Putting in an order soon for some Digitrax sound decoders (would aslready be on order but that is another story) and they come with basic sounds, both steam and diesel. So when you first install dose it have a defalt sound set up so you know it works on install or do you have to set up cv's to have any sound at all come out. I know regular decoders come with a start cv but have never bought a sound decoder before that I will install.
It has been years since I've had a Digitrax sound decoder but you can usually look at the documentation to see what the default decoder settings are:
In the example above I see CV 60 default=0 Steam so if you want Diesel you would have to change this to 01.
Here the defaults are on page 9:
Yes, you will get sound when first wiring up the decoder and speaker. Even the "unloaded" Loksound decoder has rudimentary sound files on it so you can test the basic installation before loading another sound "project" into it.
The ones I'm familiar with, Soundtraxx, WOWsound and Loksound each have the default settings noted using bold type in the specification sheet.
Of course, any reset brings these defaults back as the active CVs.
Good Luck, Ed
Digitrax also has sound files you can use for many different locomotives and prime movers.
Look on the right side: How to find a sound project.
My You Tube
Yes the Digitrax sound decoders come with sounds for a 'generic' steam engine and a GM diesel (GP-38) pre-loaded, you adjust one CV to choose which of the two you want. You can use other CVs to adjust the volumes of the sounds (horn, bell etc.). Then as mentioned, you can use a PR3 or PR4 to download other sound projects if you wish.
I know I can adjust, just wanted to know what to expect before ajusting CV's, like is it silent or dose it pick something and of course you can adjust from there, which one?
All the defaults are up to Digitrax, and should be documented with the decoder. You can probably find the documentation on the Digitrax site for each decoder.
Most of the time, I have found the master volume control is set way too high, but that's what CVs are for.
Every decoder I've installed has been fully functional right from the start.
It takes an iron man to play with a toy iron horse.
That is what I wanted to know as I plan to install (they bare all 8 pin), test, and then program, which will be a new thing for me too.
rrebell I know I can adjust, just wanted to know what to expect before ajusting CV's, like is it silent or dose it pick something and of course you can adjust from there, which one?
I just got the decoders a few days ago and found out the sdxn136ps has the deisel but the sdn136ps has steam as a start, only found this out after opening the packages.