Hi. I wil be attending a train show soon and am required to only run 4 digit addresses. I plan to run 2 locomotives in a consist. How do I change the current 2 digit addresses to a 4 digit address on both locomotives so they still run in a consist? I use Digitraxx and also have JMRI, but can't seem to get it to work. I believe CV 17, 18, and 29 are somehow involved here.
Any reason you don't simply use the same address for both engines? I do this "address consisting" with many of my "semi-permanent" locomotive consists. Especially some A-B-B-A arrangements.
I also use decoder pro so it is a simple matter to make quick programming and consist changes. Here is a handy CV calculator to help with the options of CV 29 if you want the second engine to run opposite direction, i.e. back-to-back.
If you need to keep different engine number addresses, there is advanced consist information here that may help:
As far as I know Advanced consisting ONLY recognized two-digit addresses.
Good Luck, Ed
Ed, I can use 2 digit addresses fine, but when I try to add a 4 digit number (using JMRI), it automatically changes the CV when I try to add a 4 digit number in the "consist" tab, it changes in the "CV tab". I even tried to just change the engine numbers to the same 4 digit, and while the A unit ran, the "B" unit will not run (just sound only). I'm sure it's something simple.
Both engines, A & B with same address sure should act the same.
All I can offer is this JMRI info page, maybe there's something here that will shed some light on your problem:
I know this can get frustrating at times. I've resorted to resetting the decoder and starting over in some cases.
The simple way it to just use the same address in both locos. There;s nothing special, it's just likk setting any long address. If you want the to run back to back, change CV29 on the one to change the normal direction of travel. And you cna also adjust the lighting funtions so that onlt the headlight of the lead unit comes on when going forward, and only the headlight of the trailing unit comes on when going reverse. The rear light of both units is set to never come on. I have 3 locos set up like this I run for club shows. We don't allow Digitrax consisting. Some people don;t pay attention to what number they key in when selecting a loco and have a tendency to steal someone's middle loco from the consist.
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Why not program the decoders separately on the program track before consisting them?