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Just wandering
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Guys and Gals [:)] <br /> <br />Don't be so critical of spelling errors. We all make them. [:0] [B)] [}:)] [;)] <br /> <br />We don't want to run anybody off especially the youngsters. I always check the profile to see what info the person has left for us to know. When I see the person is a student I try to go much easier on them than we would an adult. School (and life) is a learning experience so instead of criticizing why not teach and help the youngsters learn the correct way. By helping and teaching not only do you help improve the skill of the person but you also make a friend. It certainly is much easier to receive constructive criticism from a friend than hurtful criticism from someone who just wants to "bust you out". Also when an email addy is shown, we can "help" privately and not "openly" in the forums. Now if you made a mistake wouldn't you rather have someone let you know privately and not point out your mistake for the world to know? I know I certainly would. Lighten up, especially on the younger ones. Help, teach, and encourage--now that is a better deal. [;)] [:)] [:D] <br /> <br />Many of my posts are made very early in the morning after I get off work when I am tired and make spelling mistakes. Also some spelling mistakes are just typos. We all make them. I try not to but "things" happen. <br /> <br />Remember, we all learn from doing. So let's help other learn, encourage them at the same time, and make a new friend in the process. [;)] [:)] [:D] Hey, it works for me. [;)] <br /> <br />I'm "game", how about you? [;)] [8D] [^] <br />
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