SPSOT fanUhh, I can reply to the thread mentioned
Steverino fixed it
To avoid confusion reply in that thread not in this one.
Moderators please delete this thread.
COB Potomac & Northern
Shenandoah Valley
Uhh, I can reply to the thread mentioned, the ##### is just the user‘s signature.
Regards, Isaac
I model my railroad and you model yours! I model my way and you model yours!
There is a newbie, Mo-pac, who posted this question, in fact they have posted twice and there is no reply button after either post, just a string of ######. I've not seen that before. He pm'd me that it is an N scale loco
So I will repeat their question:
"I see in an earlier post 2015. That someone sucessfully put an MRC 1812 sound decoder in a GP15-1. With a little modification. The MRC decoder is for an GP35. This tells me that the GP35 & Gp15-1 frames are similar in size. Just wondering if anyone tried putting the digitrax sdn144a0 in the GP35? If so let me know what modifications, if any are expected.