I always start with the electric current. Current drives the gauge size.
For decoders, Yes, its common to use gauge 28 or 30, but only because the wires will be 5-10 cm long as thin gauge will create significant loss of voltage over long distance.
For accessory power and track power lines over 4-6 ft distances I use gauge 18 and 16 respectively. But then I know that I can add almost unlimited number of accessories and locos and none of them will be underfed :)
Hope this helps!
Digitrax sells a roll of multiple colored 30 AWG wire which is ideal for decoder installations.
Alton Junction
Thanks Rich.
30 AWG
For installing decoders inside locomotives, number 28 (even 30) because of small spaces and need to route wiring out of the way.
For power leads (say) from power bus to rails number 22 or number 24.
For power bus (track and accessories) I use number 14 wire under my layout. This may be a bit excessive (number 16 would do) but number 14 eliminates any significant voltage drop.
I have other sizes for Just Plug but that is independent of track layout wiring.
I hope that helps you a bit.
What size wire do you use to install decoders, power leads, etc...?