalot more people than Florida has.Wink <img src=" border="0" width="15" height="15" />

Unfortunatly we have you beat in population density. Florida is #8 at 296.4 people per Sq mile, California is #12 with 217.1 per.

Florida just gots a bad rap after Bush stole the election. Hanging chads my pa-toot... 

Wink [;)]Laugh [(-D]

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Posted by SteamFreak on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 2:53 PM
 MisterBeasley wrote:

 BRAKIE wrote:
Perhaps the neandertal man has learn to drive? 

Not only that, he's learned to text message on his cell phone at the same time...

...while reading this forum on his iPhone. Dunce [D)]

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 2:30 PM

 BRAKIE wrote:
Perhaps the neandertal man has learn to drive? 

Not only that, he's learned to text message on his cell phone at the same time...

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by BRAKIE on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 2:05 PM
Perhaps the neandertal man has learn to drive? 



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Posted by AntonioFP45 on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 1:51 PM

Mr. Beasley,

My comment was only to Neutrino. He likely meant no ill will which is the same for my comment. 

Anwyway, back to the crashes..............

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Posted by MisterBeasley on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 1:34 PM

 (/begin SoapBox [soapbox]Now, now, now boys. No politics, remember?

We can talk about idiots, morons or dingbats, but not politicians.  Bergie, how are we supposed to tell them apart?   (/end SoapBox [soapbox])

It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse. 

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Posted by AntonioFP45 on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 1:17 PM


"Bush stole the election"??

Funny, the facts state otherwise.  Anyway, what does politics have to do with Florida getting a bad rap?   Confused [%-)] 

We've had hurricanes, tornadoes, sinkholes, agricultural cankers, illegal immigrants, and gang thugs coming in from other states.   We've gotten a bad rap all on our own without the President's help.  

I very much miss Florida's slower, laid back atmosphere that was still present back in the 1970s. I still remember my neighbor often leaving her door unlocked when she went out to the store...Sigh [sigh]   As I've stated on other threads....Florida was a super place for railfans then. The only thing you needed to be able to walk onto a number of the railroad yards to take photos was good manners. 

That's gone forever, sad to say.

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Posted by ProtoWeathering on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 1:08 PM

I figured that adjusted for population CA would fall pretty far down the list, we simply have a hellovalot more people than Florida has.Wink <img src=" border="0" />

Unfortunatly we have you beat in population density. Florida is #8 at 296.4 people per Sq mile, California is #12 with 217.1 per.

Florida just gots a bad rap after Bush stole the election. Hanging chads my pa-toot... 



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Posted by AntonioFP45 on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 1:04 PM

Sigh [sigh] I live in fact I live between 10 to 15 minutes from where both collisions occured.  With regards to VSmith's statements; it may not be so much as idiots as it is common ordinary folks that could be your neighbors or relatives.  Folks that have let themselves become complacent and careless when it comes to grade crossing safety. 

Anyway, this section of CSX's route was the former Atlantic Coast Line. It has been maintained pretty well since the 1930s. Trains have been thundering along this route at 60 to 80 mph since then. Consider that rail traffic was much higher then than today.

I find it so ironic that the drivers of the truck and automobile lived in this area.  They should have seen or known for quite some time that freight and pasenger trains whip by at speed. Amtrak clears the crossings in less than 20 seconds.  CSX's long intermodals in less than 5 minutes.  

What was their hurry? Tragic that they paid the ultimate price for being impatientDisapprove [V] 


"I like my Pullman Standards & Budds in Stainless Steel flavors, thank you!"


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