As an update, I found two new files for the Arduino Sketch that fixed the "no acknowledge" error. Everything is working quite well now.
That's completely normal. When using program track, the decoder pulses the motoor to create a current drop that the system can detect as an acknowledgement, also when reading CVs. Some decoders alternate the polarity of this pulse so the motor moves equal amounts in both directions, others do not and the loco can move bit my bit in one direction.
Modeling the Reading Railroad in the 1950's
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I am currently using a Raspberry Pi 3 B+, connected to a genuine Arduino Uno with a genuine Arduino Motor Shield. The motor shield is powered with a separate 15V, 1 amp power supply.
I have double checked the jumper wires and the VIN trace for accuracy.
I have installed the released build of the JMRI sketch. My problem is that when I use Decoder Pro to revise a locomotive CV’s on the program track, the locomotive moves slightly forward for every CV it writes. The write is successful, but on each write, the locomotive moves maybe an 1/8”.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.