The Next18 is another European development, intended for scales smaller than H0. The 21 pin (MTC21) is another interface, courtesy of Marklin.
Seems the NMRA had some ideas on the next generation of interfaces, but the manufacturers had other ideas. The 21 pin is quite common now, often found with factory intalled ESU decoders, because it offers a lot more flexibility and ease of installation.
Various interface schemes at the DCCWiki
NVSRRI have heard of NEM 21 pin sockets, but always with European equipment only. HAve they brought that to the states now?
Yes engines with 21-pin sockets (technically 21 pins, the socket holes are in the decoder) are in some North American made engines built in the last few years. I have Atlas, Walthers and Rapido engines which came set up to accept (or had factory installed) 21-pin decoders.
Welcome back Shane.
The Next 18 is a micro plug. I have recently used them in a couple of Bowser Baldwin switchers mounted to a board made by WVD
The board has large solder pads underneath that needs to be insulated. That and the decoder together is very compact. Some DCC ready locomotives have a N18 plug but they are rare. If you buy a wired micro decoder like a Loksound V5 micro, it will be a N18 decoder with a harness shrink wrapped together.
There are a multitude of different size sugar cubes and I have recently started using them. As long as they are 4 to 8 Ohm and at least one watt you will be fine. The wattage of the speaker should be the same or more than the wattage of the amplifier. Most decoders are only 1 watt. More than likely you will not be cranking up the volume to induce clipping.
So First time in quite a few years I will have to do a hardwire DCC install. I noticed two things as I was looking around the soundtraxx page. Noticed NEXT18 plug. WHat is that (besides a plug).
I have heard of NEM 21 pin sockets, but always with European equipment only. HAve they brought that to the states now?
Speakers-I noticed the sugar cubes on a few sites, but they all have diferent wattage listed. Are all the sugar cubes the same and just listed deifferently on these different websites, or are they actually different? I have seen .5 watt and 1.5 w for the same size and what looks to be the exact same spaeker. The ones from scale sound seams to produce really well at 1.5w but they have an extensive sound file while others have nothing. not sure how to judge them
A pessimist sees a dark tunnel
An optimist sees the light at the end of the tunnel
A realist sees a frieght train
An engineer sees three idiots standing on the tracks stairing blankly in space