I have an Atlas / Kato N scale GP35 that I've installed a Digitrax DZ126 decoder into. For the first 6 months or so, it ran great. Now, it's stalling about every 5 to 6 feet of running. When it stalls, the light stays lit. If I turn the throttle knob a hair up or down, the loco runs again, but stalls shortly thereafter. Again, turning the knob a hair, and it takes off.
So far, I have replaced the decoder, the motor, and the light board. There is nothing else to replace. All the solder connections are fine.
I've been using DCC since 1998 and this is a first for me.
Any ideas? I'm about to make it a dummy unit!
Chuck - Modeling in HO scale and anything narrow gauge
First thought is it's a Digitrax DCC system with that decoder address is acquired on 2 different throttles. The second throttle is set to zero.
Sure enough, there was another throttle that was set to the same address. I reset that throttle and now things seem to be working correctly. Learned something new today!
Thanks so much for the help!
Awesome, glad that worked.