I don't think Peco make a code 100 #8.
Anyway, you need insulated joiners on the frog rails, you will also need to insulate the diverging route if a separate power district, and you can power the frog if you want.
You can make other modifications if you want to but above is the minimum.
Let's see if I have this correct to make the crossover.
1.No powering frog with switch machine.
2. Insulating joiners at diverging route since it will connect to the diverging route of the other turnout of the crossover which is a separate power district as I have parallel main lines around the layout. Each main line will be a separate power district.
3. Also install insulated joiners on other 2 rails at diverging end.
4. Then connect other end rails to flex track with metal rail joiners.
I have received a lot of varying info to use Peco Electrofrogs to make crossovers and need to determine what additional info, experience, etc anyone has had with the different info in 1,2,and 3 below.Does not appear to be code 100 for the new Peco Unifrogs. Switch machines will be the new Walthers and will use to power the frog.
Info received:
1. With powered frogs, need to gap rails at diverging end and have means of switching frog polarity. Will be using Walthers machines to do that. Further info was gapping all 4 rails at diverging end of a powered frog but maybe only gap rails that diverge from frog.
2. Then received info that don't need to isolate all 4, but can't change frog polarity without isolating both frog point rails if power reaches them from diverging route.
3. Then received info that gaps needed in frog (point rails) whenever power reaches frog from diverging or main route. Back to 1. above, gapping all 4 rails then would mean no gaps in frog (point rails) here in item 3?
New Walthers code 100 will be used for sidings, etc.
Due to some 86' cars, I want to use the Peco #8's for crosovers.
Thanks for any additional info, experience, recommendations, etc you may have.